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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. This is just as bad as what you complain about with posters like crusher. You two are made for each other. You have always started a bunch of threads about TT using exactly what you are complaining about. Look what Cain Fahey decided to post it makes TT sound good - let me start a thread. The facts remain exactly as they have been for over 2 years now - TT is a very average to below average QB. You have used everything from combining his rushing yards to using rushing attempts to push how many pass attempts TT has, but in the end it is always the same. TT can make some very limited throws, but he is not good enough to be a long term starter. will he start the season for the Bills - Yes. Will he finish the season for the Bills - Probably Not. Many of us watch the Bills along with as many other games on Sunday and Monday that we can. Some of us additionally watch other games we taped or have on game pass. I know what a good QB looks like and TT has not been that over 2 seasons as a starter and I do not expect much this year. I didn't before the Sammy trade and I don't now. But you can take these stupid posts like this and stuff them because in the end - you and Crusher are exactly the same just opposite ends of TT.
  2. If it does it does, but considering the Bills did not want the 5th year option - I don't think they were planning on having him come back - it is a vision - get something for him rather than letting him go for nothing.
  3. What a waste of a thread. The GM did exactly as he should- he talked with the HC and the Owner and made the trade. Since McD was already aware of calls - I am sure he and Beane decided at what point compensation was enough and the Rams finally got there. You finally have a functioning FO and people work hard to make it seem out of step - just crazy. Fans have been asking for a vision - we get 2 guys with a vision and a plan and then people criticize the plan or act like they do not know what they are doing - just makes no sense to me.
  4. I know your trolling, but Getting a second for a WR is good value - significantly better WRs have been traded for 4th round picks or higher. So the fact that we got a replacement player and a second was fine. Philadelphia got fleeced - as Darby has been anything but elite and would not have been good in this defense. I think we got back enough value to justify the trades and the players were sauce on top.
  5. I think this is a hot take and not even the least bit likely. I do not think the Front Office thinks that TT is the future at QB, but I think they plan to make use of him for the year and see what happens. Then there are a bunch of FA veterans available and the draft next year and I think they will bring in some QBs to lead this team.
  6. Since the trades did little to impact the season - I think they are still trying to win.
  7. After this year you either needed the the 5th year option or a franchise tag and both only gave you one year at 13 million or more. Then you would need a long term deal or lose him for nothing. The Bills got something for him. This is the first thing that has been different - keeping Sammy is the status Quo and the losing - having a vision that we are going to try and get a franchise QB and some players around him that is new. Will it work? We need to see, but you comfortable with losing would be to maintain the same old stuff with a guy that has brought them no where.
  8. Considering I don't think anything they did changed the output for this year - I will say the Bills
  9. Point one is totally irrelevant - yes I would draft a 24 yr old SW in the first if he was under a rookie contract and the injuries were not there. I would not draft a 24 yr old SW with the known injury history and knowing you need to sign him at 13-15 million a year contract with the injury history. You trade the guy to get a younger version that is price controlled for 4 or 5 years and fits the scheme you want to run. The Julio Jones comparison is great if we had Matt Ryan and a passing offense, but that is not what we are doing this year or probably next year - so get something and move on.
  10. I would say over 3 years if a guy has more catches per season, more yards per season, and more TDs per season - that he is more productive - yes. Is Sammy the better player - yes, but as he has not been healthy for a full season - he has never lived up to that potential. It is great that you think Sammy will be healthy - the issue is the you THINK. He has not been healthy since he started and there are many players that never really recover after that injury. There are also some players that do. It is a risky proposition to assume he will stay healthy and if you can get a player that has put up better numbers during the same number of years in the league - it is not bad to look at. I also think the QB play in LA is going to be bad - I think Watkins will at best be average with that team - and will be looking for a new team in 2018 and the Bills will have gotten something p, while the Rams will lose him for compensatory picks.
  11. Trading 2 firsts and a 4th for Sammy originally- says hi. This is not even the worst Bills trade involving Sammy.
  12. Nope, but on a season average - so unless you believe Sammy is gong to stay healthy - which he has not done yet - Matthews has been the more productive pro to date.
  13. Yesterday - legitimately 0% Tonight - still 0% They were not beating the Pats either way. So they were fighting for a wildcard from the get go with essentially and 0-2 record. They would of needed to go 10-4 and with or without Watkins that was not going to happen. At worse they went from an 8-8 team to a 7-9 team. Really think they have a vision and Sammy was not part of that vision.
  14. Yet Matthews has outplayed Watkins since being drafted in most stats - he has more catches each year than Watkins, more yards and more TDs. The key is a healthy Watkins can be a star, but an injured Watkins gives you nothing.
  15. You may be right, but they also have 6 picks in the first 3 rounds - so say that is true - they have the potential to fill everyone of those needs with someone in the first 3 rounds. So yes they may have to draft for positions traded away, but they also got draft picks just to do that. Seems more like running with a purpose now.
  16. This is great if the Bills thought he was worth that money - they obviously did not think a WR with his injury history and production was worth paying either the 5th year option or a franchise tag. Once they realize they do not want to pay that, while they try to find their franchise QB - the trade makes sense. Get something for him and help you get your QB and a WR in the next draft so they can develop together. This moves makes it very obvious what they think of TT as an answer at QB. This is about trying to get you QB and your playmakers together and not having SW sitting there making a boatload of money while we develop someone to throw him the ball.
  17. Without a QB they have a less talented offense than we had last year and a complete defensive overhaul. I think they will compete with SF at the bottoms of the division.
  18. Exactly - an it would potentially have saddled a team if he gets hurt. Again not sure the 5th year option meant you would have gotten more and may not have been able to do anything. Most teams were talking about a third or mid second for Cooks with the 5th year option. Finally got a late first from NE.
  19. The pats gave up a very late 1st for Cook. The Bills got a 2nd (potentially very high) and a potential starter. Seems about a wash to me. Not sure the 5th year option helps much at all.
  20. Voted - yes Short term it stinks, but I think it is a better long term solution and I do not think the drop off is that great. Matthews may be a better fit in the RICO scheme than Watkins anyway. He just is not as talented long term.
  21. How do you figure his value is at its lowest? He played caught a few balls and was not injured. I do not think Sammy's trade value gets much higher. There is a good chance he gets hurt in the next couple of games and then you get nothing. Not that I think the trade is good, but I do not hate it. They traded players to get replacement players and high picks. I think Matthews is a better fit for the offense that we are running than Sammy, but I hate the drops. We will see how it goes. Darby going to Gaines is a step down, but additional picks help.
  22. The issue he is not doing it consistently in practice - if he was then the OC would not be talking about once again. There are times at practice you can see him thinking about it, but more often than not - the throw goes outside to the WR moving side to side. He makes the safe play - that is not always wrong, but it also means plays are left all over the field. Peterman does not have TT talent or arm strength, but you see it already he has the anticipation- the issue is in the NFL the DBs are better than college and you see him them get better breaks and a few more picks than TT.
  23. We will have to wait and see, but it does not bode well. Three OC and all have asked for more anticipatory throws. I know Denison thinks it can be taught, but we are talking about 6 full years as a pro and 2 full years as a starter with OC and head coaches harping on that. As I said in the other TT thread - you can see this at camp - he has been inconsistent, but when he is completing a lot of passes - they seem to be wide to wide open WRs. You can see him looking more, but the progression seems to be toward the outside as much as anything. We will have to see.
  24. I think this is more significant than they understand. All of the brains study to date from NFL players were from former players that showed signs of CTE. The fact that it is not 100% is note worthy. Research teams are trying to develop serum biomarkers to test for CTE, but the studies are still on-going. The issue from some of the initial research seemed to focus on the fact that some CTE biomarkers were nearly as prevalent in the general public as in athletes and that some other sports Hockey, Soccer, wrestling- all showed similar levels to football players. Therefore - until they can do long term biomarker and brain research across the population- I will believe there is a link, but the impact is still up for debate.
  25. This is going to be so interesting. I hear some good and some bad from the reports. The one camp day I went to he was very up and down. Lots of throws to the outside - much like we saw last year, but there was a bit better timing. He also used his eyes a bit better, but it still was almost all safe throws - nothing that makes you say wow. Then you read Astro's reports and he tends to be very upbeat and gives a great impression and does an amazing job of providing details. Then you read other reporters and you get a mishmash of things across the board both good and bad. The one thing hat did worry me was Murph did state he did not think TT was having a good camp - he thought there was still time, but that there was more negatives than positives. When I hear that from Murph - that gives me pause because he is around the team all the time and he talks with a ton of players and coaches. He did say that was his opinion and nothing the coaches have said, but when your biggest cheerleader states he was a bit worried - it made me take notice. I also get the feeling that Donald Jones is not a big fan of TT's game - he brings up intangibles, but complained a lot about his passing, but I have not heard him be overly critical this camp. We will see how this all plays out, but I think we are in for another up and down year.
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