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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. And why is 26 covering the short out at 10 yard when even that gives them nothing. A more standard quarters defense covering 4 across would have been way more appropriate. That seems like a very bad defensive call knowing the game situation.
  2. Absolutely not, but watching him trying to slow down and get in position to make the tackle and not hit him early - I think his body got messed up - his head was up as he was getting there, but he should not have ducked his head totally. Again it was a split second thing and the way the timing was off for him - I just think he blew it bad. I just do not think it was a sign of anything - just something that happened at the worst time for that player. I will blame the coaches for not having a better deep coverage available. I think overall the coaches should get a bunch of blame, but that poor kid is going to get crucified by the fans for that play and he probably deserves a bunch of it.
  3. He is running full speed - I don’t think he could just stop. He realized how early he was and did not want a penalty.
  4. I don’t think so - he has been making good tackles throughout the game. Looked like he realised he was early and and was trying to avoid him to prevent the DPI. This is why you make DPI a spot foul. If it was only 15 yards they go for the interference every time. I am sure during the time-out the coaches stressed no PI and just tackle them in bounds. The ball hung and he got there early - could not have PI - so ducked and in a terribly unlucky play took out his only other defender. I think it was a bad play and be bad luck, but that was not him trying to hit the WR like that.
  5. This is exactly it - if he gets there early it is PI and they are in field goal range. I think he realizes it and tries to avoid him figuring there were 2 Saints to make the tackle. Then he takes out the one with the best shot. This will make them sick to their stomach watching that play.
  6. How do you feel Teef? (About the hire not how you feel in general - do not need to know that!)
  7. I do not know if it will be better or not - he sounds like a great teacher which is very important to McD. He also has cut his teeth with some of the best coaches in the world and that is important. Where I will agree with Maj is based upon his history as OC he is worse than Dennison. His rankings in both passing and points are lower than Dennisons and he really showed very little most of the year at Alabama. I understand that he has had garbage at QB to work with, but so has Dennison and at least Dennison has had some success as an NFL OC. So we can all sit and argue whether he will be better or not. Since he has not developed any QBs at any levels - this makes the hiring of a QB coach that much more important. I think Daboll will be fine, but he is not the guy I want developing my young QB. If they get a nice QB coach then this hire will matter less, but if they do not get someone to develop the QB - then this hire was probably a mistake. That is my opinion.
  8. I hope so too -I like what McD has done so far.
  9. If the choice was really keeping Marrone or Whaley - I think Marrone was a better coach than Whaley was a GM. I think Marrone had us going in the right direction and even if he was a jerk - he was the best coach we had since Wade. All of that is under the bridge and past - so now I do not care just beat NE.
  10. I do not think he is a great coach, but no way should Pittsburgh let him go. The consistency is part of the reason they have been so good for so long.
  11. Not if they hire Brian Schoenheimer as coach. Strange things in the Pacific Northwest.
  12. Can’t - the Bills would of had to exercise that last off-season and declined. The Rams only option is the tag.
  13. His running game was good, but the passing attack under both Roman and Lynn was no better than under Dennison. Overall the difference between 2015-2016 and 2017 was under Roman and Lynn we got TDs from the running game in chunks. This year those chuck plays were stopped or McCoy came out and you were stuck running those plays with Tolbert. Dennison did very little to impact TT numbers and actually you saw him play better on third downs because not every third down pass last year was a deep go route. What I saw was a schemed passing attack that had guys open on multiple levels and a QB that was consistently late on throws and reads. If they decide to replace Dennison that is fine, but it is nearly impossible to know the impact that having a subpar passing QB caused in a West Coast Offense.
  14. Really, his numbers this year with Rico are nearly identical to his numbers under Lynn and Roman. TT’s numbers did not change. The running attack took a step back from #1 to #6 and that was basically the difference in offense. Smith also had an incredible year this year putting differences between TT normal year and what Smith can do at his best. I am not sure Smith provides you a whole lot more than TT, but I think he is an improvement. I would much rather have him mentor a young QB than TT because he can at least read the field. I do not care if it is Smith or someone else from FA, but I do not want to see TT out their doing his thing anymore 3 years and 3 OC’s and people still think he is not the problem.
  15. Good Grief - some of you guys are just insane. Tony’s Job is to get hits and watches - he makes an over the top statement and puts #billsmafia because that will get traction and get him hits. Then you get into this thread and people are arguing whether he is the worst or not and bringing up names like: EJ, Tebow, Bortles, Billy Joe and for god’s sake Joe Dufek. What I know is Tony went over the top - he is obviously not the worst passer, but if you are bringing up these names as a response- it is also obvious he is very bad. In the end - TT is what we have been saying he is for 3 years now - a great athlete playing the QB position. Whether he goes someplace else and starts or is a back-up, he played hard for us and I respect that. I will also be happy to see him gone because he just is not good enough and he makes it impossible to gauge what your team and coaching staff is like. This thread is just icing on the cake of TT’s Buffalo career. You have his defenders and his haters working hard to find QBs either worse than him or guys like Bortles that he is on par with. That should tell you everything, but by tomorrow we will have 3 or 4 more LAMP threads stating either why TT should stay or why he must go. Let this thread with his comparisons to Tebow and Bortles be the death toll for this QB and let’s move on to bashing whoever is new.
  16. It is clear he adapted throughout the year. He had several roll-out, QB draws, RPO’s etc - the things everyone asked for all year. The line repeatedly talked about how they adapted to more power runs with Cogs pulling. To say say he did not adapt is just the easy way out. He adapted - Sal even had a great take on this. The issue is TT did not adapt and get better from the pocket. Dennison made changes, but needed and asked for more from TT and could not get it.
  17. Look he adapted and tried to make things better throughout the season, but when your QB is so limited you can’t even call an RPO at the goal line like other real NFL teams - then there are bigger issues than the OC. For the year - even with the snow game - he got basically the same thing out of TT that the last 2 OC got. The difference was his running attack was not as strong, but we were by far the best the last 2 years and last year was insane and not necessarily sustainable. We were still top 10 running with his attack and just like the last 2 OC bottom 5 passing. I think it reflects more on QB play than OC since this is 3 different OCs with the same result. With all that said - I have no issue with trying to improve, but do not give me a retread like McCoy that keeps failing. If you have a new young guy to try with a young QB - go for it.
  18. Happy - I get what you are saying, but is this not the issue with Taylor overall. If you can not trust Taylor with RPO’s in a situation that you know they are going to stack the box and leave you stud WR 1:1 then when are you going to trust him. Look people complain about Dennison for all of the shortcomings of the offense this year, but what do you want him to do. We complain that he does not move TT around and yet when they do move him outside on roll-outs - he was not very successful unlike SF 2 weeks ago. People wanted more RPO’s to give TT a chance to make these choices, but when they are called and the QB fails - everyone complains why would you call that there - even though it is standard NFL playcall near the end zone. People wanted call QB runs, and when they are called and fail it is complained about. The fact seems to be that Dennison is forced and constrained in what can be called because TT is a subpar QB. The fact that our OC is unable to call a very consistent and standard play call like an RPO is a huge part of the issue.
  19. I thought the TD catch was fine - you could see both feet down and the ball did not come loose - so you could see control the whole time - this has been a TD for a while no change. If you could see the exact moment Benjamin had complete control - his would have been a TD, but because the ball bounces from his hands to his chest/stomach and you can not tell when he has control and his foot comes up - I can see that being ruled incomplete. The Charles Clay play was also obvious and the correct call - we actually got lucky because if they had decided he was fully back in bounds - it would of been an illegal touching and not only incomplete, but a penalty also. The interception- the ball moves a lot, but I never saw an angle showing it definitely hit the ground. It was close, but he had his arm under it and then roles and with the dark ball and the shading I never saw it make obvious contact with the ground. In my Bills heart - I hoped for an overturn, but I thought it was the correct call.
  20. Really Mike McCoy - Why? He went to Denver and was fired because his QBs did significantly worse than when Dennison was there. I would not want Mike McCoy near this team as OC. You want him to Be QB coach - maybe, but stay away from the offense. The Denver fans that wanted Dennison gone - were missing him by week 4 before McCoy was finally released.
  21. He can’t normally play that way because typically the other team has a QB that can force him into coverage. His game today was part of the sell out to stop the run and we are not afraid of Bortles beating us through the air. The Bills and the Jags are about the only team you can run that scheme against and get away with it.
  22. What???? Yes his 3 points and his indecisive play nearly brought us to victory. I thank him for his effort and wish him well on travel to another team. I really hope hope that was the last time I have to see him in a Bills uniform.
  23. Not a horse collar or a penalty.
  24. I have no issue at all - TT trying to run and the Jag making a tackle - this is a non issue in my eyes - it happens in football. You out want to stop that - put a collar on the players to stop the head snap.
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