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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. He was a 3rd round pick that is being benched. No way do I give up a 3rd or even a 4th. I doubt the Bills deal with Washington, but if they want to make amends - Gibson and 7th for Moss and a 6th. If they only want a pick - I still go no higher than a 6th. If He was staying as Washington’s starter - he might be worth a touch more, but if they consider him a back-up and he was a third rounder - he has dropped significantly in value toward the 6th/7th range. McCaffrey is worth a 3rd maybe a 2nd - Gibson no way.
  2. You would still need 100% visibility of the ball for the system to work. If the systems can not see the ball from all angles - how can it accurately determine the position?
  3. Really think you are missing the issue. 1st as has been stated in the other threads on this topic - you will not get the accuracy you are talking about. The chip will give you an idea, but not anything closer than the current video evidence. Even when you can see the ball - the chip just gives an area - so it would not work for LOS/TD/1st downs. 2nd - even if they begin to narrow down the accuracy - you still need to have proof of the player is he down and where exactly is he down and therefore you would need to sync to the Millisecond the tracking of the chip to the video and that is more difficult and time consuming than the current process and still doesn’t help in all scenarios. 3rd - what if the ball is not going straight ahead - the 2 ends are going across the field as the player dives. Video evidence shows the laces appearing to cross the plain, but the tracking shows it short. Now you have created a mismatch and what would happen if the ball was hidden or you can’t see down. The reality is - the technology is not advanced enough at this point to be a huge help and I doubt until they redo the fields with sensors perfectly spaced that could provide the required accuracy - this is a non functional solution looking for a question. Currently - I believe the balls already have sensors in them - so they can be used for advanced metrics like speed of throw and other AWS metrics that the league uses - it just has to get mirrored to the video to provide the data. It is rarely an issue of did it cross the plain. It is an issue of where was it when the player was down - which means not only video getting synced, but then syncing the sensors down to the millisecond as you review the film. it would still not end the debate - it might change it, but it would not end it.
  4. Go to Ourlads and depth chart - he is listed on the injury section because he is on PS-IR and is out. The Bills should not waste an IR return on him - so my guess is when healthy - he gets cut rather than activated and he will not rejoin this team.
  5. You mean Thad in front of a mic 🎙. - let me say 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Just Joking with you - I would love to hear from Tre’
  6. I just honestly think the coaches are looking at this as position flexibility - all the way around. Benford has strong projections as a future safety with nice zone coverage skills, Elam is filling in nicely, White had great man and zone coverage ability, Dane has proven himself as an outside zone guy, Taron is a beast. All of them would give some different ability to mix and match or switch up with White and Elam on the outside in Man with Taron and Benford playing slot/Safety coverage on a guy like Kelce. You suddenly have the ability to put out 5 coverage guys that can all tackle and cover and take away entire parts of the field and then bring Hamlin and Poyer in for some changed up looks. I want the Bills playing with people’s minds with coverages. Who is covering who and how are we going to disguise the coverage to get some easy plays - just like we do on offense. I want to see all of these guys working together and forming a unit that can shut down teams passing and the DL stopping the run game.
  7. The thing is that the rotation is the same - it is still doubled with just a different starting point. AFC East - H,H, division, A, A, Division - paired couplets. AFC North - H,A, Division, A, H, Division - same paired couplets- just slide 1 spot to ensure proper home and away schedules. All divisions end up with potential 3 games against a team at home or on the road versus a team depending on record and where the H/A division games fall based upon that preset rotation.
  8. It is a formula - you can go ahead and look to see exactly which teams we play home and away for the next decade (assuming nothing gets shifted or a new division is created). You don’t know exactly which team is always on tap because that is based on exactly where you finish the previous year, but it will list Away AFC West and Home AFC South for example. The teams then get filled in. They have it nicely laid out if you just look for it (already posted in this thread. The NFL does rotate home and away when you play the entire division, but since you have no idea ahead of time who will finish where - it makes no sense to try and build Home/Away for that - you just set it up on a rotating basis - which is exactly what they have done.
  9. OK - so Devin Singletary over 50 games - 4.7 YPC CMC over 63 games - 4.6 YPC It is not just over a small sample size the comparison holds for well over 4 years. Explosion - I get it, but Devin has had the longer run in 2 out of his 4 years and the same with receiving 2 out of his 4 years - Singletary has the longer reception for the year. CMC does have a 1.2 yard per reception advantage for his career over 8 to nearly 7 for Devin. Devin has also been significantly healthier and costs significantly less long term - although there may be savings for the rest of this year. My overall point is just that whether a trade happens or not - the RB in a Buffalo offense makes very little difference. They get very limited touches running the ball and limited passes to catch - Make the change, but expect little real overall impact. Maybe CMC could change that but he also has a history of injury that would suggest you get less than 1/2 a season before he can no longer perform to that level.
  10. So are our RBs good or bad? Singletary over 4YPC this year and career over 4.7 YPC Moss - 5.3 YPC for the season Cook - 5.2 YPC for the season. They have better YPC than Pierce and are right in line with Hall and better than Jacobs career - although with the #1 run blocking line he is having a better year and all of that has gotten LV 1 win. Give me the better QB.
  11. My take is they are hearing the same rumors from over the summer and giving them new fire with the coach leaving.
  12. So Breece Hall had 18 for 97 - pretty much exactly what Moss and Cook have done- both are at 5.3 YPC. So what exactly is your point. The difference is Hall, Pierce, Jacobs all get significantly more carries per game. I can imagine any of them on the Bills, but can you picture Jacobs or Hall after getting 10 carries a game. I do not want to take the ball out of Josh’s hand for 20+ runs a game - Josh averages passing is double what Jacobs averages on the ground and his great running has made his team an incredible 1-4. They would not get the volume here to make a difference to the offense. They make a difference in an offense that has a mediocre QB and you are covering for him.
  13. Nope it seems total stupid as none of them have really said anything. The Bills would be stupid to include Singletary or Cook. Can you imagine how this board would implode when CMC has his typical injury and we traded Singletary and are forced to us Moss as the RB for a majority of a game. CMC with his injury history- the Bills better have insurance in place as a back up RB to handle the 4-6 games or more he tends to miss. I would be fine with a trade, but we need something else back to protect ourselves.
  14. or 1 guy said something and everyone else is just copying it. there was 1 tweet and then a bit later 2 more tweets that were nearly identical- even mentioning the same teams in the same order went out. Then some real insiders came out and said no one has talked at this time. So are teams lying or did someone make some crap up based upon reading tea leafs and several others jump on the band wagon - that is where I am leaning - there is a lot of self created smoke at this point. Little actual meat to eat.
  15. Nope - it is based upon a set rotation based upon your division. When you face an entire division - the home and away rotates, but because of when you play a division where you are matching up with like teams (winners or how they place) that rotates on a different schedule because you may or may not play the same team. It just so happens KC and Buffalo both keep winning and the portion of the rotation has the AFC East and AFC West winners playing at AFC West as part of the off cycle rotation. You can see the rotation for years out if you want - it is set to make it easier on the schedule - the teams just slot in later.
  16. If that is the case - does that mean Singletary, Moss, and Cook are that much better than the guys you are mentioning? Singletary - 4.3 YPC Moss - 5.4 YPC Cook - 5.2 YPC The team average is 5.1 YPC. Are you saying that McCaffrey, Barkley, or Henry would be so bad that they could not match a guy like Singletary behind this line because that makes no sense. All 3 are better players - so I would think that they could at least hit the same holes the other 3 hit and make similar yards per carry. I would also hope that a run like Moss had against Pittsburgh - maybe those 3 turn that from a 6 yard run off the goal line into a 30 or 40 yard run with some vision and balance.
  17. I agree and I would add that: #3 - the hit was no where near the head or in a spearing motion - allowing the Refs some Leeway. The only thing I was not sure I agreed with - was how the penalty was enforced. The Refs called it unsportsmanlike conduct as part of the action - therefore moving it back 15 yards and not giving the Steelers the first down. Which worked out for Buffalo. I think the correct call as Hamlin hit Pickett as he slide and was down and then after the play was over the unsportsmanlike conduct occurred - it should have been a dead ball foul with Pittsburgh awarded the first down and then the 15 yard penalty making it 1st and 10 from the 29 rather than 3rd and 15 from the 29. The outcome was better for Buffalo - just think based upon the play - the Refs did a poor job calling the foul on Pittsburgh.
  18. The problem is the Ref did not take control - just like last week in their game. This crew allowed both games to get out of hand and then this particular Ref gets involved in the action. The players have a level of responsibility, but the Refs are supposed to be above that and in this case the Ref put his hands on a player and then was angry when said player retaliated. Then the Ref lost his cool and got in the face of the player. This Ref was the cause of the issue and really should face disciplinary action, but he won’t.
  19. Agreed - the entire over-reaction was Hussey’s fault. AJ had both arms around Shaq and was moving him away from the pile when Hussey comes up behind and shoves AJ away. When he continued - AJ swung his Elbow and said something, but at that point he didn’t know it was a Ref and the Refs should not be pushing players - especially when they are helping to control a situation that the Refs failed to Control themselves. Then to make it worse - Hussey goes after him and another official has to step in the way. Bad look by the Zebra’s.
  20. Nope because then on a run or catch - if the hand goes down - you would need to call the runner down by contact. They are very specific about the hands not counting to keep it consistent for balance checks on other plays where the hands hit the ground.
  21. The poster is a moron that made the thread just to get a rise. He is a terrible poster and actually people are being kind as this barely makes his top 10 dumbest posts/threads list, but thanks for playing.
  22. Yep - Romo was running a pretty dumb narrative until somebody got in his ear to tell him it was incomplete. Just absolutely butchered the call - at one point saying he got both feet down. The Bills stadium is also one of the better to see both live and on the booths - just a really bad day by Romo.
  23. Well our resident Einstein is all over that with us needing a new Back-up. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  24. Ahh - look who had a thought - must be time for a thread. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  25. Agreed, but that is not on the UNC - that is on the team doctor. We also do not know what was said. Did he say like a stinger that it flared and stopped or was that a Dolphins code for getting out of concussion protocol. I think you can easily lay blame at the team doctor, but I do not think they can lay blame at the one person the NFLPA could blame - the UNC. The biggest piece though is if the player stated he had any symptoms, headache, light sensitivity, woozy feeling, etc. The UNC holds him out. If the player is hell bent on getting back in and lies about all of that and gamed the baseline testing and many former players have stated they do - for the express reason of getting out of protocol and getting back - isn’t that the primary issue the NFLPA should be addressing. Players - including Tretter could be part of the solution to the issue rather than being a part of the problem and then blaming others for the problem.
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