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  1. But nothing's happening ..... #asshats
  2. Feel free to add British Columbia to the map
  3. https://twitter.com/i/status/1299780513260097536
  4. Trump draining the Swamp
  5. Here's your unknown... Steven Horsford (D-NV4) has repeatedly slammed the Trump administration over what he claims is “racism” or “anti-LGBT” policies. Meanwhile, Shelbie Bostedt, who has served as the two-term African-American Congressman’s Press Secretary since June 2019, has tweeted the word “n*gga” or “n*ggas” over 20 times, as well as tweeting the hashtag “#DirtyMexicans.” Bostedt has mocked Indian accents and taken particular aim at Asians, in a series of tweets dating back to 2013. “THERE IS AN ASIAN BRIGADE IN MCCARRAN. I REPEAT: ASIAN BRIGADE,” she tweeted, and in another racially motivated attack, said of Asian classmates: “There are almost too many stereotypes to count.” Bostedt has also referred to thing with the pejorative use of “gay” and “super *****”. The Democrat staffer has worked for the left-wing Foreign Policy magazine, the Chicago Tribune, and is currently enrolled in a Master’s programme at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. When contacted for this story, Ms. Bostedt refused to respond and instead set her social media accounts to “private” mode: an arguably odd thing to do for a press secretary.
  6. https://youtu.be/9CubkyIzygQ
  7. BOOM!! CNN gets a taste of their own medicine on LIVE TV!  ? ? ?
  8. https://youtu.be/xBOMjZU-aCE?list=RDhdC-kR9MJxU
  9. https://youtu.be/WUEqh07E4dY
  10. What's the over/under that Trump mentions "Stretchin" the truth at an upcoming presser ?
  11. So Trump asks Lindsey to call on Obama to testify, knowing that isn't going to happen.......but maybe it forces Graham to do the next best thing ? 4d ?
  12. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUNK0vZUMAAv2op?format=jpg&name=medium
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