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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. Yes. I’m sure he’s heard “oh I’m so sorry to hear that” a million times
  2. Congratulations man. I can tell you that dating in your 30s is getting a little rough, but whores are everywhere
  3. Well then I’m not sure how these guys can even afford to eat
  4. Brady is 53 years old. His production has to decline. It’s science
  5. Yes. But it’s bound to stop at some point
  6. I don’t feel bad for these guys at all. Most of them get free education to begin with. It all comes down to them not knowing what to do with their money. They blow it all and then look for hand outs
  7. Don’t they already have a pension? edit: yes they do and I’d say it’s pretty decent The NFL could stand for "Not For Long," with the average career lasting only three years - just enough to qualify for the league's pension plan. The league's plan is based on years of service in the league. Players who retired in the '80s and '90s receive anywhere from $3,000-5,640 per month for every season played in the NFL. Newly retired players receive $5,640 dollars monthlyfor every year of service. Players with 10 years of service receive an additional retirement bonus in the form of an annuity. Players are eligible to receive their full benefits at the age of 55. While the pension plan is much worse than other sports, the NFL does offer a generous 401(k) plan. The league matches every player's contribution up to 200%. (Housing your retirement plan inside a variable annuity contract offers some big advantages, but only if you are close to retirement. Read more: Top Pro Athlete Pension Plans https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0710/top-pro-athlete-pension-plans.aspx#ixzz5RSqx6drU Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook
  8. We do need an upgrade at back up QB. But we need upgrades throughout the entire roster
  9. McDermott also took over the defensive play calling yesterday. I’ll never reveal my source though
  10. Yeah they did a piece on billsmafia last year and it was pretty good. But then they always rip on the team every chance they get. I mean they are from Boston so they’re mostly pats fans. It’s just annoying
  11. It was probably a chick driving the challenger. Now if it would have been a mustang then that scenario could have played out....
  12. Prediction: Logan Thomas will see some time at QB
  13. Thread of the year. I’m sure it will last a long time....
  14. These are annoying. Anything to make Buffalo look worse than it is. Road rage happens in every big city. And eff Barstool Sports as well. They seem to have a love/hate relationship with the Bills
  15. I’ll bet you’ve made a ton of great decisions in your life based on your spelling and grammar
  16. “Enough said”. Hopefully forever. And it’s “Sean” not “Shawn”. I take that personal
  17. Before the season I was adamant that the line wouldn’t be as bad as everyone was saying. Boy was I wrong. I thought they were better yesterday though compared to the Ravens game
  18. I hate that we call these guys by their initials. Like Tom Brady is referred to as “TB12”. I’m probably just old and bitter though.
  19. This looks really bad for the organization. Add in the fact that we’re completely awful.
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