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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. Fred is from Massachusetts originally so I’m assuming he was brought up a pats fan
  2. Yes. It was a bit of an exaggeration. I’m glad you caught that....
  3. The city is currently being burnt down to the ground ??‍♂️
  4. I was a little disappointed with this. You’d think with the drought being 17 years in the making it would have been at least an hour long. I thought it’d be more depth, not just about the Miami game. I did however catch all the feels again watching Andy dalton throw that touchdown...
  5. The thing about highlight videos is, everyone has one....
  6. But this doesn’t really affect me as a Bills fan at all. Not trying to be a dick I just don’t know if this related to the bills or Kirk cousins or something
  7. Is this something that I should care about?
  8. Exactly what I was thinking. I think it makes total sense
  9. This would be good for us if we really wanted him
  10. Is “nasty no glove nick” a real nickname or did you just make that up?
  11. That playoff game feels like forever ago now. We’re on to the off-season
  12. How do we fix the WR situation? Get a QB that can throw the ball..
  13. The OP obviously wasn’t hugged much as a child and is now seeking attention any way he can get it
  14. I’m not really sure why but now I want Kirk cousins...
  15. I just really can’t wait for this “dilly dilly” thing to go away..
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