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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. Fred is from Massachusetts originally so I’m assuming he was brought up a pats fan
  2. I was a little disappointed with this. You’d think with the drought being 17 years in the making it would have been at least an hour long. I thought it’d be more depth, not just about the Miami game. I did however catch all the feels again watching Andy dalton throw that touchdown...
  3. But this doesn’t really affect me as a Bills fan at all. Not trying to be a dick I just don’t know if this related to the bills or Kirk cousins or something
  4. Is “nasty no glove nick” a real nickname or did you just make that up?
  5. That playoff game feels like forever ago now. We’re on to the off-season
  6. How do we fix the WR situation? Get a QB that can throw the ball..
  7. The OP obviously wasn’t hugged much as a child and is now seeking attention any way he can get it
  8. I’m not really sure why but now I want Kirk cousins...
  9. I just really can’t wait for this “dilly dilly” thing to go away..
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