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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. He’s lost about two steps now at this point in his career. I would say he should move to safety if he wants to keep playing but he’s not exactly known for his tackling
  2. I’m going to wait til the combine to form an opinion on him. I was sold on mayfield until I watched the Rose Bowl this year. He didn’t exactly wow me but I partly blame that on the play calling in the second half
  3. Foles blows his knee out in the 1st quarter and ends his career. Then it is revealed that he’s actually slightly below average in the nether region
  4. Cousins will probably ask for more than that
  5. Perhaps I should have read the article ?
  6. I just don’t see how Jacksonville and San Francisco are ahead of New England. Unless bellichick and/or Brady retires, they gotta be the odds on favorite. I believe Vegas agrees as well
  7. Ok so I got a call back from a rep. Any recommendations on seats? Not trying to break the bank but I also don’t want nose bleeds...
  8. Really? Re-read my post. You do know that we got smoked in those Super Bowl games right? Our hall of famers didn’t really show up in the big game....
  9. With the exception of Super Bowl 25, there weren’t very many strong links on the team. During the actual games anyways
  10. I also read on Facebook that there are black singles in my area that want to hook up. I mean, if it’s on Facebook it has to be true...
  11. Awesome I just sent another email
  12. It’s kinda weird that I haven’t received any response. Did my email go to email purgatory? I’m a slave to the product so I’ll keep emailing and probably eventually call if I have to
  13. One year is a long time in the NFL. The best thing for both parties is to make a deal. The eagles will make out because his value is through the roof right now. Foles will make out because he’s about to get a long term contract
  14. Never draft a QB before rd 3 either. Foles was drafted in the 3rd rd and Brady was drafted in the 6th rd. Makes total sense right?
  15. I would think that any deal made would have to come with a contract extension
  16. Don’t let facts get in the way of an interesting story
  17. I don’t have an “obvious dislike towards Philly”. I was simply exaggerating a fact. I thought that would be easy to catch but apparently not. When we win a Super Bowl I will be out lighting every car on fire that I see (not literally please don’t freak out)
  18. Really? Get a life? You do know the fans are there lighting fires and flipping over cars right? Obviously the city isn’t burning to the ground, Jesus are you guys !@#$ing retarded?
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