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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. I stopped reading when he said he’d be looking for a 3 year 45 million dollar contract, or 1 year at 16 million...
  2. Ben Coates was a pretty good TE for New England back in the day.
  3. Probably because the rumor never existed, so there’s nothing to actually leak...
  4. What could have been. I’m not opposed to bringing him in. But he’s a guy that will complain and whine if he doesn’t get the ball
  5. Have you checked the depth chart lately? AJ McCarron and Nathan Peterman are our QBs. Doesn’t really seem like Buffalo would be a hot spot for a diva WR destination
  6. Random fact: AJ McCarrons first name is actually Raymond....
  7. Too many white guys. Don’t forget we also have matt Milano still
  8. I’m shocked that Gaines hasn’t signed anywhere yet. I think Matthews would like to forget his year in Buffalo ever happened, don’t see him coming back. Would love okafor and bowman at the right price, both have lost a step or two and I’m sure are asking too much
  9. Reading this almost makes me not want to draft a QB now. He’s going to be motivated knowing that there’s a blue chip prospect just waiting for him to !@#$ up
  10. I was quite proud of my comeback. But you were actually right. Olean is a shithole
  11. What if McCarron chose Buffalo because he knew he wouldn’t ever see the field in New England? ?
  12. Something to break up all the QB threads ??‍♂️
  13. Just saw that we signed him but no mention of him on here. LB from the jets. Thoughts or complaints?
  14. It’s been quiet because Nick Foles is not available. I wish he was though. But yeah them moving up to 12 shoots this rumor down pretty quickly
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