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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. You have the IQ of a door knob. Yeah you gave me 8 teams. All those teams have a better QB situation than us. But you wear Velcro shoes because you’re not smart enough to form a basic knot. I’ve never in my life used the ignore function on any message board I’ve ever been a member of. But your such a dumb piece of **** that I have no choice. Later pigdick ✌?
  2. I’m 100% not joking. I feel guilty because you’re retarded and you’re not smart enough to have adult conversations
  3. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you’re retarded. I feel kinda guilty now
  4. Disgusting? Prime rib? You sound like my girlfriends 8 yr old daughter. Everything is disgusting
  5. I wasn’t. And yes you are right. And then we all come together to places just like this one and discuss our opinions. Do you see how this works now?
  6. Name five teams that have a worse QB situation than us. I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m just looking at it through the eyes of an everyday football fan.
  7. Hey man I liked the McCarron signing and I think Josh Allen is going to be a star. But we have biased opinions. If I was on the outside looking in, I’d say our QB situation is pretty dismal
  8. I’d say our QB situation is close to worst in the league. Our 3 QBs combined have 6 total starts I believe
  9. The thread title gave me half a chub. Then opening the thread gave me blue balls. “Several sources” my ass
  10. It drives me absolutely crazy when people blame Eichel for the team not being good. Eichel is a stud. If anyone should get some blame it’s Reinhart. He’s also a former #2 overall pick. Although he was on an absolute tear the last couple months of the season. Hopefully these guys can gel. Adding Dahlin is going to be huge
  11. Come on man. It’s Dahlin and it’s not even fair to compare them.
  12. Oh. This kid is just a camp arm. But I’ve noticed in other threads your hatred of the Allen pick
  13. Tyler Thigpen? Where the hell did he come from? I hated the pick at first. But I’ve done a full 180 on the kid. The guy reeks Buffalo. He’s worked hard to get where he is. He’s very humble and appreciative. Apparently he’s a good beer pong player as well. Watch some videos of him. Start with this one.... http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-total-access/0ap3000000927196/Soul-Science-How-fast-can-Josh-Allen-throw
  14. That’s todays society. If it’s not put on social media then it didn’t actually happen
  15. Kinda wish they could’ve come up with something more original. That’s like cowboys fans being called #cowboysmafia or something
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