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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. I remember losing to the Dolphins in the playoffs and Jimmy Johnson smashing a box of Flutie Flakes in the locker room afterwards
  2. This is funny because it could be a true. The dudes got like 14 kids or something
  3. My first favorite running back was Robb Riddick. 15 tds in 1988. Most of them from the 1 yard line
  4. That’s awesome man. Congratulations! I’ve been thinking about getting back into collecting sports cards, seeing that just might force me to buy a couple boxes
  5. Saying Tom Brady is gay is just like saying that he sucks. Everyone knows that he doesn’t suck, he’s arguably the greatest qb of all time. And he’s obviously not gay either, his wife makes McCarrons wife look like a bar whore on Chippewa ...
  6. Tyrod was never given a chance in Buffalo?!?!?!? This guy does know that he started for 3 years here right? What a freakin ball bag
  7. Hasn’t played a game in 4 years?!? Is Peerless Price available?
  8. There really is a mykidsdad?!? This guy is a legend! I remember his name being brought up at BBMB before. Never in a good context though....
  9. I liked these message boards because they weren’t over moderated. Now all of the sudden it’s going down that road...
  10. I really don’t think it’s going to be as bad as people are saying. Losing Glenn really doesn’t affect anything. He’s barely played the last couple seasons. Dawkins stepped in and did awesome last year. Incognito was on the downslope of his career. He’s 34 years old and maybe had one more year left. I loved Eric Wood but he was pretty average. We signed Jeff Bodine in the offseason to play center and we also have Groy who has been a very solid backup for us.
  11. Yes but I don’t believe that it’s actually the dog
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