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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. Tom Brady. I know he doesn’t fit the criteria but he’s a pigdick
  2. What did Da’Norris Searcy do to even make it on this list?
  3. My Spielman is usually my go to jersey when I go to the games. If I can lose like 15 lbs I’ll be wearing the Cribbs jersey
  4. Or maybe your joke came off as confusing and not the least bit funny ??‍♂️
  5. Should be a “Ive never heard of such a movie” option
  6. This story has gotten a ton of attention now. Eventually it will get to Beane or McDermitt and the kid will get a new football signed by the whole team. I’d be absolutely shocked if this didn’t happen
  7. I hear ya. The last jersey I bought was the Conlan autographed jersey. It was cheaper than the newer jerseys anyways. Plus the older I get the weirder I feel about having a jersey of a kid that’s more than a decade younger than me..
  8. It’s a large and I’m also too fat for it. I need to slim down before the season. I bought it on eBay for like 40 bucks. I think I saw another one on there last night but I’m not sure what size it was Jusy looked there’s a few on there. Some are even signed and are pretty cheap
  9. I’ve been searching through eBay the last couple days looking at jerseys. Just curious about what you guys have in your collection. I currently have a Jim Kelly Super Bowl 25 jersey, a home Shane Conlan autographed jersey, a home Joe Cribbs jersey, and a home Chris Spielman jersey. I used to have Losman, Whitner, and McGahee jerseys but those are in a landfill somewhere. I’m seriously contemplating an Edmunds jersey but I can’t seem to pull the trigger
  10. A. They meant to put the other “Jordan” we have on the team B. Mills cousin made the selections
  11. The stampede drums also add no value to the actual game. Boring!!!
  12. If you’re a heterosexual man and you don’t like cheerleaders, you might want to see a therapist. This is pure witchcraft you speak of. Be gone, witch
  13. After seeing this post I got right on Amazon and bought a couple boxes of Leaf Rookies cards. They came in the mail today and I was as excited as a 5 year old on Christmas morning. Unfortunately I didn’t get anything too exciting. I got a couple Allen cards but that was it for Bills players. I got a couple Mayfield cards and a bunch of Darnold cards. The autographed cards were just some jobbers that I can’t even remember
  14. I can’t wait to see a thread for every single player released this offseason. Should be a real hoot
  15. Jackson might be saying that Tyrod is the starter, but what is ownership/management saying? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that there is zero chance that Mayfield sits the bench longer than one or two games...
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