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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. I mean I get it but I just thought he was arguably our best forward in preseason. It’s going to be hard to crack top 6 minutes this year or next year. The 3rd line would be good for him
  2. It’s bad because it’s full of a bunch of no talent assclowns
  3. We overachieved last season and snuck into the playoffs on a miracle play made by another team. I was thinking playoffs again this year but now it’s painfully obvious to me that this is part of the rebuilding plan. At least we should be able to watch the Sabres contend for a playoff spot this season
  4. Why couldn’t have I been drafted by Cleveland?
  5. It’s about time someone starting asking real questions around here. Also, who would win in a street fight, a taco or a grilled cheese sandwich?
  6. You showed a lot of restraint by not trying to shake some sense into him.
  7. Peyton Manning was ruined by the Colts in his rookie season. Oh wait....
  8. Whelp, time to go drink bleach
  9. 1-3 is barely better than 0-4. We flat out sucked today and it looks to me that last week was a fluke. I’m officially back on the “it’s going to be a long year” train..
  10. I loved lee Evans in 2006. I thought Losman to Evans was going to be the real deal for years to come...
  11. It’s fun to pretend sometimes though
  12. I was wondering what our record would be if joe Ferguson was our QB. And not Joe Ferguson in his prime, I mean 68 year old Joe Ferguson....
  13. Will the moon come up tomorrow night? I mean it has every single night since the beginning of time but what are the actual odds of it? What’s the over/under?
  14. Did you just assume my fictional uncles gender?
  15. Dude I need the link to this
  16. If my uncle had a a vagina, would he be my aunt?
  17. I will definitely check this place out! Looks like a great menu
  18. Yes the Beef is definitely the most popular restaurant in town. Next time you’re in Olean stop at the Brothers Bistro. It’s just up the street from the Beef. They have the best food in town IMO Edit: I see you’re in Wellsville. The Beef Haus is one of my favorite restaurants. Probably the best clam chowder I’ve had
  19. I hope this thread goes on for the duration of this board.....
  20. I love these threads. I actually live about an hour and a half south of Buffalo and I love discovering new places to eat
  21. I wouldn’t be surprised if the XFL folds before it even begins
  22. Yes a nice dress shirt would be fine. I’ve been there 3 times and have never worn a jacket.
  23. Russells is the best restaurant I’ve ever been too. And yes there is a dress code but you don’t need a jacket or tie
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