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Everything posted by Buffaloflash

  1. Tre,probably has a thing about how his legs look. Small narrow calfs?
  2. So it will still be a test as to who is the best.
  3. Yep,A Bills loss was worst then getting Mortared! ***** Tam,River Assault Group (Rivron 15) 69'-70'
  4. Murf is the Man! He's a homer like me,I love his enthusiasm. Steve T.(Great Bill Player)on the other hand...
  5. You probably thought Robin Williams was funny too!
  6. I once was pulled over after leaving a bar,I had about 6 or 7 beers (160 lbs),had to do a sobriety test on the sidewalk. I passed it.I was a little tipsy,but I didn't let the idea that I was taking the test rattle me. Hopefully,Oliver learns from this,it could have been worst.
  7. Without a Doubt! Stronger and more talented then Reed!
  8. Uh Huh,I see what you did there!
  9. So, in conclusion,that points to Daboll not trusting Allen.
  10. Nope,just a part of.Tackling was not good.
  11. If you're old enough to remember,Marv recognized the same thing with Kelly and company. He acted on it!
  12. Tre White,stated in a recent interview,"This team is not tied to the Past" What Tre may not realize unfortunately is, the past IS tied to this team.They can change all that negativity tomorrow! GO BILLS!
  13. Yeah,With me you're preaching to the choir!
  14. If it isn't,it should be!
  15. That is the same thought I had also.I'm of the firm belief that Duke must have violated some policy or rule that has kept him off the field. Nothing else,makes sense to me!
  16. We learn something new everyday.Life is great!
  17. Congrats to the Fans that showed up! I know the Team appreciate that.
  18. My Son said the the Bills Fans have taken over the Dallas Stadium!
  19. I used to hold the big table in the back at Sundowners for Ruben B. and the Rookies he used to bring up on Fri. or Sat. By the time they arrived, and I turned the table over to them, I was so wasted that all my road dog and me could think about was that drunken journey back to the B-Lo.The lord looked out for us big time!
  20. I knew once he got a chance he would be a asset to this team.Go get'm Duke!
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