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Everything posted by Buffaloflash

  1. No, they decided that the complaint, wasn't Rebecca from Sunnybrook farm.
  2. Glad to hear somebody gave a little respect to Big Ed!
  3. This is the incident that made despises obj, and hope never to see him in a Bills's uniform! https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2576465-odell-beckham-jr-allegedly-punched-multiple-bills-players
  4. Hahaha, I live a few blocks from there, gotta go by and see if it's still up.
  5. Hopefully not. OBJ is a Sissie, I haven't forgotten when he hit or slap a Bill's player, and then ran a hid behind another giant player. Also, we don't need a Runningback.
  6. The hyperventilation and brown paper bag is gone!
  7. I give Josh big props for hanging in there. Josh playing constantly while other players were being shuttle in and out for heat issues, shows how tough that kid really is! I think the skipped pass to Lil Dirty, was due to exhaustion.
  8. I don't know how much of a so called scheme, 20 offensive plays could be in that kind of heat, but it definitely had a negative impact on the outcome of the game.
  9. Clapping on the sidelines. is also, a sign of passion and emotion.
  10. I can't see Hodgins on that list.
  11. If that is the case, then I'm not ignorant, you parents are ignorant!
  12. Facts straight. It was two days later.
  13. Yeah, But that doesn't prove Araiza caused it. If I was at a party and met a girl I didn't know, and she had nose and belly button rings or piercings? Yeah, I going to figure she's of age. What parent would allow their underage child to get nose and bellybutton piercing? Now of course, being that she's underage doesn't bode well for Matt.
  14. Well, I guess, we'll have to see how many we keep, and how those we do keep contributes. At this point, I'm very optimistic about whoever can make this team.
  15. He'll be gon like the turkey through corn if he's placed on the practice squad. So, if that's where he ends up, that means there was nothing the coaching staff could do to save him. This is the most talented group of rookies and free agents on the Bills I've ever seen!
  16. What a Class act for this team and organization! I love this team to death!!
  17. Considering how much money down state ***** every year, We wanted the Bills to stay in Buffalo, damn the cost!
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