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Everything posted by Buffaloflash

  1. I have nothing nice to say about Saint Sky King!
  2. Good Read Virgil! Good win to start the season,glad Shady got his yard plus ten. What was amazing to me,was,the predictably of the play calling in the First game of the season?
  3. Not Me! My weekend started on a great note!
  4. In some quarters,you're actually preaching to the choir! Good Post!
  5. Really sorry to see you go Aaron,But your family need you healthy!
  6. Mean?Who cares! Say what you feel.......Because I am! Gilmore sucks!!! I love the fact that he will play in N.E. We need all the help we can get,this could very well be Divine Intervention
  7. He watches receivers catch balls,he is afraid of getting hit or hitting,he can't tackle! I'm glad he's Gon like a Turkey thru the Corn!
  8. 2nd Best news,Taylor being the Best!
  9. Thank You TBD for the welcome mat!
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