I heard we picked up some kid from the Cowboys, Something Chandler. We better not drop him though or the Pats* get will get him.
Also, *golf reference/jack Nicholson/gloves*
(Did I hit all the angles?)
My understanding the last time I researched this is online sports betting is legal, but processing the payment back to you for winnings is the sticky area. Was I wrong on this or have there been changes?
I believe the origin of this nickname comes from Beane's family history of sailing ships. "Steady as she goes" was the oft heard phrase on journeys across the sea to whoever was steering the ship. Peterman in a way is steering the metaphorical ship of the Bill's offense. The "Eddie" part is just to make it rhyme.
Hope this helps OP.
Who are these people tweeting? Are they legit?
Assuming they are, I am surprised players would comment like this. I thought teammates' contract stuff was taboo for them to discuss.
I agree with you, but Mack's cost controlled 5th year didn't result in any playtime with the raiders in this case. It did result in a big return tradewise though.