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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. Idk about the Marriott. I stayed as well at some Holiday Inns on Niagara Falls Blvd. One was still pretty new. It wasn't the greatest view in the world but I was impressed at the size of the hotel room the one time I went there. To me it does the trick. Yeah that's why I love cities like Buffalo, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. They have that rust belt sports crazed stereotype to outsiders. Some of which is true but there's other stuff beyond that as well. Like Pittsburgh had the Andy Warhol museum, Cleveland has a world class art museum among other stuff.
  2. This is my favorite of his. It never gets old
  3. I remember Sorrentino's across the street. Yeah that hotel definitely does the trick for me as well if I'm ever up that way.
  4. That's funny I was at that same hotel I'll say in 2019ish I think. The years increasingly go by faster... I just remember driving right by it the first time as the actual hotel is sort of a little pushed back off the Main Street. There was a convince store right there as well.
  5. Dude, the Bulls are on this list but the Knicks aren’t as well. LOL In over 50 years the Knicks haven’t win a championship and have only been back twice.
  6. The Browns did make the playoffs last year... The Lions the NFC Championship Game. I mean I'm assuming that list is based on more recent year results as our Bills aren't on it. Let's be honest it's not always easy being a Bills fan
  7. This is the perfect thread to open if you wish to lose your appetite
  8. Not much I'm watching in general these days. The Mets I seem to follow more on google scores. But yeah I found this game on Youtube that was 27 years old already today. wow. If you like watching old Mets games this one comes recommended. Bobby Jones vs the young Pedro Martinez
  9. Or guys you like? I’m not sure how popular that slang is in Buffalo. I don’t use it that much but yeah I warmed up to being called that. Shows the other person thinks of you as their equal kind of thing to me.
  10. Instant replays of highlights with social media and forums like this have their benefits. But stuff like this over 30 years ago still seems epic watching it. I think to me because a lot of the present technology wasn’t around then.
  11. @Gugny @ExWNYer That story reminded me a little of Nelson Figueroa. I always liked that dude and wished the Mets gave him a little more of a chance than they seemed too. Anyone catch the Strawberry retirement number yesterday? I missed being a Mets fan during his tenure with the team but retiring his and Doc's numbers seems more like a way to appease a certain amount of the fanbase. I just think they could have been a lot more than what they were with the team and I remember them more as Yankees than Mets. But it seemed yesterday Daryl kind of admitted as much apologizing for how thinks could have been different.
  12. Well the casino is on hold for now https://www.nj.com/sports/2024/05/mets-owner-steve-cohens-first-big-move-of-season-gets-blocked.html?outputType=amp It’ll take more than one win to get back on board paying attention to the team on the field. See how it all plays out
  13. Super Bowl 25. I just turned 7 but I remember my dad rooting for the Bills because he liked the city of Buffalo a lot as well as Buffaloians. He ironically isn’t or wasn’t a big football fan. So primarily cause of him.
  14. By good I mean it’s certainly at the very least expected the team will make the playoffs and win the AFC East. I seem to now really only follow the main headlines around the team like the Coleman pick. Or stuff that might help or not help get the team over the top. During the Jauron/Gailey/Marrone years I’d look at the roster top to bottom in the offseason and look for ways the team could improve. Follow more rounds in the draft and the Bills choices, etc..,. But I guess for some fans trying to win the Super Bowl provides extra incentive to still follow closely what goes on?
  15. My inner Beavis and Butthead had to notice Anus is in his last name. For the story it seems appropriate for this dude
  16. Sexy Rex- he couldn’t back up his personality. More annoyingly he just didn’t put the time and effort into wanting to win. Kelvin Benjamin and Mario Williams drove me nuts
  17. Bad things?
  18. It’s something as a kid I knew existed but never took seriously. Paul Phieffer from The Wonder Years was like the stereotype I had of allergy sufferers. Some years ago someone at work noticed I cleared my throat a lot and actually asked me that question if I had any. I still didn’t take it seriously but it made me wonder. I finally did see a specialist to find stuff I’m allergic too. I found out pollen…. It’s been kicking my butt of late.
  19. One of my first bosses was a big Bengals fan. During the interview I noticed he had lots of Bengals memorabilia in his office. So I mentioned liking the Bills and we kind of hit it off a bit after that. It was when both teams were both bad so we had some fun. I got the job afterwards. I’ll still say that will probably be the easiest job interview I’ll ever have the pleasure of going on.
  20. I loved the use of Heart of the Sunrise and Sweetness by Yes in Buffalo 66
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