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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. The 1980 team. A bit before my time but they beat a tough Jets team in the road in the first round. Then I know someone dropped an INT that woulda beaten the Chargers in the next round. That Bills team that year beat the Raiders in the regular season that went on to win the Super Bowl
  2. I do love some Christina every now and then
  3. I've been there once with my parents when I was in my 20's. We went to Yellowstone National Park and stayed in Jackson Hole. Thought they were both very beautiful. I had no idea how big Yellowstone Park was until I went there. I do have an online friend that lives there. Loves it but tells me it's like bitterly bitterly cold this time of year and how many aspects of it can be intimidating to people not used to it. Like you could drive literally for miles without seeing a person. And yeah she and her husband do frequent a restaurant there where Josh donated some of his shoes from his Wyoming days to the owner/restaurant. From second hand accounts Josh is well pretty much the person we all like here: Friendly and very giving. Actually the few encounters from people in Wyoming they were all like that. Similar to Buffalonians like that.
  4. Has anyone posted a song her of Hailee? I've definitely heard this song before but didn't realize it was her. It came on the 10 Spot on Sirius. I kinda like it
  5. Good band in their day. I'm thinking they are still not around/together 40 years later?
  6. Ditto. Lifelong battles with anxiety (a lot of it social) and found out that “condition” as well a few years back was my underlying issue if you will. Work is bad enough as is for me to get through. A good amounts of times I need a drink at the bar after work just to deal with my pops after work. A woman? Forget it. I know I am sounding very bleak right now but this trend is more and more common with younger guys https://www.vox.com/explain-it-to-me/399280/young-men-dating-struggles-single
  7. I would be one of them. Be curious to hear others reasoning. Mine manly is not having to answer to someone else in my spare time. Have enough bosses at work. That and just liking time alone more often than not.
  8. This turned out to be a triggering thread 😟
  9. I def have a memory of you saying you wouldn't do your weekly game threads anymore during the season. I get it.... we can check out anytime but we can never leave . Been down that road as well.
  10. He probably wasn't the worst but this is my only Bills memory of him
  11. EJ wasn't handled the best by the coaching staff at the time. I tended to be a pro EJ guy until I couldn't... That being said your take is fair
  12. I realized the Rams were a pretty darn good team as well. They gave the Eagles easily the best fight in the playoffs and they beat the Bills in the regular season. I think the Bills would have lost a similar 41-38 type game to the Eagles as they did the Rams.
  13. Just something that dawned on me yesterday. While my first reaction to the Eagles is negative it’s pretty funny I’ve rooted for them in the 4 Super Bowls they’ve been in. 2x against the Patriots and 2x against the Chiefs. Even back in the 90s it was cool to find a team that despised the Cowboys of that era as well probably more than Bills fans. I still recall back in the 90s on the web finding Dallas Sucks pages on the Internet written by Eagles fans. And yeah only AFC East team Bills didn’t lose a Super Bowl too. Odds are Bills woulda lost last night if they made it.
  14. He’s still a pretty good quarterback on paper. But he seems to be type of guy very aware of that in how he plays
  15. To be fair in the drought years I remember Buffalo Bills.com featuring highlights of sweet Stevie Johnson catches when the team usually got their butts just kicked.
  16. Not gonna lie read that as Tim Robbins initially
  17. Last nights halftime show was so bad it made me nostalgic to watch this one all of a sudden. For a middle age guy it was certainly at least very visually appealing. J Lo might be a nightmare to deal with but I’ll never deny her being real hot
  18. My Dad just told me he's going to cancel his Apple Music subscription because they sponsored this 😅
  19. That’s HORRIBLE I remember he seemed very much a person into health and fitness as well
  20. Yeah I watched it about 10 years ago and remember thinking it was solid. With not much else on these days that interests me I gave it another watch lately. Some thoughts: Katey Segal is great but I really didn't like Gemma. Like did not like that character at all. I liked Jax more the 1st time I watched it but now I definitely preferred Clay as chapter president. The season in Ireland I enjoyed more this time around. The 1st time I thought that season was really sloppy. But I still can't totally follow all the gang's illegal activities and the players involved 😅. it's a little easier though after the 2nd watch
  21. I know it sounds cliche to say but he really is the perfect quarterback for the Bills
  22. For those fans of the show. I’m re watching it a 2nd time now. I like Happy the best. A minor character but unbelievably loyal
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