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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. I tended to always look for reasons for optimism in the offseason. There's been some past years where I convinced myself this was a playoff team. However, watching some of the episodes of Down & Drought it just all merges together after a while. There's things I like this offseason but I can't convince myself this is a playoff bound team until I see it.
  2. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Jags win 4 more games this year. However, judging by the colorful photo it doesn't seem much has changed personality wise with Doug. I may be proven wrong but it's only a matter of time before he starts butting heads and his ego gets in the way.
  3. Lol, they are the Mets. I think part of it too may have been to save money right then to target Mike Hampton. He was the big free agent at the time.
  4. From what I understand in 2000 the Wilpons were really close with Madoff. At this time they thought this money would be nothing since Madoff would've made them much richer.
  5. Blame ownership not Bobby Bo. That's a smart guy to think like that
  6. I'll go with North Dallas Forty and Big Fan. The later was real funny. I always liked Buffalo 66, not sure if that's considered a football related film.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AssLNxtMKYI At Close Range, underrated movie
  8. Lake Luzerne is very nice. The Catskills as well, someone may have already mentioned
  9. I definitely think he was a good coach. There's something to be said for the amount of championships he won even if he had top talent. Now if he could build a team from the bottom is a different story. I always said though he always kept the Knicks from winning. First as the Bulls coach then as a GM
  10. He was always a classy guy who had bad luck. Actually the fact that he lost 27 games in a row without being demoted is impressive.
  11. The city that is. Forgetting about their sports teams and Pats fans. Was there for a couple of days some years back. It seemed all right, granted it was just to see some of the sights there.
  12. I checked and it hadn't looked like anyone posted on this series yet. Just this past month some Bills announcers in an hour long talk have been breaking down each year of the drought. Presently they are up to 2011. Typically each session goes that they spend the first half hour of the video going over the transactions that occurred in the off season and then the next half hour actually going over the games themselves. I hate and love this series. Hate because it brings back memories of past failures & disappointments. Love because these guys do a really great job with it. I've attached the 2009 year. I just remember it being Jauron's last and the year they signed T.O. https://youtu.be/CYWri4HGq5o
  13. Very true. He may have been the most beloved player since Flutie at the start of that 11' season. He comes across as very likeable/relatable. Too bad though over time he can't back it up
  14. I still think the Hurculues like effort to win that game took up all the teams energy flying across the country for the Raiders game.
  15. I was 6 or 7 and got caught doing it in school. Needless to say I didnt really know what I was doing. The school nurse called my mom. She told me Pee Wee Herman got arrested for doing what you did and you can too. Needless to say it was the last time (being caught anyway).
  16. Actually seemed to chill a guy and ethical to work on Wall Street.
  17. I've liked what I've seen as well out of him but always have cautious optimism. Back when I used to lurk on the BBMB, 95% of the posters loved the Rex Ryan signing in 2015. He was this generations Chuck Knox, the big named coach who signed here. Of course totally different scenario, I'm just always cautious.
  18. Strong personality and intense. Any little mistake can set her off. I mean we're all human though and everyone makes them
  19. Or in my case extremely intimidated by?
  20. Sh*t roles down hill and unfortunately somebody's gotta be at the bottom
  21. Used to be a big fan of his when I was in high school and even owned some of his comedy albums. Then I got older and just found him stupid. But the other night I watched Mr Deeds for the first time in ages and enjoyed it. I liked his sort of regular Joe shtick. I mean some people must have liked his films over the years as I think most of them were profitable.
  22. Awesome video! I thought the 2015 finale against the Jets might make it, especially McKelvin's pick off Fitz. Or at this point is that whole game just forgetful?
  23. Yep! How about Encylopedia Britannicas and card catalogs
  24. Actually I think Doug was stricter than Bill B. Plus Bill B has the Super Bowl rings to back it up. Doug wasn't a bad coach but it was his arrogant attitude that rubbed me the wrong way, even via NFL standards. Reports came out of him being nasty to secretaries, miserable, a control freak, and I believe he thought he was going to get the Jets job so he bailed. There's a reason why his face wasn't included once in the 2014 Bills highlight video. I admit Rex who is Doug's opposite wasn't any better with his approach. Still I personally don't miss Doug.
  25. Andy just posted on there the top 50 plays from 2000-2016. Good watch https://youtu.be/CUR5QIV_np8
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