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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. Good choice! May very well be the most loyal fan base out there. I'd go Kyle Williams though. As before mentioned Bills fans know what he is but not so much other people
  2. Bills fan born and raised in Jersey too. Awesome story. I only see it maybe once or twice a year someone wearing or having something on their car that signals their a Bills fan. Never was fortunate enough to turn into anything more. This site is as close as it gets for me
  3. That's kind of you to say. There's not part of you though that wants karma to be served? I mean what if that was your best friend drowning
  4. You can only hope one day these kids will be in deep you know what or on life support and somebody will laugh at them
  5. Like me for example I tended to pull a little harder for the team back in 2010 and 2012. Odd years I know. In 2010 I lost my job and went through periods of depression and not wanting to leave the house. Even though the Bills started 0-8 that year, I was encouraged that they kept fighting. Made me want to do the same in own life. Like the Stevie drop game that year, a lot of games were lost in OT. In 2012, I thought I turned a corner in my life and I thought the Bills that too that offseason. I was optimistic for them that year. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned for me that year as did the Bills. What can we do but move on. But yeah of course their my team but some years I've pulled harder for them because what was going on in my life. Can anyone else relate or are your rooting habits consistent year to year? That is if the team hasn't totally frustrated you yet.
  6. I threw Davids name out there because of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Seinfeld had its moments that make you laugh but I feel the shows a bit overrated. I rented the first season of Curb My Enthusiasm years back and thought it was just okay. Seemed like life just revolving around a bunch of millionaires. Maybe I'll rewatch it again, time changes how I see stuff. Just my $0.02.
  7. Chevy Chase. I liked the Griswold movies he made but everything else was just unfunny. Larry David. Just overrated Kevin James
  8. Lol at the last point!
  9. When I say New Yorkers I mean NYC. They tend to be a bit more wanting to be at the center of everything than Buffaloians, well at least in my encounters. Have different accents as well. Any other big differences?
  10. Jerry Seinfeld. I mean I don't hate him just find him very overrated
  11. How did that feel? I always think of a quote Stevie Johnson had on his twitter page, If you don't usually succeed at something the first time, don't take up sky diving!
  12. I was always pretty quiet then, I'll go with Allison
  13. The Giants SuperBowls I didn't root for the Patriots but I wouldn't have been upset if they won. Yeah a lot of them in the NY/NJ Metro Area can be quite obnoxious (Giants fans).
  14. Admittedly in 2001 I did versus the Rams because they were the underdogs. I regret it now.
  15. It's never happened to me yet but I'm always worried about sending texts to the wrong person with really off color stuff
  16. It's more of a keep myself humble/level headed exercise. It's behind a wall so I don't think they even recognize the voice. But yeah I went to Catholic school for some years growing up. Those were the least Catholic kids I ever met in my life
  17. Does anyone practice this anymore, assuming your raised Catholic? Went this morning, felt healthy but no one else was on line. Just curious, not here to preach.
  18. Mine's cauliflower. Makes me gag to eat it
  19. Yeah I believe so, 5 sets, and I think he was down 2-5 in the 5th one. Wasn't until I got older and realized how impressive his run that year was.
  20. I still vaguely remember the Krickstein match
  21. Are they still together? The reason I ask was that just wasn't very nice
  22. I was in grade school at the time. Even at that age while I didn't think they were coming back, I still had his feeling they could win. I miss them days
  23. Which is more important to have to do well in life? Or a 50/50 combination of each.
  24. Haha, you reminded me of this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyJIq_BNPME
  25. The Burt Reynolds one right? Lol, just wanted to be sure
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