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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. I know he's Lead The Charge a couple times. Pretty sure they lost all games. I'm like 99% sure he Led The Charge in the Jets game in 2011 when we were 5-2 as well. Unfortunately we saw how that worked out
  2. I agree to a certain extent. A lot of Facebook, Twitter, Instigram, etc is mostly nonsense. Still there's practical usage of cell phones, texting, FaceTime, etc... I mean you'd live in 2017 with 1999 technology if it meant the end of the drought? Or maybe I wasn't clear before
  3. Would anyone go as far as living life technology wise in 1999 if it meant the curse would be broken? Meaning no smart phones among a lot of other things
  4. The Legend! Was my favorite Bill that one year he was here I read Bernie Kosar's semi auto-biography recently. He voice is slurred due to concussions, had all his fingers broken playing, and his teeth knocked out. He said he thinks he even swallowed some during the games. It can be HGH but he's protected I believe more than QB's of the past. Plus it's just a safer game today
  5. Actually this is the type of game they might surprise some folks and win. I mean nobody's giving us any shot at all. Only to get our hopes up again before we lose twice as usual to the Patriots.
  6. The OP is right about DiMarco but its still not the most settling that Peterman couldn't bounce back or put it behind him. Well actually the whole team as well for that matter.
  7. Same here this sites been awesome.
  8. Maybe Tyrod steps up his game a little? The fact that he got benched might actually be a good thing in the long run. It could be good motivation for him and he won't checkdown as much. Not saying he's the long term answer but I'm interesting in seeing how he plays out the rest of the year
  9. Not numb but not nearly as upset as I used to get. For example 2008 and 2011 the last real good starts, after Week 9 those years I'd practically be pissed the whole week after the games. I'd get over it the next Sunday and then it was pretty much always another loss. This team isn't worth getting upset like that over.
  10. Fitz actually hasn't been doing too shabby these last couple weeks. I always really liked him as he came across as a very likeable guy. You may be right about 2013 & 2014. I just remember he really struggled here after he got his contract.
  11. Same here, beating the Patriots that year made me Bill-ieve, especially in Fitz-Magic (though I wasn't that much of a sucker to buy a Fitz-Magic shirt that year). I would have to had wait a couple more weeks this year before I really bought in.
  12. Yeah the Jets game that year was definitely one of the most disappointing games of the drought
  13. 2011 I'd say is about equal if not worse. Remember we had the big Patriots win in week 3 that year where it felt we finally got that monster off our shoulders. After a 5-2 start that year as well: Week 9 Loss to Jets 27-11 Week 10 Loss to Cowboys 44-7 Week 11 Loss to Dolphins 35-8 Following that recipe were due to get one more win this year. It's like this year I almost saw this coming even though I wished it didnt
  14. We have an awesome field goal kicker this year.
  15. I'm not into these sorts of questions but it's Thanksgiving week and will take my mind of yesterday's debacle -Health -Parents health -Having a roof over my head -Decent car -Making strides against anxiety/depression I feel better already
  16. I wasn't adamant but I wanted to see it happen as did 80% of members here in a poll. He wasn't ready. Still part of me still isn't bothered by it, they rolled the dice instead of taking the more established route which very well could have had the same outcome.
  17. Lol, I still think the old BBMB boards were even more reactionary after games like this.
  18. Yeah it appears Rex knew how to utilize Tyrod fairly well or at least coach to his strengths. Things are bad when besides Rex, I've been missing Dick Jauron as of late.
  19. Exactly. Loss to the Jets in Week 9 both years. Lost to the Cowboys (2011) and Saints (2017) by 37 points in Week 10 Lost to the Dolphins (2011) by 27 points, lost to the Chargers by 30 points just now for Week 11 Sorry to bring the memories up but it's the same thing
  20. Is Thad Lewis still around?
  21. Well the only positive out of all this is we know he's not the answer. Though I never thought it would be this bad Most likely the way the defense is playing as well we weren't winning this game with Tyrod.
  22. They looked better under Rex. I'm sure Rex is laughing his ass of right now
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