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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. I saw there was as a Garfield movie out a few months ago. I liked the cartoon and it's something I'll probably try to watch at some point. But really for the most part the only movies that have interested me the last 10 or so years were cartoons I liked as as a kid/teenager that translated to the big screen: The Peanuts Movie, Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe, and Curious George. Cocaine Bear was a rare exception. Pretty solid movie, especially it being Ray Liotta's last. Other than I could care less. I respect fans of the Marvel comic books, I just never got into them. And growing up I was a huge movie fan in the 90s. To the point I'd spend afternoons watching pay per view ads for all the movie trailers. I was like so jealous of other kids in my neighborhood who had a Pay Per View/Viewers Choice cable box in their house.
  2. Evan Roberts- he’s more all about sports vs the entertainment value But yeah no way I’d be able to keep it together from dying laughing if I was sitting next to him all the time Hilarious below https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3512977/former-radio-host-joe-benignos-technical-difficulties-are-absolutely-hilarious
  3. No Jets thread is complete without this man. And I’ve heard a lot funnier ones over the years from him again then above
  4. Maybe you got more particular/smarter about food. As a teenager spaghetti and meatballs at The Olive Garden seemed a great meal for me... today uggh. breadsticks and salad would be the only things I'd eat there if I would finally myself somehow in that place again.
  5. @ExWNYer @Gugny I didn't like the Mendoza hire but I can't complain overall. I'm not sure how much say he has though with making lineups. But I think all teams fanbases feel that way.... with how prevalent analytics departments are with organizations just how much do managers dictate (if at all)? The days of the strong manager type like Sweet Lou, Billy Martin, or even Bobby V are gone ain't aren't coming back. Mendoza kinda strikes me as the modern manager. He speaks the players language in more ways than one. I just saw it's been 20 years since Bob Murphy's passing. Since I usually couldn't see the Mets on TV growing up he was the voice of the team for me as a kid. By all accounts the same jovial guy in real life as was on the radio. I'm hoping some tributes come to him in the next few years since Cohen seems to embrace the club's history. https://metsmerizedonline.com/remembering-mets-broadcaster-bob-murphy/
  6. Really? At the time that was the huge pop culture story of the year. I know Justin’s reaction became just as famous as the performance. Mary J Blidge wasn’t feeling it 😂. I tended to think this intro months later by Christina at the MTV Europe Awards was a lot more scandalous. I thought I was going to hell for enjoying as much as I did. lol
  7. To me that song best represent Bills fandom
  8. Well thankfully now Sunday is the one day of the week I get in my physical activity playing tennis so I missed this debacle. But yeah even with the watered down format to get in the playoffs these are the games the team needs to win.
  9. Maybe just what baseball is today the Mets season isn't that unusual if that makes any sense at all. I was listening to this interview with David Wells and he made me laugh even though I associate him still strongly with the Yankees. His modern takes on baseball today. WFAN didn't cut out when he called pitchers today the p word. lol And I said this to two other people this guy had as a long a career as he had not taking care of himself at all. And Matt Milano who is 220 pounds with like 2% body fat is out it looks like all year. Uggh
  10. Timeless song. I always used to associate with jump balls at the start of a basketball game
  11. How come every good memory you have seems to involve beer or a bar Barley? LOL That's actually a pretty cool story. Nostalgia for my younger years still kind of drives me today. Like that one friend I used to have that was real good at pull ups. I still think of him and his brother every now and then.
  12. This was one of the last MTV VMA shows/performances I recall watching. I'm sure today it seems rather mild but it was huge and scandalous back then. I wasn't a fan of it then, thought Madonna was really trying too hard to seem down with the younger pop stars at the time. But I enjoy watching it today. Amazing as well to me she was twice Britney's age here and they look like they could be sisters. She was beautiful. The camera cutting to Justin Timberlake as well became more infamous than Christina's performance as well unfortunately. Lol the whole thing was still kinda campy but I enjoy it as it's the last time I was interested in MTV.
  13. God forbid that happens that falls on McDermott and Brady to work with whomever. Stefanski for example in Cleveland has worked very well with Flacco and Brisett to maximize their abilities.
  14. You need to try one of these guys https://www.food.com/amp/recipe/italian-hot-dogs-288760
  15. @muppy Seems up your alley. A new one if you hadn't heard it yet.
  16. @SinceThe70s @ExWNYer @Gugny Checking in with you guys. It's been what feels like a strange year. If strange is the right word? The team I was ready to bury for the season at the end of May. Then the whole Grimace & winning streak. Sweeping the Yankees this year still no matter how the season ends I can't take that away for them. But the team has been struggling of late. Pretty bad loss today. Yet still within a few games of the last Wild Card. See how the next month and half play out. Nothing would surprise me for the most part
  17. Gloria was a classic movie. The inspiration for Leon or The Professional. Gena’s Gloria was of my favorite film characters. There was a not so good remake Sharon Stine did. I know she was in a lot of her late husbands John Cassavettes films
  18. Another filmed at Bayonne High. And the are still the Bayonne Bees with the same colors.
  19. I read the other thread about things that aggravate you when driving…. That seems super dangerous today playing guitar standing up in a driving veichle. Or I’m judging getting old 😂 Not a big Mariah fan but this one of my favs she did. Also cool to me the video was shot in Bayonne High School not far from where I grew up
  20. If there's something good to this it will give you probably some much needed downtime and apply for unemployment benefits if you hadn't done so already. But yeah it sucks. I have more stuff at my age to put on my resume but truly my whole projective would be: A Job that minimizes human interaction as much as possibly along with unnecessary nonsense. best of luck
  21. I would imagine food prices in NYC were always high though. But I hear ya, $13 for a veggie sandwich today in the mall
  22. He's made it further as a professional athlete than probably 99.9% of the board members here and he has a got wife. Let the man be...
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