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  1. Isn’t lack of knowledge of a persons age a defense in California? https://www.aerlawgroup.com/blog/4-defenses-to-statutory-rape-in-los-angeles/
  2. I thought I read that they had hired investigators.
  3. How bourgeois. Makes him really easy to relate to as a player.
  4. “So having said that, the stories about the meddling owner rose after Butler was deposed and there were less than flattering accounts of Wilson's treatment of JB. I can't find the story online, but I recall that Wilson reveled in throwing a dig at Butler's working class background and his previous work as a janitor or something like that, after military service. Again, don't recall the exact story details, but the the underlying theme was that Wilson never gave Butler credit and did not feel that he was worthy of a top GM rank. To me, offering to double a $600K salary, when the going rate for a top GM is $2-$3 million is insulting, especially when I'm the one who built the best team you ever had.” i have always thought and still do that Wilson did not like Butler and forced him out. Apparently others thought so too, despite what Wilson wanted to spin.
  5. That was Ralph’s revisionist history. I don’t believe it.
  6. Butler was fired by Ralph. He didn’t quit.
  7. He does better at non-sports issues than with sports. I noticed that unless he has a guest on, he can’t talk about sports for more than five minutes without changing the subject to something like movies. But I really can’t stand listening to him at all. He knows very little about sports and I listen to the station because it’s a sports station and I expect to hear about our local teams from someone knowledgeable. That’s not Schopp.
  8. Is this the Howard Simon who never attends games? He watches TV, sees only the section of the field that the cameras focus on, and forms his expert opinions.
  9. LaCanfora has written that he never goes into any locker rooms. I suspect that the only sources he has are agents that feed him information to help their own clients, and give him tidbits about other players that are often obviously wrong.
  10. Was a member since 2001 I think. Based in Buffalo. Same username as now.
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