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Everything posted by PauleeeWalnuts

  1. Doesn't matter what string QB plays, Bills give up 3rd and forever like clockwork
  2. I wonder why they took the 3 patch off this week
  3. I can’t believe Skylar didn’t run…had miles of green in front of him
  4. Finally threw a slant, worked, now let’s run it twice 🙄
  5. Why can’t they just stick to what was working on that drive?? Jesus
  6. So stupid of McD to tip his hand like that…why say anything passed this week?
  7. Unless he has a huge playoffs, no way they can extend him. They def have to draft a WR or two
  8. Too bad the rest of the D didn’t get the memo
  9. Like wtf are these guys doing?? Seriously? That was game
  10. This Defense couldn’t stop a nose bleed
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