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  1. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/josh-allen-25102/#:~:text=Current Contract&text=In 2023%2C Allen will earn,dead cap value of %2471%2C289%2C124. Josh Allen signed a 6 year, $258,034,000 contract with the Buffalo Bills, including a $16,500,000 signing bonus, $150,000,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $43,005,667.
  2. It is hard paying one player 40-50 million, and expect a good team.
  3. Attested by all the prime time games. He is FUN TO WATCH.
  4. Just for laughs, go to the Bengal's "Jungle" and see how beloved Joe Cool Burrow is. He is a real good, an Ohio boy and may win. Allen is an adopted Buffalo mafia boy who I would not trade, even to win on Sunday. Pity the Jets, Ravens, Cardinals, Raiders, Dolphins, Rams, Green Bay, Vikings, for their QB situation.
  5. He is always hurt and not smart or well spoken. He is a franchise trap. Beware!!!
  6. Word is Stafford's arm is hurt. Kept away from any real test.
  7. Always thought Levy rode Kelly's coat tails to the HOF.
  8. When Kennedy demonized a Constitutional scholar Robert Bork, that was it for me. No more Mr. nice guy. The Republicans got to appoint Souter who was a liberal. The Democrats stole that seat. When has a nominee from a Democrat President not been confirmed bc he is too liberal? Garland was pay back for Bork.
  9. But are you not the person who advocated the closing down of the PPP, probably largely because of DR. Now that he is gone, all is well with the world. Someone complained (TFR most likely), and it seems to have been a coordinated effort. Hollow victory though. One prolific poster like DR are worth 20 dink n donk Tiberius types. Speakupwny.com was very active... once upon a time... Indeed, perhaps the PPP should be closed and TBD be a football only site like most other cities.. Now how to find DR on Parler.com
  10. About you, what is your position on? Conspiracy theories: aliens, 911, Kennedy assassination, deaths surrounding Clinton family Foster +, Obama birth certificate real/hoax? China: confront or bend over? Immigration: open or tight borders? US world peacekeeper or one of many? Mostly Peaceful Protests, or Riots? BLM painted on Pennsylvania and 5th Ave Free Speech or Cancel Culture? Patriot or Citizen of the World? Forgive student debt? Free Health Care for illegals? Guaranteed annual income? You seem like you worked hard in life. Given such a background I would expect conservative positions on issues, but often I am very wrong. o
  11. My takeaway was you bombarded SDS with complaints about a subforum peacefully existing over three years. You being part of cancel culture could not stand that. You probably threaten legal action if SDS does not comply to your demands. The Millard Fillmore statue next to City Hall still stands. That needs to come down. That can be your next project.
  12. What gives you the right to refer to another person's thinking that political opponents are child molesters is poisonous? To go around capricious calling people racist is just as poisonous. You are a hypocrite. Your "calling out" is merely an oxymoron for "I disagree" used for dramatic flair.
  13. On other boards moderators are known and have a "moderator" designation under screen name. They should be involved in the discussion. Who complains should be known to all.
  14. I thought of DR as the PPP version of Rush Limbaugh providing tons of information, together with great analysis. He is not confrontational but is constantly bullied and provoked. It seems like a war with casualties. Strategy is to take out the strongest and the rest will fall. Forbidden words and thought Chinese style. And to think, the Biden family is already on the payroll.
  15. It is perfectly fine for Trump to hide out in WR Hospital while Biden hides out in basement. At this point more is accomplished in hospital than on the campaign trail. He is insulated from the MSM collecting sympathy. Chickens hide, but wounded go to hospital.
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