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Everything posted by yungmack

  1. From looking at the video of Brohm at Louisville, I saw two things he seems to be able to do very well, to accurately hit a receiver in full stride, and to throw the long ball.
  2. You sound like my old gunny sergeant! He was always right and so are you.
  3. Interesting article on why Nix is sticking with the QBs he has. Here's the link: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...7c-ed175fc43900 And here's a small excerpt from it: “Here’s the way we looked at it,” said Nix. “We’ve got guys physically that can do anything as well as anybody in the draft physically. Throw the ball well, make all the throws, mobile, can move around and are smart. We’ve got guys like that. Now obviously they’ve been kind of inconsistent and up and down, but there are a lot of reasons for that.”
  4. Hmm, bringing facts into a discussion around here can be bad for your health. Duck!
  5. The shalong jokes were funny the first couple of times, in a fifth grade sort of way. Like the way I used to snicker as a little kid when I said hello to our neighbor, Mrs. Weiner. Or Mr. Lipshitz at the shoe store. When I grew up, I was a little ashamed for making fun of them. It was a low type of humor, like fart jokes, which also crack up little boys.
  6. Amigo, chill, would ya please. "No line to run behind."....I believe the Bills wound up in the middle of the pack in the running game last season with a bunch of rookies, some guys who were plugged in on the fly, a raft of injuries and DJ's timid offense. Sure, middle of the pack is by definition mediocre. But mediocre isn't "no line," as you hysterically aver.
  7. Nix has said all along that they're keeping Lynch. Still, there's a certain group of fans who either think he's lying or who simply are so far gone in their mania that they ignore Nix's statements. Nix is in the business of strengthening the Bills, not weakening them, and getting rid of Lynch would weaken the offense. I believe that's his thinking with the QBs and the LTs, that they may not be the best, but they're better than what's available either in trade, the draft or free agency. I think one thing we've learned about Nixley so far is that these guys say exactly what they mean. Once this sinks into our collective thick heads, we'll all waste a lot less time on speculation about things that are already settled and waste our time instead on things that really matter, like, when are they going to get some decent food at The Ralph?
  8. I love Ricky. He knows there's more to life than football, or most of the rest of the silliness we spend our lives on.
  9. These draft gurus decide what positions a team needs to upgrade, decide which are the best players at each position, then determine which one of their selections each team should select. When a team decides that it really doesn't need to fill a certain position (or that the available players are up to their standards) and chooses to fill a different position, well, then, they've insulted the Draft Guru who, of course, knows more than professional football men. Now, having publicly stated a team's needs, and publicly chosen the "correct" player for each team, they are publicly embarrassed when teams don't do what they tell them to do. So of course, those teams who dare to defy the Draft Gurus wind up with poor grades. That's circular reasoning. But, hey, this is 21st century America, where stupidity not only rules, it is highly rewarded (see: Sarah Palin, and half the people who post around here...if spelling and grammar are any indicators).
  10. That's what he said.
  11. Funny post. But you're wasting your breath on these guys who believe in magical thinking. "We need a QB. Get Peyton Manning. I heard from somebody that he wants out of Indy. Git er done, Buddy."
  12. As Bills fans, we're used to dismissing what the FO says because it so seldom correlates with what it does, or with what it said it was planning. Gobbledegook, in other words. HOWEVER, one of the things that is most striking about Nix and Gailey is that whatever they say so far has been EXACTLY what they've done. So, as to the QBs, they have repeatedly said that they are happy with the three guys they have, that they have talent, and that they're going in to camp with them. Nix also said they targeted Levi Brown from the git go (see? he's got me talking "suthren"). Now, because we're Bills fans, we're a little gunshy about believing what we're told so I understand the skepticism. But because Nixley has been so consistent right along, I'm going to assume that what they're telling us now is honest and open. And so, if they think our QBs have talent, then I've got to bite my tongue and go along with them. I mean, these guys have forgotten more about football than I'll ever know on purpose.
  13. Step away from the crack pipe, sir.
  14. Let's say you're correct...How is Adams that big of an upgrade? Do you think the Cowboys would cut him if he wasn't in decline?
  15. Corporations are more interested in hiring a prostitute for CEO.
  16. Top shelf assessment. I'd like to see your opinion on how this draft likely changes our current roster.
  17. Gailey is widely regarded as a top coach for maximizing a QBs potential. If TE really isn't a bust, if he's redeemable, I believe Gailey will make him much better. Makes for an interesting off-season, wouldn't you say?
  18. Is there anything Nix could do that would make you happy?
  19. And why do you think that isn't likely? Seems to me that since Nix came back to the Bills (with last years draft, and overhauling the scouting department) the team is already better off. There was no magic in what Polian did: find the best players (in spite of what the draft pundits say), get the right coaches in place and you win. The problem since Butler left was that the Bills did a poor job of scouting/drafting/coaching. I think those days are over.
  20. Great post. All I'd add is that the damage Spiller can potentially inflict on every single play will make opposing defenses nervous and tentative, and keep D coordinators up all night. And because Spiller is also a great receiver, I can imagine scenarios where Lynch, Jackson and Spiller are all on the field at the same time. Spiller can also block very well. Just having Spiller on the field will make the O-line better as the D has to consider too many options to just focus on stuffing the line or blowing through to the QB. Of course, a lot depends on the offensive scheme. But with Gailey running the show, I believe the O takes a quantum leap forward this year.
  21. The only thing shocking about Troupe going ahead of Cody is that anyone anywhere had Cody as the better player. Troupe's by far the better player by any measure of season-long production if for no other reason than he can stay on the field for the entire game. The guy is a workout monster whereas Cody's program seems to be to eat all day long, then play a thrid to a half of the snaps on gameday. BTW, it's reported that Troupe's already at 320 lbs. I wouldn't be surprised if he could add another ten or fifteen pounds and still be very effective. Bottom line, Cody's out of the league within 5 years and Troupe's a perennial all-pro.
  22. Clausen isn't as good as Edwards, Fitz and Brohm. He has bust written all over him.
  23. Spot on analysis.
  24. Really? You're sure about this statement? My question to you (and all the others on this forum who ALWAYS, ALWAYS assume the other guy's junk is better than anything the Bills have) then why are the 'Boys dumping him? BTW, for those who want Adams in Buffalo, I believe Gailey was his original head coach coming into the league.
  25. Stop already with this Gaither thing!!! The guy isn't available and never was. It was all a ploy by management to get his ass in gear.
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