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Everything posted by yungmack

  1. John Lennon lived in The Dakota at the time of his murder. His son's name is Sean. A variant spelling is Shane. Shane Conlon was a great Bills LB. Danny Batten played in (South) Dakota. Therefore, as I have logically proven, he will be a great Bills LB.
  2. I agree with you on everything you have to say about Luck. I absolutely don't expect him to come out after this year. It would be no surprise if he stayed through graduation. Right now, I think he's the most intriguing QB in college and IF he continues to improve, he could be the next great one. Oh, and to set Jim Kelly's mind at ease, Luck is a Texan, not a Californian!
  3. Now that's funny!!!
  4. I second your opinion completely.
  5. That's exactly why the Pats will never have a winning record so long as he's there.
  6. That about sums it up. Pick any team over the last 40 years that's had a dominant run over several years (with or without a Super Bowl win) and two things stand out: continuity in the front office, and a long-term head coach. Hopefully the Bills now have a similar situation in place (my fingers are crossed).
  7. New GM, new head coach, new coaching staff, Fred Jackson is ahead of you on the depth chart, your team drafted one of the more electrifying backs plus picked up the division II rushing leader...and you aren't motivated enough to get your butt into Buffalo so you can show all those newbies your "stuff?" Forget about what the fans think of you, you can't find it in yourself to compete? To learn the new offense? To show some team spirit? To at least demonstrate a teensy bit of comraderie? I don't know who's advising you, Marshawn, but from my viewpoint, it looks like it's all bad.
  8. Kind of sad that otherwise committed Bills fans don't seem to know the team's history. The first great Bills team, and based on winning the championship two years running, likely the best team in that history, had TWO California QBs in Jack Kemp and Darryl LaMonica. And wasn't it just a few weeks ago that soooo many fans were begging the Bills to draft Jimmy Clausen? BTW, two of the three other teams in the AFCE are starting Cali QBs this year.
  9. This topic (head coaches) is dead and stinking. But apparently it ain't going away any time soon. So let me ask the anti-Gailey faction just what the heck you see in Cowher that makes him so dreamy, so sexy, so hot in your fantasies? And if all you gots to say is that he de-done won himself a super bowl or two, would you explain why -- geen - e - us that he supposedly is -- it took him ages and ages to win his first one? And maybe a cupla youse guys could tell us all if you'd be content to wait a decade or so for him to succeed in Bufflow?
  10. For the record, the name is pronounced "Wong." That might affect the excruciatingly juvenile dick jokes around here, but it does open the door to a fresh approach, like why the Bills didn't sign Jeff Wright's two sons: Because two Wrights don't make a Wang.
  11. It wasn't in Watts, which is now heavily Latino anyway.
  12. Gee, and I thought Joique Bell was a pretty good kid.
  13. Under Jauron, the D played a read and react style. If what I'm reading about Edward's approach, the Bills will be more of an attack defense. If it is, and if it succeeds, then we'll really be able to judge Whitner and the other backs. Should be interesting.
  14. Bills go 8 and 0. Hey, it's May so why not stay positive.
  15. One word - Luck.... I'm talking about the guy not the attribute.
  16. That's totally insane. But I'd love to see something like that.
  17. I agree with you. My post that Evans might not even make this team has to do with Nix and Gailey who have already shown that they are not a bit sentimental when it comes to who plays for the Bills. They also haven't been moved to do what certain vocal fans "demand" as their drafting showed. So I don't expect Gailey to make his roster decisions on whose been with the Bills a long time. Or whom the fans claim is "one of the best receivers in the league." It's time for Evans to show something more than the ability to run a streak route.
  18. So it's foolish to expect that maybe he's improved since Flynn whupped him for the job? So if a guy doesn't blow up big time the first chance he gets, he's never going to be any good? BTW, saying Brohm "failed miserably" might be just a skootch over doing it. And for the record, the Packers "immensely better front office" did try to keep him but he turned them down believing he had a better chance to become the starter with the Bills. Here's my suggestion to one and all: let's wait to see what happens when these guys actually get out on the field under Gailey then see how each works out.
  19. Apropos of very little, Chief Justice Roberts was born in Buffalo, lived in Hamburg and remains a Bills fan.
  20. My, what harsh opinions you have, grandma. Let's wait until the final roster is set then we'll see.
  21. While the article was reasonable enough, it did seem pretty biased towards Lynch. If the reason he appears to be having so much trouble is because of rampant racism (which is one of his underlying themes after all), the author could have gotten off his butt and checked to see how other black players are treated in WNY. If they don't seem to be having the problems that Lynch does, then maybe the racism is far less than implied by the article (and might have more to do with Lynch himself). An awful lot of current and former Bills rave about the area and continue to live there after their careers are over without so much as a blip on the news. The author might also have done some fact checking (as professional journalists are expected to do) by contacting the condo association where Lynch lives to get its side of the story. BTW, when you've got the kind of money Lynch has, and you work in an area where you can buy a mansion on the lake for less than the down payment on a house in Oakland, what are you doing living in a condo? Why doesn't the guy get his own place where he doesn't have to put up with all those racist condo owners and can have all the pit bulls, guns and anything else he wants while blasting his music? The supposed journalist might also have brought up the weirdest story about Lynch (and the one that first made me wonder WTF? about this guy). That is, to save money, Lynch would sneak a flask of booze into Buffalo bars to "charge up" the glass of pop he'd buy. Huh? I don't regard the kid as a thug. A jerk, yeah, no question. But not a thug. Which might be a character flaw but is not a crime. If it were, a good percentage of the population, including some regular posters around here, would be under arrest. As to poster comments that he seems to have changed, I don't see that at all. He's still going on and on about how he's just a regular guy who's being picked on, blah blah blah, suggesting it's because of racism or some quirk in WNY and not his behavior. Until he does a cold-eyed analysis of himself and the people he surrounds himself with, he'll continue to be who he is. And people will continue to dislike him for who he is, not what color he is. And you know what? If he returns to form and has a couple of great seasons, I will be cheering for him. And I don't think I'll be the only one. Doesn't mean I'll like him as a human being. But then, the NFL isn't about winning Mr. Congeniality, it's about "Just win, baby."
  22. Superb post. Thanks for it.
  23. And you know this how?
  24. Yep, the Bills passed on Clausen...along with every other team in the NFL. So I guess Nix is a moron and the other GMs are astute talent evaluators. Clausen may or may not become a top QB (my guess is not). I bear the kid no ill will. But I doubt he will contribute this year or even next year whereas Spiller will make an immediate impact.
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