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Posts posted by likei've

  1. Lol, with a comment like that, I'm guessing you joined TSW in March of this year.


    Anywho, my point is it's funny how so many are rushing to fill in the many gaps of this unconfirmed story with a narrative of their choosing, and how many flashpoints it touches on. Our new FO, the Pats, world news...

    Why does a story have to be confirmed? Do you actually think your opinion means something to anyone?


    This is a place for Bills fans to have conversations about football. Nothing said here makes any difference to anyone in the league. It's conversation, entertainment.


    Not sure what kind of point you think you're making but it's not a good one considering youve posted multiple times in said thread.


    But hey, if it makes you feel good thinking you're better than others because of some weird self righteous holier than thou schtick. Then I say, be you.

  2. Post 166 has it right. They want respect, then don't promise a roster to get Boldin signed here, then turn around and trade your starting CB and best WR.

    The NFL isn't the goodwill games.


    You think if Boldin wins a championship with the Pats people will look fondly on the Bills for allowing it to happen? No.


    It'll just help people to remember that the you go to New England to win. That's it.

  3. Bolden retirement had everything to do with the Sammy and Darby trades. He was sold on a team that was still focused on winning this year. Bolden made it clear when signed he was still wanting a championship, and I'm sure that was stressed in negotiations. He was sold he could get that in Buffalo.


    Then a couple of weeks later Buffalo trades their best receiver and corner. Moves that made the team weaker. Bolden could have gone to the media and called the team out. Whined and complained. Said he was lied to. But he's a classy pro. He took the high road and said he wanted to focus on social issues instead of play.


    The Bills should do the right thing and let him go. It's not his fault Buffalo made those trades. Buffalo misled him, and I would bet a ton that had the trades come before he signied he would have passed.


    Bolden is a hall of famer and he handled the whole situation with class and grace. The Bills owe him the same if winning a championship still burns bright inside if him. Let him go so he can chase after what we all want.

    Yeah, great idea. Just keep adding to the Pats stellar rep so players will continue to choose them over us. It's genius really.
  4. I think anyone that thinks it would look good for the Bills free agency wise to let him go is adopting a myopic view.


    I can see the narrative all year. Pats saved Boldin from the talent black hole Buffalo Bills.


    Further cementing the reputation as New England is where you go to play meaningful games and Buffalo is where you go to die.


    I dont even think I'd trade him there for a pick now. God forbid we hang with them in a game and Boldin's the one to get the final points or get a huge first down. Then we're the joke team that traded him for a 6th round pick and furthering the reputation we don't care about winning.


    There are much larger ramifications than you'd initially think.

  5. They feed him a lot of crap about being all in and it starts with one and then they traded to good young players for downgrades.


    But yeah, let's get tough with Boldin. It will definitely help with FAs when you combine the losing and bad weather.

    Getting "tough" with a guy is not allowing him to join a division rival for free?


    Ok, guess we're being tough then. Otherwise we'd be dumb. Rather be tough than dumb.

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