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Everything posted by likei've

  1. That's kind of the impression I'm getting.
  2. A qb controversy and Mahomes starting would be the best thing in the world for our draft pick.
  3. Haha... people will literally find anything to cry about. I knew it would be pure comedy relief stopping in tonight. But this is just unreal. People acting like they're taking the money from their paychecks.
  4. I will disagree. it's why the injury can happen with no contact. Just a shake or a shimmy in a weird direction and snap. It can happen in a brisk jog, walking down the stairs, bowling, etc... Most times it's not even the knee holding people back once it's healed. It's the players psyche. You just don't trust the knee to do the cuts, etc you once did that made you special in the first place. Its hard to get over not just in the body but the mind. That's not the NFL, that's anyone who has ever had the injury. At least in the NFL you have the best surgeons in the world. Most people get the local surgeon scheduled that day.
  5. That actually wouldn't matter. You either feel confident on it or you don't. You're either stable on it or you're not. It doesn't matter if you're playing against NFL talent or you're running in your backyard. The ligament in your knee doesn't care.
  6. Nah... Im perfectly simmered. You tried calling me out, I proved you completely and utterly wrong and instead of admitting your mistake you're hiding behind another dumb post. We may both be Bills fans but other than that I'm sure we have very little in common.
  7. You realize the Bills own the Chiefs #1 pick THIS year, correct? So... Yes. Ragland performing well would affect that. You either don't know much about the Bills, or just much in general. Either way, don't be so quick to prove your lack of intel. Man, I thought people from this board were supposed to know stuff. That's what I keep hearing anyway.
  8. I hope he heals up and has an amazing career... Starting next year.
  9. I'm not a vet and I have great respect for those who are, with that said. Why would you care what those players beliefs are? They're not speaking for the majority. The're a bunch of guys that were born with athletic dispositions. Nothing more, nothing less. They mean nothing to you or I any other day of the week besides three hours every Sunday so why should we care what they choose to believe? Just because someone has an opinion on something shouldn't affect the feelings you have about football. These are individuals. The Buffalo Bills as an organization support the vets and the US, and that's enough. Im comfortable enough in my skin that if someone didn't agree with my stances, religion (lack there of), ideals, etc... It wouldn't affect my day or life in any way, shape or form. Why give them that power over you?
  10. I don't care at all about that nonsense. These players can do whatever they want on the sidelines or on the offseason. Couldn't care any less. They're not my friends, they're hired guns. The day they leave my team I wash my hands of them.
  11. People are being way too melodramatic in this thread. C'mon, it's football, it's entertainment. So our team hasn't been good for awhile. Get over it. We have a team of our own and a billionaire owner committed to keeping them here. The Bills are an escape from real life. Work, mortgage, taxes, etc... It's a game. We talk about the draft. We get bummed when players leave, we get happy when we sign a free agent. We cheer when our teams winning, we jeer when we lose. It's not work, it's not a job. It's a game and it's supposed to be fun. If it's not fun for people, maybe it's time to find a new hobby. For me, it's something to look forward to each Sunday for a few months a year. If that ever changes for me I'll take my own advice and find something new. We went to four straight Super Bowls. Some of the happiest days of my life when I was a kid. Not going to the playoffs for this long has been a bit taxing but I still had plenty of fun watching in those years. As bad as it looks right now I'm still super excited for Sunday as I'm sure most people posting are. Why mess with that? Id rather hope for the best, get excited year after year and be slightly disappointed then not have it at all. I'm sure if most people were being honest with themselves they'd agree. Take it for what it is. It's entertainment. If it's not fun, don't do it. I have plenty of chores, the Bills aren't one of them. If they are for some, they're doing it wrong.
  12. Because I'm ordered by the courts do so. I was a hotshot lawyer that didn't play by the rules. I got a little tipsy one night after a big win and was pulled over and arrested. Instead of throwing me in the clink. The judge went rogue in extraordinary fashion and handed me a life sentence. The Bills. I was ordered to watch every game for the rest of my natural life to learn about fair play, and all that other junk. Sometimes I feel as though I would have preferred the life crippling record and jail time.
  13. Oof... Glad Taylor's ok but was hoping for #2 to start.
  14. You hope our starter and backup get hurt so that you can see our third string qb that was brought in because he's better and more versatile than Yates will play? So you're not just completely vapid but also a terrible fan.
  15. So... Still not understanding the footballz? Gotcha. Yates = untold passing skill + special teams + wide reciever Dolt indeed.
  16. McCoy = Webb at qb. All I need to hear. I'll refrain from responding to you in the future. It's obvious you're not very good at the footballz.
  17. A lot of people thought Clay did enough to earn a spot. Just came down to a numbers game. I'm good with the trade. He didn't replace Colt. They just needed a spot and couldn't release Yates yet. Wouldn't be surprised if they signed Colt back up when Yates is out of protocol.
  18. In emergencies. A lot of people int the Panthers organization believed Webb was the better backup then Anderson. Not only that he can play special teams and wide reciever. He opens up a spot, and if need be could play qb. A lit of teams don't even carry three qb's. If you're going to, it makes perfect sense to get a utility knife guy like Webb. Does anyone confused with this pickup really believe Yates was going to win a game if it came down to him? At least Webb can be utilized in other ways. Yates was literally a body.
  19. Actually someone just asked Saban about special teams on the 10th of August. Pretty boring response. What are we supposed to get from it? "I think we have work to do there, I really do, Saban said. I think the timing of what were doing, not only with the specialists but also with the other special teams players, whether its operation time, whether its blocking schemes, all these things were working really hard on."
  20. If we dump Yates and bring in Webb, that opens up a spot.
  21. Not at all the point. He'd only be the emergency third stringer. Not only would he be as effective if not more so than Yates, he's a special teams ace (which opens a spot up for another position), and could even play wide reciever. He's a Swiss Army knife in a spot usually designated for a clipboard holder. On top of that coaches and players love having him around. The more you know...
  22. That would actually be awesome. Panthers players and coaches are pissed about him not being there. Some thought he outplayed Anderson as backup QB and can play special teams, and reciever. Really hope this happens. Bye Yates.
  23. I'm confused over what we were wrong about. I cried a little about the cut. Really like the kid. I'm really happy he cleared and signed up on the PS. Not sure what to apologize for.
  24. Admit we were wrong? Wrong about what? I'm super happy he cleared waivers. Hoped he would.
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