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Everything posted by likei've

  1. I mean... The day after, really? Agenda to push?
  2. As the great George Washington once said " the Bills will one day win the super bowl, and that's dandy!" Hey, if you can make up quotes to sound smart, so can i, yeah? Umm, do I really have to explain this to you? The Human race. Just a board of geniuses we have here. Human species Race (human classification), a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations
  3. Ha... You called me a "Guinness", I've accomplished something today. Boy street, I talk about Bills too. Don't act like I don't. I look at the boards as a conversation. We're all sitting in the same pub sharing ideas and opinions. Just because we're in a sports themed bar does that mean we always have to talk sports? How am I ever supposed to get to know the real you?
  4. Trying to be right is something we should all strive for. Not just in fun factoids but in the way we live. It might be hard for you to wrap your head around. But being called an "idiot" by someone who would use the Einstein "quote" like they're sharing some new brand of intelligence on the world is a bit of a badge of honor. The way I see it I'm doing you a favor. Did you really want to use that quote again in your real life knowing that it's untrue? Think of how many times you've used it and people just nodded condescendingly to appease you. You want to be that guy?
  5. Omg... The supposed Einstein quote again? There's literally nothing tying that quote to Einstein. He said himself he probably never said that. As a race we need to stop using this quote, and we need to stop using it now! It's such a "look at me I'm smart quoting Einstein" type of quote. It actually accomplishes the opposite since it's untrue. Fact checking. It's important.
  6. Exactly, probably his last contract and last chance to win anything. Also, it's the first time he can choose what team he wants to go to. Being honest, if I'm in the same situation and don't have any ties to Buffalo I'm not signing with them. They already have a decent TE and they don't pass. Finish your career blocking and missing the playoffs? No thanks.
  7. Two Barnidge threads?! This is blowin' my mind up!!!
  8. i miss the bbmb the way you miss your abusive grandfather after he passes. you only remember the good things. that place was terrible toward the end. there were many good years but anything good was destroyed by creepy thread strangling moderators that made it impossible to have any fun. "fun on a football message board, who does that guy think he is?! I'll show him!" anyhow, this place is fine. anyone missing the boards, at least what they become was probably a bit of what made it intolerable.
  9. I get being a sensitive type of fella but yikes. This is a little dramatic. "Never cheated on them", "everyday I think about them", "everyday I love them"...meh. I'm a fan of the Bills. Will always be that way but this is like 6th grade love note stuff. As much as I dig them as my team I don't really know about writing them a love note.
  10. It's not exactly like anyone's going out in a limb saying the qb taken first in his draft might be better than someone taken in the fifth round but to act like it's an absolute certainty is someone who may have limited experience in watching NFL football. It almost never pans out the way the "experts" say it's going to.
  11. Just seems like something that someone who cares would do. You're like a care bear, your only crime is caring too much.
  12. Said everyone about every qb taken before Tom Brady in his draft.
  13. It's almost like there's a topic on a message board and people are expressing their thoughts and opinions about said topic and absolutely nothing more. What's weirder, people opening a thread to respond to the topic or people taking time out of their day to respond about people responding about topics? I mean if you really don't care why even open the thread?
  14. Don't even get me started, right? Right?!?!
  15. A small city compared to most others and we have two professional sports teams. One of them being in the biggest sport in the entire US. There are much larger cities that have one basketball team and we're considered one of the worst? Joke if I ever heard one. Not very funny, but a joke none the less.
  16. If a bbmb'er made this thread we'd have people saying... "A what if thread? What if I wasted my time posting here?!. What a waste of my personal bandwidth! Gosh, what has this place turned into, a madhouse?!" But I'm not going to say those things. I'm a gentleman with couth.
  17. This board has people living in shadows? I should've signed up years ago!
  18. You saying you want to grab a bite sometime? I'll buy the first round.
  19. Member since 2014. Can't blame bbmb.
  20. 3rdand12 is right. Basically Ragland IS Kuechly in every way. I was surprised he said it but I'm glad he did.
  21. I was born in Buffalo, I definitely deserve answers!
  22. I know, I've lost loads of credibility. My family won't even listen to me at birthday parties now.
  23. If only real life had a post count. I never know who to take seriously.
  24. Oh cool. I mean most people have real world worries so this isn't really a blip on their radar. But yeah it's a huge issue when people are looking for their Bills football news and get baited into reading something may not have wanted to read. It's a real problem. Like life changing.
  25. He takes his message boarding very seriously.
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