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Everything posted by likei've

  1. I wouldn't, he wouldn't be utilized correctly and we dont have a great passing qb. We'd be paying a huge sum of money to watch him block.
  2. As far as I know most people love the Gronkster. He's a beast of a football player and he's entertaining as hell. I've given up hating the Pats I've just accepted they'll always be great until Brady leaves. I have nothing but respect for them now. Now the Phish, I'll always hate those guys. Them and their fans. Terrible, terrible creatures, imo.
  3. I've actually had this exact some convo with my brother who just recently turned 30. All he's seen is a middle of the pack, mediocre squad. He loves the team, but he's said alot of what peevos is saying. All he knows about the glory years is what I went on an on about. Just sounds like fairy tales to him. He actually jokes that I'm the one responsible for making him a fan of this team and all its done is being him heartache. I laughed, it was a joke. but seriously, it's got some truth to it.
  4. Their accomplishments are still their own. Nothing can be taken away from the team. But speaking as someone who actually went to the hof and watched a few of those guys get inducted because of how much they meant to me I can honestly say it doesn't feel the same in my opinion. It may very well have nothing to do with the Bills. Maybe it's just adulthood, maybe it's just real life things happening making it seem less important and more like a game and entertainment. Could be a bunch of stuff. But I carve out every Sunday to watch this team, and it always meant so much. Now, not so much. I'm hoping some meaningful games can change that around for me. I'm with the OP though. I get it, good or bad I always had the 90's, the squish the fish newspaper cut outs in everyone's windows, the team you knew backwards and forwards, it fueled my positive experience (no matter how crummy the team was playing) for years. Even those memories aren't getting it done for me these days. I've said it before, I'll always watch, they'll always be my team. But the importance of that seems to be fading. Maybe the disconnect are the fans ages. Me and OP were kids. These players were basically our heroes. Heroes tend to fade with time. Maybe some if you guys were already adults and it was fun, but these guys weren't like your personal gods like they were to kids in the 90's.
  5. I'll always have the nostalgia for that team and those players but maybe the degree of nostalgia/passion is wearing away. Obviously I'll always look back fondly on those years but for a long time those Bills and those Sunday's growing up really fueled my football fire. I feel like it's slowly being extinguished over time. Like I said, opening day I always have those same butterflies. But in keeping up with the analogy it's kind of like every year a few die off.
  6. I definitely know how you feel. I was the guy that everyone would give Bills stuff too for every birthday and xmas. I had to eventually tell people I didn't have anymore room because I just wasn't feeling it anymore. It was actually a really sad day the first time I dvrd a game and didn't watch it live (I'd never even think of foong that before) but I was getting tired of spending my entire Sunday getting bummed over a team that wasn't even competing for anything in November. Like you I was a kid watching the glory years, and the feeling stuck wth me probably a lot longer than it should have.
  7. I lived off of the feeling from those years for the past few decades. My basement was completely decked out in 90's Bills memorabilia. About three years ago i packed it all up and moved on. The Bills are still my team, I'll always get the opening day butterflies, but there's only so long you can look at the same Thurman, Reed, Kelly, Bruce stuff. It started feeling a bit sad like I was living in the past. I'm hoping one day those old butterflies come back in full force but they've been dying out for years. Thus fanbase needs something new to cheer about in the worst way.
  8. Terrible reading comprehension has taken over.
  9. Said exactly what I wanted to. A highlight vid means nothing. Just as my example pointed out, I can find at least two for James Hardy. Not at all a comparison. The point was... even the worst players have highlight vids. The fact that you didn't take it that way says more about you than me.
  10. That's not at all how it reads. Not a comparison, you guys need help.
  11. Or you truly don't understand what you're reading. There was never a comparison of Hardy to Watkins. Only that videos mean nothing because everyone has some. A good highlight reel does not an elite player make. If you truly had a problem putting that together you might want to think about night school.
  12. It's certainly not terrible. But those tootsies.
  13. How did anyone get a Sammy Watkins-James Hardy comparison based off what I said? Worst is the rest of you that just followed along with it like a bunch of non-fact checking sheep. Man, some serious need of reading comprehension around here. "What, someone said James Hardy? Must be comparing him to Watkins, zomg!" (Please read that in the tone of a slow witted cave troll) You can find a clip or two for anyone in the NFL. A clip doesn't mean anything. Does Sammy have some fun clips out there? Of course, but I'll take a guy who has less clips and more production anyday.
  14. First off, just because someone has a good season with one team doesn't mean they would with another. Secondly, you whiffed again. Same old Bills would be having just enough stars on the team to be perfectly mediocre. Are we watching the same Bills? It's almost like the Bills always did the exact opposite of what you think they did. Bizarro Bills.
  15. Right back atcha... We'd have Byrd, Mario, Hogan, and Gilmore eating up half of our budget.
  16. Ooh... 7 catches, my hair is on fire from that burn!!! Save it, if your argument is this tired what's the point? I could post videos of games he didn't play in, or didn't make much of an impact in. Would that prove my point? No, you're grasping at straws.
  17. I didn't say anything about letting him walk because he wants to leave. i want something for him because Mr. Glass can't be counted on in the most crucial moments. That's what you need from a guy that will command as much as Watkins will from us. Bending to his will because of his supposed elite status is asinine.
  18. We had a crowded backfield and he was on his second strike. Not at all the same. Also, your premise is based on if Sammy deserves to be tagged. That's a huge if, how do you not understand that? His option wasn't picked up for a reason. You think that reason is because they believe he'll light it up this year?? You're either smarter than the FO our talking out of your behind.
  19. Can you name one other time the Bills have done this? Maybe people don't understand what they mean when they say "Billsy"? The opposite is true, if the Bills kept the player until they walked away in free agency for nothing, THAT would be Billsy.
  20. His point was under the assumption that someone posting this question on a Bills board, would be a Bills fan. I also misunderstood the question until I realized the poster was a Packers fan. If you didn't know the OP was a Packers fan the question looks like he's asking if we'd sweep ourselves.
  21. Wow... "dumb" and "stupid" in one post. You must be super smart to be able to call people both. i know lots of really bright people that instead of forming solid arguments of their own just call the opposition names. They're usually in grade 1-5, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't listen. I mean it's obvious you know best, so we should probably just concede.
  22. Omg... I haven't been here long, but long enough to know an endorsement from the almighty Leroi is pretty close to having your baby kissed by the pope.
  23. I'm not just saying this because most of it happens to coincide with my own beliefs. This is one hell of a post.
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