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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. It was so late. Really pathetic.
  2. They’ve got to start playing Sinatra over the loudspeakers in the stadium
  3. I’m not sure enough prayers exist to make this happen.
  4. There was a definite offside on the defence on that play. It wasn’t just me that saw it, right?
  5. The old “Marilyn Manson rib removal trick” huh?
  6. I’m not sure why any of us expected to see a different starting offensive line. Ford was always going to be in there. If he wasn’t their top choice, they wouldn’t have gone with him for the Jacksonville or the Miami game. Some have pondered whether this was just to prove that there was some value to him as a second round pick. I don’t think McDermott is that kind of coach.
  7. Huh? No, it was a joke. He wasn’t good at commentating. That was it.
  8. Member since 2002. Seems about right. The BBFS is strong with this one.
  9. I know a number of angry stoners. It seems counter-intuitive, but perhaps that’s why they took it up?
  10. My lawyer ran off with my mama! My doctor says I need a back-eotomy!!
  11. Pretty well illustrated what JK had said. Harbaugh acted like a baby in his reaction.
  12. I’ve been hoping that Harry would be the answer for three seasons now. He seemed that he was coming on at the beginning of last season, but hasn’t regained that form. One can always hope. Hope feels good.
  13. All I read is that he wants to feel like he’s been double teamed by two 330 pound dudes. I mean, whatever floats your boat man…..
  14. How dare you?! Jim Kelly is a saint and has never done any wrong. But, you’re not wrong. There’s a reason he didn’t continue in that gig.
  15. Ed Oliver. Sending Carson back from Wentz he came.
  16. I might not play him, but I would dress him if they feel he is ready. If AJ is not coming up with the plays that they need him to, and Tremaine is OK to go, they can put him in. But, you don’t want to create a lingering issue.
  17. If he starts, it’s a Hart failure. The DE’s on Indy are actually looking forward to a Hart attack. He needs to look in the mirror and have a real Hart to Hart with himself to determine if his Hart is in it. Amidoingthisrite?
  18. Thank you for coming on here to tell us you won’t watch the game. It tells us that you are a great fan. Possibly one of the greatest. Definitely the most informed. Thank you so much for gracing us with your presence.
  19. I’m a bit of a Michael Rapaport fan. He does some live videos that are quite humorous. He did one this summer where he was out on the street and talking about how excited he was to get this over with but then sports figures were coming out as questioning what scientist were providing in terms of info. The quote was something along the lines of, “these doctors are going to school for 12 years and you are the right tackle of the Dallas Cowboys. Shut your mouth and listen to people who know better than you.” This falls right into place. I don’t understand why the world has come to a place where opinion means as much as fact. Peoples opinions are that the vaccine is being forced upon them. The fact is that the vaccine is being used to protect them and the health care system. Maybe I shouldn’t be posting such opinions on here and I have overstepped. If so, I apologize.
  20. The human is phony. The player is HOF worthy. And thus why he is still employed in the NFL.
  21. We, as Bills fans, have been blessed with a QB who represents us in the beat way possible. He’s got immense passion for the game, a strong moral code and incredible work ethic. I believe he will take us to the promised land, but even if he doesn’t, we have a QB to take pride in.
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