He also provided me with the most entertaining Monday night I've spent in Seattle. He and Bob Woods went off vs. the Hawks. We will always have Seattle Tyrod, always....
They’re gonna show Mac Jones how to toughen up. “You don’t like completing passes in the playoffs? Well, we’re just gonna go ahead and take away your offensive line”
…and sometimes Boogie…
I’m sure that Jerry Jones also made that part of his sales pitch. “ We stuck with you through your drug suspensions, now it’s time to pay us back with a little bit of a discount here.”
Exactly why I don’t comprehend how some posters dwell on the Bills lack of current cap space. With a qb making over $40 million you are going to have challenges. I’d take those challenges any day over the alternative.
C’mon @Brennan Huff You are out here making stuff up. Totally LAMP. If you know something, spill it if not then keep it to yourself because nobody here can believe you at this point. What else have you broken?
I need an agent like Collin Roberts to represent me in discussions with my wife. He could convince her I was at least average and ensure that I am way overvalued.