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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Yup. He was actually put on the field. Could have been modelling the latest in Bills street apparel on the sidelines.
  2. If we think Schoen has failed….What do we think about Dan Morgan?!!
  3. I shall be present. The people saying to stay out of the downtown core aren’t wrong, but that’s not where the best of Seattle is anyways. Check out the area around Lake Union and go over to Fremont and Ballard as well. Or, as some people have said in another thread, go into the surrounding outdoors and enjoy a nice hike or leisurely walk in the forest. Get seats in the top deck upper area so you’re undercover. Looks like it’s going to rain. I’m sitting up in 311 under the roof just to be sure. Lots of great seats up there and the views are not an issue most anywhere in that stadium.
  4. I have sat in the second row from the top at the stadium, albeit at the 50 yard line, and can tell you that it is still a fantastic view. If the forecast holds and the rain comes through on the weekend, the nosebleeds will actually be the best seats in the house.
  5. Restaurant-The Ballard Cut if you’re up for a bit of a splurge. Pubs-Macleod’s for a traditional Scottish pub. Reuben’s Brews if you are a beer aficionado.
  6. Weekend traffic isn’t that bad. If it’s raining, you won’t see much if you go up there though. Beautiful forest if you’re OK with that.
  7. It’s a fantastic city. Although, the downtown has fallen to the same ills as so many other cities in the country. A plethora of homeless and drug addicted people. If you are keen to get out a little bit, but only a 15 minute Uber, head over to Fremont and to Ballard across the canal. The main street of Ballard is super nice with some great pubs and restaurants and nice shops.
  8. Art Marble on Saturday night. It’s out by Lake Union. It’s not the greatest bar in town, but it’s been the backers bar for a long time and it’s worth supporting. Food’s not bad and they have good taps.
  9. I watch quite a bit of Hawks football. He hasn’t been the Tyler Lockett replacement that they had hoped. He is good, but you can’t game plan for that guy. DK is the difference maker. And, Lockett is still there and can come back with some vintage performances.
  10. Art marble will be on the Saturday night. Sunday it’s the commercial tailgate that they are promoting. It looks to be $99 plus tax. Bit more than what I would pay. Going with three friends and will probably just find a great local pub on the way beforehand where we spend 60 bucks and have an equally excellent time.
  11. Running vs the Hawks is the way to beat them and if Brady doesn’t forget to run the ball when he’s seeing the most success there, the Bills can absolutely dominate and control possession. The last game in Seattle, on Monday Night Football, was fantastic aside from the result. I expect another excellent game with the result being in favor of the good guys. Go Bills!
  12. I just do the podcast thing now. Heed the Call or NFL Daily are both superior to GMFB
  13. Having his name publicly released was absolutely sufficient punishment for this crime.
  14. Nashville Hot Chicken Roasted Potatoes collard Greens Okra Keeping it South
  15. Will they let him in the building? History says no.
  16. Based on his size, I just think he likes wings on his wings
  17. I have an image of the ball being thrown to Amari and him saying to himself” that came off HIS hand. I don’t know where that *****’s been” and knocking it down.
  18. Steelers won’t trade him. He’s too good.
  19. I’m not sure that it’s not because Brady doesn’t believe that those receivers can get past the defenders to create enough space in those situations. Hopefully the return of Khalil makes a big difference. That, and acquiring a true alpha wide receiver….
  20. Reading the manual on his BMW.
  21. I hear that it’s the Canadian ballet in St Catherines that has him sold
  22. The fact that Adams remains a Raider as of today says that they are holding out on a desperate team overpaying or, at minimum, upping their offer. With the Bills and Jets in bad places ( Bills with injuries and Jets with performance) one of them will blink first
  23. Jordan Whittington looks like a player for LA. I hate Cooper’s injury history, but a healthy Kupp is the perfect fit. Maybe he becomes available?
  24. She can’t help but Gilooly can
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