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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Sounds like you need something to nibble on…pizza shooters, shrimp poppers or extreme fajitas?
  2. That seems to be the case. Van rotten seems to have moved his way out of the back up center position.
  3. I think that maybe overstating the obvious. He has been the best offensive lineman on the team without a doubt. One muffed snap notwithstanding.
  4. I still don’t think we have seen stadium renderings. Those two drawings that we saw a few weeks back weren’t really renderings that offer any detail whatsoever.
  5. On Sunday, I elected to take a 3 hour mountain bike ride during the game and watch the replay. As that was a success, I will repeat today. If this works again, I may never watch a live Bills game. The sacrifices I make for this team!
  6. Something about excessive amounts of tequila, a Luchador mask, and a woman named Maria.
  7. On a good note, I did appreciate what they were doing with Knox as being the safety valve yesterday. I think he needs to get more opportunities like the ones he saw against Cleveland.
  8. Setting passing records. Once a quarterback, always a quarterback.
  9. Based on these images, seems that you know enough to make that statement.
  10. I have sent hair dryers and extension cords to each players house. Everything will be fine.
  11. As someone who worked for a while in the Detroit real estate market as an investor, that thing will never sell at that price. The seller is hallucinating.
  12. I might spend the pregame shopping for low cost real estate. It’s amazing the quality of home you can get in that city for $100.
  13. The guy doesn't even play COD and this happens?!!!
  14. I’d be amazed if they could even clear that much snow to get the broadcast team set up.
  15. Put the snowmobile up on the roof today. Make sure you can get it on top of all that snow.
  16. Timbits are donut holes. Everyone loves a timbit!
  17. Yup. There just aren’t enough players that have been set up to succeed based on the plays that he’s called in the RZ. He either needs get creative or to start looking around the league a bit more and borrowing plays that work.
  18. Been to a Raptors game? How about a Maple leafs game? How about a Toronto FC game? I would say Toronto fans are not indifferent whatsoever based on the evidence I have seen at all three of those. They did, however, suck when it came to the Bills games that were played there. If you looked around, there were so many different jerseys in the crowd and insufficient support for the “home” team. That might change today with the success we have seen the Bills have over the past four years, but they certainly were not a good NFL crowd previously.
  19. I used to work in that mausoleum. Love the city, hate the stadium.
  20. He'll be as ready to play at the beginning as he will at the end based on what he has shown the past two seasons. Meaning, he won't be.
  21. I’d love to see that Shady McCoy run happen again from 2017. That was an all-time highlight for me
  22. Aside from the obvious mistake of not knocking down that pass, did you see any plays in that game that told you that Jaquan Johnson would’ve been a better choice out there?
  23. The English on Prime is a great Western show. Highly recommended.
  24. It seems like the kind of thing that you wanna say in a conversation, but when he was dealing with a guy who was that erratic, it was a good thing to put down in text. Give him a chance to review and digest what Brady had said. Seems like he just proved a point by ignoring it and continuing down the spiral that he has gone down. Then, compounding that issue he decided to air out that laundry in public. AB was a crisis averted by the Bills in a major way.
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