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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. It (allowing professional athletes to smoke pot)is a tough line to draw. We, obviously, do not want to see them using pre-game as it will effect the on-field product immensely. Allowing it is also a terrible message to youth, who are highly impressionable and look up to these athletes. The current state of legalization in a number of states does, however, create a massive grey area that opens the door to the players unions. If it were up to me, I would continue with current ban. This is based on societal effects. I smoked habitually for 14 years of my life. I might have it once every 4 months these days and probably less often. Since cutting it out of my day-to-day life, I have turned my business around, my home life is greatly improved and I feel better every second of the day that I don't smoke. Based on this, I feel confident in telling my children that, despite being enjoyable on occasion, marijuana use isn't something that improves your life. It will waste away many days in which you could have been productive. The medicinal effects of THC make it a positive option for many, but employers need to have a cut and dry rule in place. There are effective and legal alternatives and, while playing professional sports, these are the ones the athletes should utilize. And, Martavis Bryant is an incredible talent who needs to get his head out of his ass. If he didn't get suspended again, I'd look upon it as a miracle.
  2. Much larger sample for Mills (16 games to 4) and much weaker line overall. Not saying Smith is the answer, just saying Mills sure hasn't been
  3. I guess this isn't happening...or Mills is just in on a back-up role
  4. Totally forgot Tate was an FA. He should definitely be brought back into the fold.
  5. Is that an indictment of the player or FO? Because I saw Aiken almost get 1000 yards two seasons ago. I don't see the Bills with a guy on their roster, aside from Sammy, that could touch that.
  6. You aren't wrong, but when all the grocery stores and restaurants are closed and you see that day old loaf of bread sitting on top of a garbage bag.....
  7. I'd take Cook, Aiken and Verner from that list. All needs and fits. Claiborne is interesting, but I could see him asking too much. He's in his prime in age and experience, but consistency has been a real issue which always throws up red flags.
  8. I wouldn't say "Dallas-like" as that is top 3 players at their position across the whole line, which Cleveland doesn't currently have. That being said, they are mimicking a successful strategy and also stocking up on draft picks. As long as they have a good scouting department, they are using a very sound strategy and will see a massive shift in organizational success. QB is an immense question mark, but if they get that solved by the 2018/19 season, I can see them making the playoffs in short order.
  9. Big fan of the person and the player when he's put in the right scheme. Seems like a very fair value and McD obviously sees a fit
  10. With the Bills reported csp space, they should have been in on that. Solid #2
  11. He's not like Clay. He's nowhere near the blocker Clay is in the run or the pass game. He's fine as a receiving TE, but he's not Cook or Bennett. Big time consolation prize
  12. I think Gugny was fishing, as he often does. Your response is, however, 100% accurate
  13. This being followed by the next quote is a microcosm of this board. Fantastic!
  14. This. I really want to like him more, and thought I did while I sat in the stands in Seattle for the Monday Nighter, but I have my reservations about him as a QB. Maybe he just rips it up in Dennison's offense. That would be nice.
  15. None other than.....Mario Williams! In all seriousness, there are no "splashes " remaining really.
  16. Depth loss, but I didn't see anything that makes me think we'll miss him much.
  17. Where you gonna be? I have a buddy in Tokyo that is a fan that may have some ideas. I just got back from a few weeks in Hokkaido myself.
  18. Osweiler cut and returns to Denver. Romo to Houston. Just prognostications
  19. I don't get the sense that you could educate me on much. Your statement was not reflective of the coaching, but off the signing of a kicker. I am well aware of the background of our new HC, it was the way that you deduced that signing Haushka meant we would be heavily reliant on defence.
  20. Our competition could be the Browns, Bears, Jags, Argonauts and Montreal Alouettes and we'd still be in tough. Man, I sometimes wish I cheered for a team in a more desirable market for free agents.....
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