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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. I wear cargo shorts and blue jeans often. I have been complemented on my fashion sense many many times by women with more style than any of us here. If you are comfortable and don't look like a turd, wear what you like.
  2. It's a gift being on West Coast time sometimes. I've been awake 3 hours less than most of you and have therefore endured 3 hours less of the agony of awaiting "The Decision ". I hope he does this at a Girls and Boys Club and announces that he will be "taking his talents to the shores of Lake Erie".
  3. The Texans would be getting a great guy with a lot of heart, but why any team would want to take on the severe injury possibility with AW puzzles me immensely.
  4. C'mon Chandler. Weak post. Negative Nelly. I'd love to see a great UDFA story and a sure-handed slot receiver would fit the bill well based on the current roster.
  5. I don't think that losing more games than the year before is going in the right direction as a stat on its own. I think we can all agree that last year was a major opportunity to end the playoff drought. We had the schedule and the players (less a couple of injured picks and Sammy) to do it. Rex and his BS scheme and lack of NFL level head coaching ability blew it. We go into this season with a strong, by all accounts and historical stats, coaching staff and some holes at key positions (Safety, LB and back-up RB stand out to me).I know that it may be an excuse, but this schedule is daunting and we don't often see immediate success from teams with complete staff overhauls. I think we'll all know when we see this team play whether we are headed in the right direction or not. A focused, driven team playing within the right scheme shows up on the field in ways the schittshau of last season never did.
  6. I don't think that's the case, but if he wins 7 games this year, with the complete overhaul that the Bills have had and the schedule they face, it wouldn't be surprising and I'm not even sure that those wins/losses might be the stats that OBD examines when determining his future as a Bill. We want to see a winning program, and this is without question. However, a squad that is communally heading in the right direction and is playing the football designed by the staff would be progress relative to the last few seasons. I wouldn't be surprised to see TT return after a 6 or 7 win season. Ohhh...so you are aware of McD's head coaching history? Or, is it the crystal ball you carry that has you of this belief?
  7. I do wish to discuss polenta. Man I love that stuff grilled with a bit of olive oil and some seasoning salt! It's a beauty mark dammit!
  8. I understand your agenda...errr...I mean...position. That being said, you do spend an abnormal number of posts dwelling on this belief. I was fortunate to be at the Monday Nighter and see the player that Tyrod can be when the passing game is opened up. He picked apart an elite defense (Yes, without Bennett, but still elite). Is it possible that this is the player Dennison's offense can produce and are his low passing yards a product of his low attempts/game as designed in the prior offense which was more run-heavy than any in the league? A lot of stats have been released detailing his success as a pocket passer when asked to stand in there. I 100% am aware that he is not elite, but we have seen far worse QB's take their team deep in the playoffs. Hell, Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl! The anti-Tyrod crowd gets tiresome. We know he is the QB for the immediate future, the players stand behind him and he is far from a bad leader. I'm not asking to have everyone drink the kool aid, I'm just asking to put down the pitchforks because you have zero say in the actual matter.
  9. Well, we could bring him back...but we won't....
  10. Hot damn man! Where is your ability to read into sarcasm and/or trolling? There is no chance in hell that Maynard has an ounce of truth to that statement.
  11. I like a solid spit my coffee out meme application. This was one of those moments. Kudos!
  12. It should lower it if anything. I don't see "Super Bowl hero" and "Jeremy Maclin" in any prior headlines together.
  13. I think we now have to factor in the BBMB crew's posts. The group doubled in one day and those numbers are juiced because of it.
  14. This is the kind of ammunition we need. Send this tape to Maclin and his agent. "Look! They don't care about you! We have 134 page thread about you!(Okay, maybe 40 of them are on food, but they were inspired by you!)"
  15. Hmmm...interesting. I might say that is changing based on the fact that our only proven RB is Shady. Tolbert is short yardage and DiMarco is blocking and, every once in a while, a run or a screen pass thrown in. Williams is a big question mark and....then we have UDFA and practice squad fodder. I'm thinking we'll see a greater balance in 2017.
  16. I was thinking NE and Amendola...but not sure how "prominent & productive" he actually is. Yours is more in-line with that description. I'd take Cobb if that happened. Very consistent player.
  17. Based on my understanding, they are a ham and pineapple crowd. The worst kind of pizza eaters....
  18. This is a sad,sad thing. You announced the Listenbee pick and you have NEVER BEEN TO BUFFALO?! You must, immediately, remedy this situation. In terms of the food, the reports of excellent pizza are true, but Wings and beef on weck are the cuisine WNY is most known for. As such, there are a lot of places that do them well as a source of pride...and tourist dollars. Pizza, like most all North American cities, is a staple of diet in Buffalo. And, like most all North American cities, there are a number of restaurants that excel in making great pizza.
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