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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Why is this thread still open? Mods can go ahead and shut this down.
  2. Because I love football and the Bills are the reason I do. Because of tradition. Because of masochism. Because I spend 7 months of the year without Bills football discussing Bills football.
  3. I cannot attest to Billsmovinup's reputation as a breaker of news, but if he is correct, this is the only valid reason for it to be accurate.
  4. Way to go ahead and ruin a perfectly good hot take with fact YOLO!
  5. Take it for what it's worth, but I have a friend with Fins connections who has told me they are not happy with Julius Thomas at TE and are looking at Barnridge.
  6. I thought about that and, despite wanting to state that Cleveland is worse, I couldn't definitively state that any other team is clearly worse. Let's see after at least one regular season game is played.
  7. I don't even know if you're serious. He's been pretty much of an ironman so far in his career and hasn't been medically cleared to play. It's not like he sprained his ankle.
  8. You doubt the Lorax? I liked Hodges back there as well, but Lorax has been a surprise at every position he's played for the Bills and he is definitely capable of being in charge of the D on the field.
  9. The majority of focus has been on the Jon Williams cut. In terms of actual impact, I think Hodges was an equal, if not greater, surprise. The guy was all over the field and looked like a key cog in the defense this season. Also, Gunner, you weren't one of the posters I was speaking about who quit on the team. Scott Law was the most recent, but multiple posters have been stating "not watching games this year " and "done with this team" over the past months. I appreciate posters who express their opinions on the team and the moves made by the HO. I don't understand those that post despite openly quitting on the team.
  10. Unreal. There was a heavy dose of luck, but the guy can play. Sometimes to be good you have to be lucky and vice versa
  11. "This guy Rosen blows me away" was assuredly what Captain Positive meant to say...
  12. The same way every other coach in the league does. It's not as though they picked up 3 starters who will be forced into action immediately. They, as a whole, are depth, and most likely will find themselves on the inactive list for the first week or two. Where the intrigue will lie is in the new wr, Clay, who may well be on the field against the Jets for a number of snaps due to the sheer lack of an alternative.
  13. Why do so many posters take time out of their day to tell us how they've quit on this team? Obviously you haven't because you think about them so much that you feel obligated to write down your thoughts about them incessantly. Just give it up. So many more naysayers in here since BBMB shut down and there were sufficient numbers previously. Such a bunch of downers that just love to create a reactionary culture on here. You all suck!
  14. Baker Mayfield and Mason Rudolph looked the part of 1st round qb's this weekend. I will go on record as saying at least one of them won't be. Over-reacting to the first game of the college season is the same as over-reacting to these pre-season cuts. Let's see what the on-field/final product is before judgement.
  15. It's like the Bills are mimicking Game of Thrones. Don't get too attached to anyone.
  16. Appreciate Fixxer's post, but there is a lot of CFL talent on that list. Taking on guys that couldn't make the Seahawks offensive line is illogical. That OL is horrific.
  17. Kasen really played well in the PS and I believed that he would be the next man up in their WR room based on his performance. I wonder if he's their Reilly, but I can see a team picking him up. The Jets and Browns should be giving him a look-see.
  18. That's a helluva first half. Heck...that's a helluva game.
  19. Set up the PVR. Have always watched college ball, but am going to be nuts on it this year
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