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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. I think we should all let that mistake of the Saints game pass for the OP. In terms of the needs you have addressed, I think you are pretty much bang on. If a free agent is acquired at QB, or a trade is made, then the top two picks spend on a D tackle and a inside linebacker, would be well spent. I like Preston , But we can assuredly do better and we need better to properly implement McDermott's scheme
  2. I think you've confused yourself into thinking movies are reality. This is a Stanford biology degree we're talking about. His abilities to play football will not play into the minds of potential employers because 75% of them will care less if he even played any level of football. He's a biologist not a salesman. His brain is what they will care about.
  3. Bradford is a good QB.... just way too fragile. If the plan is to play a vet 3 games then turn the position over to Peterman, and acquire a back-up to him as the vet is on IR the rest of the season, Bradford is the best man for the job. I'll make the assumption that is not the plan.
  4. Vikings. A home Super Bowl win for a really good Fanbase. I have to root for a team like that. Also, after yesterday, it looks like this team might even have God on its side. And I never bet against God
  5. Very valid point. A counter-point makes for a better conversation. I am not drinking the kool aid, but I like thehire based on what I saw a young, raw team in Alabama do with a QB that had a noodle arm and was softer than a down pillow. Once he had his QB in place, things opened up and it was a juggernaut on O. Get him a middle-of-the-pack starter and I am excited. Get him a franchis QB (I'm looking at you Mr Cousins) and we are looking at a contender. Just my opinion.
  6. Nope, but it affirms my belief in the defensive coaching. Hopefully Daboll brings some of the same quality of coaching to the offensive side of the ball. Well, him and the new QB!
  7. I will go on record as saying this is a big positive for the coaching staff. He is a younger guy who has shown both innovation and flexibility in his stints in the pros and college. As a previous poster stated, the second half of the National Championship perfectly exhibited that. Roughs stint on the Browns, but who has done anything better there since?
  8. I have no idea what was or wasn't said, but why has only one Jags player come forth claiming this? Cog has a history, but his recent past shows a contrite and changed person. If he said something, let him face the consequences. If not, I'm sure he just wanted to get home from the season and relax. Why would a false claim dignify a response?
  9. I, for one, hope they like a redemption story. Tice is a very good OL coach and has been out of the papers for 13 years. I don't know him personally, but I think 13 years is enough time to let that water pass under the bridge.Just last year, Juan Castillo stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Pegula family. That cannot be forgotten or forgiven.
  10. Sammy 's yardage uptick cannot be used as an argument. He actually played a whole season. Other than that, good post
  11. I like the Chud, Dorsey, Tice trio. I still think it's Bevell, but I was really happy to see Cable join Gruden's staff in Oakland so as to avoid that issue. I keep waking up thinking we'll have an announcement. Wonder how long this takes...
  12. That would have to depend on the intelligence of the QB. If you trust the guy to run the show, let hum run the show. If he's a dunce with an arm, make sure he sees the play call and does what he's told. Just my take.
  13. Sammy had some big games this year. His downturn was a product of the emergence of Woods and Goff's relationship with Kupp. They were both favoured heavily in the O. Aside from the wild card game, he came up big when his number was called. I would take his skillset on the team any day. He's still a hell of a receiver.
  14. I'm hearing IBM's Watson will be OC. Really innovative thinking
  15. I was thinking Marrone. Saint Doug himself.
  16. Cable honestly believes he is an offensive line mastermind. He thinks he can take guys that never played the position and turn them into all pros. Remind you Of a former Bills coach?
  17. His replacement should be total game offence friendly
  18. It has been beat to death, but that was a run pass option that Taylor chose the pass on.
  19. I don't think it affects him either way. The decision on Taylor will be made no matter who the offensive coordinator is. He couldn't get it done with three different coordinators, each of whom has had success with other players at the QB position. Despite my appreciation for the man that Taylor is, he is no longer the Bills starting QB.
  20. I am incredibly surprised. I didn't like what he did with the offence, but figured a new QB might be able to work better within his scheme. This is actually pretty exciting based on what alternative options are available with the recent firings. Lot of talented coordinators out there. Hopefully the entire offensive staff hits the bricks, especially Castillo.
  21. The three games may be as good as the UK has ever seen. Happy to not be one of those teams, but I'm going to enjoy my 7am PST games this year I think.
  22. I do not believe he is getting fired, regardless of what many hope for here and amongst the general Bills fan base. If the assessment started Monday, multiple firings and hirings of OC's have happened since, and Dennison still has a job, we should all just live with the process. I love a good off season coaching thread, but Rico's employment has been beat to death here.
  23. Former Chargers HC. Fired as OC from Denver this season
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