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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Necessary position to address, but uninspired choice to address it with. Can't be surprised, but his play last season didn't indicate a guy worth signing for 5 years, more like 2 with a team option for a third.
  2. No surprise. I take that to mean Cousins to Minny...but you never know
  3. It's not called being a snowflake. It's called being respectful ofthe board. This thread is redundant and the OP's post is terrible.
  4. Why would you start this thread? This is a post in another stupid thread, not a thread of its own. Ugh
  5. Not all replies are intended to disprove the initial point. Sometimes they add ammunition to it. ? Apologies and thanks. Should read "let go of" or "allowed to leave"
  6. They traded Brees because they had Rivers AND believed Brees to be damaged goods. Jacoby sure as hell isn't Rivers and neither is any QB in this draft as far as I can see. Luck is only out of Indy if they think his shoulder is shot, and then he's not fetching jack from anyone else.
  7. I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I've been watching this guy for years. You can say he's cancerous, and you can dislike him, but he is an incredible cornerback. I don't know what he has left in the tank, or how his recovery is going, but if he is anywhere near 100%, he is a top-five cb.
  8. What kind of a moron asks someone something like this in a job interview. If Goodell was worth a lick, which IMHO he isn't, he'd find out right away who this was an make an example out of him. Pathetic.
  9. We really shouldn't expect the chips to fall this way, but oh my if they do. Three if my faves in the first 2 rounds and a possible day one starter in Ragnow? Count me all the way in.
  10. He's rehabbing at OBD. That is a good sign
  11. It's going to suck if OBD can't acquire Rosen. He is as ideal as it gets for this team and this coaching staff. Wherever he ends up is getting a good one.
  12. I live in another country. My take is that you desensitized the issue, that is JK being stricken by this horrible disease again, and then flipped it into a PPP based discussion on the shortcomings of the American health care system. In truth, the cancer treatment centers in the US are world-renowned for being among the best and they are making constant medical advancements. I know that because, once again, I live in another country.
  13. Get yourself a tin hat and exit the thread to return to your life under a bridge.
  14. Sunuva!!! That family, despite all the great things they have been afforded in life, has had more than its share of massive challenges. Hoping to see him fight through this, but he has, yet another, massive challenge ahead of him. Prayers up for JK.
  15. Would you be confident in the selection if the Bills took Rosen? I, admittedly, see a lot of characteristics in Rosen that I love in a QB. He's cocky, big armed, accurate and outspoken. That is reflective of a lot of great QB's in the history of the league and if OBD thinks he will succeed in Buffalo, then I'm on board. I have a great deal of confidence in this regime and its ability to determine fit in both scheme and atitude. Also, I would be more than happy with Baker.
  16. It's a difficult position for the Bills to be in. Kyle was the heart and soul of the team for a long time. He was also an excellent DT. One of those things remains unchanged and his value has to be related to that of a team guy on the down slope of his playing career who should not be an every down player. It hurts to write that, as he is one of my all-time favourites, but reality is what it is.
  17. He's 100% correct in that there are people out there that expect, after a playoff season, for the Bills to be a Super Bowl contender. This team has a lot of holes to fill and remains a team that went on a horrible 4 game downturn mid-season and had horseshoes galore to make the playoffs. However, he may not be insinuating to expect a digression in 18/19, but just a reality check for those with meteoric expectations. With improved play calling on offense alone, the Bills assuredly would not have needed those horseshoes to break the drought.
  18. I went after a Blunt once. Ended up sleeping my way through the game. I really don't recommend we do that.
  19. Probably due to those 20-something millionaires that were wanted then not wanted.....but originally wanted to be wanted in Buffalo....and signed. Buffalo is the same place it has been for 15 years. I doubt FA's see it much differently. I just hope the underrated guys keep signing here. We've seen big FA pushes and small pushes alike, but sustained strength has been absent for decades.
  20. It sucks to agree with you on this, but SF is the team I would choose as well if I were in his position. Team on the rise in a very attractive market with greater opportunities outside of the game.
  21. I'd go just to psyche out Goodell when he goes for his patended bro hug and just shake his hand and go limp when he goes for the hug. Make it real awkward like....
  22. I'm happy that they got their guy. Whether or not that guy is the right guy remains to be seen, but you can't argue that he doesn't have the experience in the league to understand how to do his job. Also love that he worked with Julio Jones and Roddy White when those two Really blew up.
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