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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Might have lost you. Are you saying because he's popular that he's a good president? He's not. He's an embarrassment who took power at the right time as it was lined up with an upturn in the economy which he feels correct in claiming credit for. But,... this is a ppp discussion really.
  2. Well, there's the whole thing where Barack wasn't a misogynist, a bigot, completely unqualified for the job, an attention whore, illiterate, rude to dignitaries during visits and the most hated president of the country by the rest of the modern world. Other than that I can see why you wouldn't want to visit him.
  3. I hate to say it but the Cowboys star is the most recognizable logo in the NFL and the cleanest. I'm no graphic designer, but I am pretty certain that design really achieved all the goals of good graphic design work. Looks damn good on apparel too.
  4. Sorry for the delayed response Gunner. I am 99.9% certain it's true, but am trying to find where I read it. Can't find it anywhere.Found the darn stats for 2016, but not 2017. I'll post it as soon as I do.
  5. Jerry was good at getting pressure last year. His problem was finishing with a sack. Statistically speaking he was a top 10 DE for quarterback pressures. Seems like such an odd stat when you see his sack number.
  6. I have been on this board for 11 years now (formerly VanCity) and have seen the dpc (dumbasses per capita) raise exponentially in the last 2 years. Might be BBMB shutdown, might be a new generation of fans finding the board, I dunno. I feel for Scott and the mods who, at zero cost to any of us, have provided us with a great place to discuss our favourite team only to have a bunch of clowns create added work and stress for them. Get your life together if what you are saying and doing has been a far greater part of the problem than the solution. rant over
  7. BoSox- despise Bruins- despise Pats- despise Celtics- indifferent Basketball has been the sport I have hung onto playing into my forties, leaving most others behind. I can always appreciate good ball and the Celts are really executing well in these playoffs. That being said, Lebron is playing the absolute best basketball we have witnessed in the playoffs in 25 years. He deserves to be in the finals and I hope he beats the Celtics so that we don't add even more swelling to every Boston sports fans head.
  8. And we can continue to blame the WR's as that was off his hands.
  9. Fins. I looked at their schedule and team make-up in combination with coaching and I really don't see more than 3 wins.
  10. Circle the Wagons would have worked better. The general design of all of the draft caps was hot garbage this year.I get a new cap every year and the sraft cap hasn't been in contention since Dareus' draft year. That was the last nice one.
  11. I don't think it was ever officially filed with the league.
  12. I imagine a guy like him would have a good selection of mirrors in his house.
  13. The word was that the CFL would not let him sign a one-year contract. I wonder what the end-result contract looks like. Maybe he makes himself into a Flutie story and goes and gets a bunch of MVP's and Grey Cups, returning to the NFL as a savvy veteran creating a QB controversy.....with some other team. hope for his sake that he actually has his life together and can right the ship that was once sailing towards a rather lucrative, if not successful, NFL career.
  14. The " Dr Cappuccino, 32 NFL teams and every other football organization " line was fantastic. So many great barbs in there
  15. I was wondering about the Cog and Wood cap space. I'm also intrigued to see if anyone here is actually in the know on this.
  16. At least we know a Kelly family member posts here. Either that or a blind and deaf person who cannot actually see the games or see or read the news. Because he's a Kelly doesn't mean he's a) a good qb or b) a guy worth rooting for. He's neither in my book. The only reason to cheer for him is to send good vibes to Jim. If that's your rationale, I'm OK with that. If you honestly believe he is either a or B, then you are delusional.
  17. Are the Bills doing an art installation? He does serve to have a degree of talent in that venue.
  18. Why not have just kept Ryan Davis?
  19. It's NC, and that's Daughtry country. Them Jersey boys can stay up there where they belong.
  20. I never argued that idea. I could only argue how ridiculous a concept it was to consider the Chargers would do it. Apparently the guy is a decent pass rusher? Who would have thunk it?
  21. I'd seen the video a week or two back, but I still love what I'm hearing. Can't wait to get reports out of rookie camp this week.
  22. Kinda thought he would be announced as signed this am. Good fit for that 3rd RB spot. Seems we've seen a number of vet FA visits this offseason that haven't panned out. With the limited cap space, perhaps Beane is playing a game of hardball like no other.
  23. Huh?! Sounds like he was afraid to run it too. Under 120 yards a game is pretty pathetic.
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