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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Josh needed to get out the jitters. A strong drive like that helps. Not the seven points I’m sure he would’ve liked, but I think there were a lot of positives in there
  2. The intro has me shaking. So damn jacked!
  3. Because they stuffed a bunch of wieners in them?
  4. Ronald McDonald is very offended by your post. He finds those to be the most beautiful
  5. You need to put down the booze. I think you’ve been on the booze since this morning and it’s doing you no favors. No favors at all
  6. Isaiah McKenzie is the insurance policy
  7. We have a suite in our house and I have let our tenants know that I am sorry, but not sorry
  8. I know this seems really odd, but I almost feel like the NFL could prefer the Bills. Especially if Brady wins this game. Somebody’s faster on Twitter than you today. Miracles do happen.
  9. So much for that poster and his sources. Evidently, he was at the wrong high-level business meeting
  10. Yeah, well that’s just, like, your opinion man.
  11. And then tested positive for COVID and remains on the COVID list. Ain’t that a B Just a bit faster than I was...
  12. Based on that fact, my best guess is next to none.
  13. Giving O’Brien sufficient power to trade a future HOF WR in his prime is not reason for regret. It’s a reason to sell the team. Pure idiocy.
  14. The lack of interest from other actually worthwhile candidates
  15. Paatt lives under a permanent dark cloud. Weather-based discussions feel very personal.
  16. Mamba mentality is more in-line. When Kobe was at his finest, and that was 99% of his career, he was extolling the virtues of never taking a play off. Never taking a second of a play off. That is the mamba mentality. Josh sometimes gets that so severely that he gets the sugar high Josh out. But he never quits at any time or in any play. As he has matured before our eyes, that has grown from being a concern to a virtue.
  17. Damn your facts and keep them out of this here argument!
  18. I don’t like the human, but I like the player.
  19. Watching the Browns vs Chiefs reminded me of why I liked Kareem Hunt so much. Get us a violent runner. Someone with no regard for tacklers and angry, angry feet.
  20. I’m happy to see that I am not alone in my lack of connection with this moniker. I am proudly a Buffalo Bills fan, but I am labeled as a Bills Mafia member by friends and fellow football fans. I have never taken to that. I think that it’s the association with the people jumping through tables and getting filmed doing stunts in the lots. It’s hardly the worst thing to be called, and maybe I’m a bit curmudgeonly, but I prefer not to be thought of in the same context as the table jumpers.
  21. You’re judging an entire fanbase on some online schmucks. The fans at Arrowhead were incredibly welcoming to our small group of Bills fans. I even got fed some great ribs at the tailgate. The recent success has bred some bandwagoners with bad attitudes, but I can’t say they are the majority whatsoever. One of my best friends is a Chiefs fan and he’s a great guy.
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