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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Pursue Le’Raven never more.
  2. Nice write-up. At this time of the year, all we can ask for is a well thought out a post and you have achieved that. The Watson situation is interesting on so many levels. I don’t think he’s getting traded as long as this court case is in play. That’s good news for us.
  3. I hope that Russell Wilson serves as a warning sign to a lot of quarterbacks. He wanted to be the highest paid quarterback in the league, and he was given that contract by the Seahawks. Now, he wants them to sign better offensive lineman to protect him, but they don’t have the money because they’ve tied up so much in him and a few key players to keep him happy. You can’t have it all. Mahomes is, thus far, an anomaly. But, his team has done a great job drafting offensive talent and has 75% of their cap wrapped up in 8 players. QB’s have to look at the full spectrum and not just what one QB is working with.
  4. Pulled a hammy trying to run the 40.
  5. I think that they prefer to be referred to as “the kicked” not “the kickee”.
  6. If Ingram is healthy, he would be a great 2 year plug and play guy. I always liked his game.
  7. I was thinking along the same lines. There was a time where Buffalo was regarded as the end of the earth in NFL standards. Sammy might just think that’s still true...
  8. They have matching captains hats and Tommy Bahamas shirts and are hanging out in Key West sippin Pina Coladas.
  9. I cannot imagine being given this opportunity and blowing it so badly. I dreamt of playing in the NFL and took every chance to improve and be coached so seriously. I was not naturally gifted like him, so it drives me nuts to see talent wasted due to stupid decisions and a lack of effort and respect. The kid obviously needs help. I disagree. We love this trade!!
  10. I didn’t realize he was a 4.61 runner. I thought with his long stride he was faster. His college tape showed great separation and strong hands. I will reserve judgement, but last year’s WR crop was excellent, so even a later round guy may end up as a find.
  11. I get the feeling that Isaiah Hodgins may be a guy that they feel more confident in than we know. Watch his college tape. Missing last season removed him from the fans’ radar, but I think he’s a good one.
  12. I have kids. It’s a combination of jealousy and “ doesn’t anyone in your life see you as much as you see your TV?”
  13. Two positives IF Sammy were to sign: 1) Talent level in the WR room will be the best the Bills have ever had. 2) I can pull a jersey out of moth balls. One negative: 1) He’s as loopy as they come.
  14. What this post told me is that a) you have altogether too much free time and b) see a)
  15. He can’t give them his speed. Also, he’s only one year further into his career than Motor, so experience isn’t his largest attribute. He’d be lead back in that room unquestionably.
  16. That would eliminate a draft need. Money dependent, I would jump at that opportunity.
  17. Stafford’s largest accomplishment to date is getting the hell out of Detroit
  18. I think you meant an old oft-injured slow guy to replace their old slow guy.
  19. This could make us all happy. Keep him out of the AFC East and to a team that probably doesn’t contend with or without him.
  20. Good for Smoke. We should all wish him nothing but the best.
  21. Based on my limited research. Mr Buzbee is a showman and loves him some attention. Disappointing to see such bravado exhibited to reveal a sexual assault case.
  22. Raiders should trade Carr to NE and go for broke with Watson.
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