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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. I never got why the far left was so okay with people coming in illegally without documentation. Every other country in the world has some type of strict border. Why are people the US racist for wanting that? My personal opinion is that anyone without a criminal record should be able to come in as long as they use the legal process. Am I "racist" for that? My other favorite virtue signaling argument from the far left used to be "Well were your ancestors once immigrants?". Well Karen, yes, but they came in on a boat, needed a pass to get in and then worked whatever menial job they could get to the bone to eek out a living because they were proud to have an opportunity to live here. They didn't sneak in illegally without documentation, stay in a fancy hotel or homeless shelter intended for our citizens, collect free benefits and trash wherever they stayed while whining about how awful this country is because they aren't getting more.
  2. Valid point. I still think that he is the best of that list and also realize that this is a very low bar. The fact that Harris is at 45% shows me that the poll will drastically change. She did what was seemingly unthinkable just a few months ago by losing to Trump in a landslide. Between that and the recent drunken rant, she isn't getting anywhere near that nomination again even if she wanted to. The list will look very different in two years. Most likely a younger moderate house member or governor with a track record or working across the aisle will emerge for them.
  3. Shapiro is the only candidate in that list that isn't a part of the problem for that party. Everyone else is extreme and/or old news They lost badly across the board and know that they will need to change to be competitive, especially since the MSM lost a lot of credibility this time around and won't get away with campaigning 24/7 for the dems as much as they used to. I expect that a more moderate candidate field will emerge. Primary lists always look much different for both parties by the time the next election comes around.
  4. Your party lost for a reason. Trump may or may not succeed, but it will be very hard to be worse that over the last four years. You have been playing the "president can't fix everything, he is just one person" card to excuse the disaster that we have under Biden, but I highly doubt that you will show Trump that same grace if things don't improve under him. Why would you expect us to show that towards Biden? Never virtue signal unless you are willing to go by that same standard.
  5. Are you lefties STILL trying the strategy of spouting out MSM generated propaganda pieces as if they are indisputable facts? As the election clearly stated, this doesn't work anymore. Calling that border bill a potential solution is the football team equivalent of saying that a team could have been set at QB is they had just signed Daniel Jones. You understand that the bill was obviously turned down because it was a poorly put together plan that compromised way too much, right? When are the far lefties going to figure out that people can research their own information and aren't taking mainstream media takes at face value anymore? I understand that deflecting, spinning, name calling and gaslighting are the four core tenants of modern day lefties, but they will need to do better in the future if they don't wanted to be cleanly swept in future elections.
  6. They are right, but not for why they think. The media tried way too hard to campaign for her and got repeatedly exposed for the corrupt practices that they have gotten away with for the past few years. Whether it was the change in attitude towards Biden's mental health, the skewed fact checking in the ABC debate or the highlight of a clear outlier Iowa poll the weekend before, people saw through it and were willing to vote against it. Never forget that the media tried to gaslight the entire nation into picking a drunken candidate with no platform who was selected by the party with no vote despite not even finishing in the top 10 during the 2020 primary.
  7. I don't know how good Trump will be, but the exposing of the corruption in the mainstream media that has come from this alone makes him an upgrade over Biden and Harris.
  8. When the UN calls for celebrities and politicians to stop flying private jets, I will take the threat more seriously.
  9. Not any more concerned than I was about tents from homeless people who are US citizens and also in some cases veterans flooding streets and city parks because every resource in many large and midsized cities was going towards those who chose to illegally sneak in and cut the line over immigrants trying to do it the right way. Could Trump possibly take it too far? Maybe, but Biden took lax borders too far.
  10. The Snopes one is spot on but could apply to the fact checking process for any mainstream media outlet. Two weeks before the election, the fact checkers tried to say that the underfunding of FEMA to illegals was proven false. Why? Because a literal check was not written to "illegal immigrants' by FEMA, as if the concepts of budgeting and limited resources were completely foreign to them. The concept of fact checking makes sense when used correctly, but the way that it was used and abused by the mainstream media turned it into another weapon.
  11. They replied to me accusing me of being a progressive too the other day. They are either way further on the right than any of us or a progressive trolling in a passive aggressive way.
  12. The OP title perfectly represents the stubborn childlike mentality of progressives. Going after Gaetz would have been reasonable and agreed with by a vast majority of Americans, but as always, progressives don't know how to quit while they are ahead. Their goal will be to pout, whine and resist every cabinet nomination. They will also try to stalemate the country from advancing anything for four years like they did during Trump's first term. Thankfully they do not have any majorities. Also nice is that more people see past the BS. If they keep trying this, they will continue to lose in 2026 and 2028.
  13. Far left: Trump and Republicans hate women. We need more strong, independent women in politics. Trump: (Nominates Pam Bondi.) Far Left: No, not that one, waaaaaah!!!!
  14. This is 100% what it is.
  15. Go ahead then, condemn the actions, and then move on like the rest of us.
  16. Because absolutes and outrage are always a winning combo. Look, it was in bad taste, but they did it because it was an opponent and a rival, not because of race. You are choosing to make it about race and trying to force us all to go along with it. Cut it out. If it is that offensive to you, find the three people that put it up (who happen to be black according to other TBD posters who were there), and tell them why they are racists. It was a poor judgement call and nothing else.
  17. It was in poor taste and shouldn't have been done, but some in the media will blow it out of proportion turning it from a three or four to a nine or ten on the drama scale. Part of the media's job in 2024 is to tell everyone who or what to be outraged and pissed at next.
  18. I am not surprised that members of the extreme left would deny life saving government aid to visible supported of their opponent. -The extreme left is willing to let people take assassination attempts at an opposing candidate and then dismiss it as not a big deal because they weren't successful. -The extreme left has followers willing to tweet rants above violence, leaving the country and changing the government for weeks after an election despite insisting that questioning an election was taboo for the previous four years. -Worst of all, the extreme left is so vindictive about the election that they would rather start a nuclear war before handing off the presidency than have a peaceful transition. These people were the real threats to democracy the entire time
  19. I get it, you are just trolling. No rational person is actually for this. You are either a kid or one of the Cheneys. Seek help little child. Go back to playing with your GiJoe toys and leave the serious conversation to the adults.
  20. Yeah, Biden need to be removed from any Presidential duties for the last few weeks, even if it is unofficial and behind the scenes. This is at best a poor decision due to senility and at worst petty extreme vindictiveness for losing that I didn't think that even the far left was capable of.
  21. This isn't playing with your GiJoe dolls as a kid, this is a real action with real consequences. Does toxic conformity to the media narrative really take precedence over not wanting a nuclear war for you?
  22. I am waiting for CNN and NBCNews to play the "Trump got us into world war 3" card when the war escalates in January directly because of Biden's senile at best/vindictive at worst missile decision. Remember, this is the same party and media that use to tell us that the economy is better because of Biden by comparing 2020 to 2022 stats while conveniently forgetting that there was a global pandemic in 2020.
  23. Can't wait for the lefties to use their usual twisted logic, skewed definitions and biased pedantic fact checks to try and justify Biden almost getting us into a nuclear war on the way out.
  24. I caught the 60 minutes intro after the game and heard them crying about the cabinet nominations. Note to the speaker, Just because it has a newsy sounding professional tone doesn't means that it isn't just as whiny, irrational and baseless as the screamers and adult toddlers on TikTok.
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