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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. Firefighter: We brought three trucks from Nevada, how can we help? Lefty: Help? Not with those things, they don't meet emission standards. Plus, I see a crew of 15 firefighters, no women and only two minorities, were going to need more diversity if you want to come back. Three Days later Media: These fires are overwhelming the county and the firefighters don't have enough manpower to fight them, What do you think led to this problem? Lefty: CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!! You are right. Now that a climate issue is directly affecting the area of Hollywood celebrities, maybe they will take climate change more seriously by downsizing their mansions and turning in their private jets.
  2. These fires are a test for the celebrities who have been staunchly for the climate change agenda. Will they "see the error of their ways.", stop flying private jets and downsize their mansions or will they continue to virtue signal and tell us to eat bugs while they keep living the life of luxury? How they respond is a litmus test of how serious the climate change threat actually is. If it is an actual threat and not a means to give the elite more goodies, they can lead by example. Actions speak louder than words.
  3. He is on my ignore list now. My mistake for getting into it with them and not putting him on that list three days ago. Edit: His disparaging sentiment towards workers behind cash registers and cubicles matches the general tone-deaf elitism of the far left. They are too dense to realize that this is why they lost.
  4. Reported again. You minimized 09/11 but you have such a bad combination of TDS and cognitive decline that you can't even grasp why that is offensive to the more rational 99 percent of society. Never said I was a doctor. I was not the one that misspelled flu, but that person only made a typo. You disrespected 09/11 victims. i will keep reporting you because you are a troll.
  5. I am not on the org chart, I am a user who is calling you out for trolling and harassing. I was not kidding, I have reported you. Now Apologize to all of us for your disrespect to the victims of 09/11 for telling us that their lives are nothing compared to people running in the capitol building.
  6. Support for a documented traitor? I never said that I supported you in any way, shape or form. You don't get to tell me your opinion until you apologize for your Anti-American treasonous comments minimizing 09/11. Until then, sit down and shut up.
  7. I never claimed that Soros said the same thing that Musk did. I made a comment that democrats had no problem with the practice until the other side started doing it. That is my opinion, you do not need to prove an opinion. You could have said, "Musk's quote makes me think that he will abuse his power, I never heard Soros say that." and that would have been a valid reason, but instead you redirected the topic in order to try to put me in a position of defending a quote that I may or may not agree with. If Musk was working under Biden and said the same thing, I believe that you would be fine with him, you only care because he is not on your "team". If you care about the topic, explain why you think that it is only okay for Democrats to have the ultra-rich back them, but not the Republicans. If not, than move on.
  8. You are the one who had no answer which is why you did the tried and true deflect and redirect. Again, if a person deflects, I end the conversation and don't acknowledge it. If you don't have enough respect to stick to the topic, why should I be obligated to cater to the disrespect and change the subject to something irrelevant? I've made my statement and I stand by it.
  9. Nope, because that is a deflection and a redirect. The dems have shown their inconsistency and that is all there is to it.
  10. Dems as usual abused the system by flooding the bill with pork and forced the Republicans hand. Meanwhile, the masses were too distracted by the drone news to focus on what was passed. It was a win for the democrats today but not so much for those who work and pay taxes. Hopefully things will change in the next few years.
  11. Same goes for you. I love how people on the left thought that it was perfectly fine for Soros and Gates to get so involved with politics, but as soon as Musk does it for the other guys, it is unacceptable. I should not be surprised. Two tiered standards are the norm for the left.
  12. Look at that, more childish pedantic behavior from the mentally unstable quack who thinks that 9/11 is no biggie compared to 01/06. For everyone else, if you ever are uncertain of a political issue, remember to always think opposite of Dr. TDS forever, and you will be on the right side.
  13. Trump: Your comment is clearly based on bias, so I won't dive into that, but I think that at his age, he should have testing at least yearly. You never know what can happen over the course of four years. If he was to show decline anywhere near Biden, i would agree that Vance should take over(meaning step in as president, not wait for the term to finish and run without a primary out of convenience). Wilson: I don't know enough about Wilson's mental state to comment. FDR: Was in poor Physical Health, but of sound mind. Nothing shows that he had cognitive decline Nixon: Had issues with paranoia and maybe had a drinking problem, but nothing out there points to cognitive decline. Reagan: If you had simply left it at him declining during his presidency, you may have had a valid comparison, but you went and let your bias show by making your assessment based on not agreeing with a policy. Reagan was losing it by his last year, but it was near the end of his second term and nowhere near Biden at any point. Biden: Even with access to more technology than ever and a media covering it up as much his possible, the decline was so obvious that they could no longer hide it at the debate and did something unprecedented by selected Harris to run without any voter input without having her take over. You have hardly seen him since and he looks worse than ever now that the media no longer hides it. Look at video from ten years ago or even in 2020 and the difference is vast. Nothing in recent history compares to the decline that Biden went through.
  14. No question, just a statement that you need to apologize which I stand by. Your opening sentence tells me that like many other leftists, you falsely equate being pedantic and passive-aggressive with being academic and intellectual. That may work with others, but I see right past it. Only low-level Dunning-Kruger academics and "corvette with no engine" (high IQ with no social skills and emotional intelligence) brainiacs need to resort to that. Truly intelligent people (whether at universities or elsewhere) can carry on a meaningful conversation with most types of people while staying on the subject and avoiding deflection. As far as the rest, we just know that you are an idiot then. Thanks for confirming. Your 100% wrong and inappropriate hate driven take is like spitting in the face of the people who died that day and in the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. You now have no credibility and are nothing more than a raging lunatic nutcase to us. You are an utter embarrassment and disgrace to this country in my eyes and nothing that you ever say will change that. The next time you think of bringing up treason, look in the mirror first. You are nothing more than an anti-American, Marxist, turncoat quack. You will always be the person who has such an obsessive and blind hatred for one politician that you are willing to minimize 09/11. The only things that you can ever do to change this is to apologize to the rest of us or never post again. Anything else just makes you a bigger loser. People like you are exactly why the rest of us were so disenfranchised with the system that they were even willing to bring Trump back and tell Harris to go eff herself in a landslide.
  15. https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/5046385-disney-removes-transgender-storyline-animated-series/ Lol @ Disney. They were all about the "woke" movement when it was the going trend and the default to conformity but as soon as people are allowed to be offended by it without social consequence, they are out? Looks like it was all about profit the entire time. You see, the companies pushing the "Socially conscious" virtue signaling angle are no more moral or less greedy than all of the other mega-corporations.
  16. Translation, after a few more posts and the general subject being changed, you will spin it and try to tell everyone that you never said that. This will mean either denying it or twisting the words to try and tell us that you meant to say a less controversial form of it while claiming that we were all just too dumb to read it correctly. I am wholly familiar with the strategies of far left posters. Maybe they are playing a video game or imagining the whole thing in their heads.
  17. He didn't, he explained his saying. He was describing a type of person within the academic community. That is not disparaging to all professors unless you choose for it to be based on your own stereotypes of thinking that they are that way. Now address your controversial comment about 09/11 not being as bad as 01/06 and apologize.
  18. I know that deflecting is your MO, but lets circle back to the primary thing which has everyone seeing you as a nutcase. You said that 01/06 was worse than 09/11. That is beyond a liberal or even a progressive opinion. That is so far off the deep end that it takes away your credibility. Even if 01/06 was to be every bit as bad as the most vocal in the media and left are saying, it still did not have the impact of 09/11. Thinking so displays a lack of awareness beyond your personal thoughts and biases. It also displays an obsessive mindset that looks like being brainwashed or mentally ill to the outsider. I could almost get a brainwashed university kid who wasn't alive then having these delusions, but you have been around long enough to know better. There is no excuse. Before you talk to anyone about anything else, you need to address this comment and apologize to everyone for being so disrespectful to the thousands of victims and their families by minimizing their deaths.
  19. I passed them for being on the far left (which alone makes you imbalanced), but a somewhat decent person otherwise. That opinion changed my mind though. They are either a troll posting satire that took it too far or a person who truly needs mental help.
  20. Thinking that 9/11 is worse than 01/06 = Being okay with a coup Really? You are clearly trolling and intend these posts as satire. That is obvious now. Just owe up to it.
  21. Now I think that your posts are satire. There is no way that a real person thinks this. Even if 01/06 was as bad as the media tried to tell us, it is still a fraction of what 09/11 was. Do you want to tell the family members of the thousands who died on 09/11 that a photo op of a guy in a Viking helmet was worse than the event that not only killed their family members but resulted in the destruction of two buildings in one of the largest cities in the world, led to two subsequent wars and changed the culture of the country forever? Really step back and think about what you are saying. How is someone smart enough to become a doctor so damn ignorant on other subjects? You should be ashamed of yourself. Get a grip and get a life.
  22. It will be tougher here in the US though with the media trying to demonize it as much as possible with panic headlines, comparsions to failed regimes and out of context propaganda based sob stories with individuals to show us why "The policies are cruel and will never work!"
  23. "But but but..it was okay cause they were wearing maaaaaaaasks!" Average lefty in 2020
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