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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. I'm ok with this as competition for a backup. In the worst case scenario where Buffalo doesn't draft someone and Cardale doesn't develop, Yates is still an upgrade over EJ.
  2. I was disappointed when it first happened, but it was for the better. The threads on the board are much more interesting with better discussions.
  3. "Just give it to em" should have been long forgotten. Buffalo still did enough to win despite that, if that had not been followed with a pass interference call on a Hailmary. I always found that call to be way worse. If I am not mistaken, at some point in that following week Tagliabue or another higher up made it clear to the refs that a pass interference on a play that like was to never be called again.
  4. Jordan is a big time draft bust, but I would like others have to say Russell and Leaf are the two worst, at least in the modern era. Jordan is Miami's version of Maybin. Both were drafted much earlier than they should have been. Each of them virtually did nothing for their team and both had character issues. Based on being a #3 pick, Jordan would have to rank higher on the bust list than Maybin.
  5. Only thing that I was ever annoyed about was that Cardale didn't start. Game was hard to watch but,the results..... EJ Gone Experience for Cardale Team moves up 5 spots in draft Better in the long run for us.
  6. Wow, this is gold! Could you imagine a McKelvin/Lankster combo? All kidding aside, those two would likely give more credible analysis that at least half of the pregame shows out there.
  7. McCargo. I also remember that Buffalo would have gotten a 4th for him. Would have helped to save a little face on that poor draft pick.
  8. The commercial sequence would be even worse when a touchdown occured near the end of a quarter. At least I knew when to make a quick run to the store to buy more food or beer.
  9. They put themselves in that position before 2013 by not having a valid QB option after not retaining Fitz. Buffalo has drafted five QB's since Kelly retired, Cardale Jones, EJ Manuel, Levi Brown, Trent Edwards, and JP Losman. Buffalo needs to draft quarterbacks more often. Failure to do this results in what we have seen over the last 20 years. Not every drafted QB will pan out but in the long run they will have more depth and more of a chance to find the right player.
  10. I did think about it, you are arguing that McCown is better than Taylor. Please give me three reasons that McCown would have given us 8+ wins this year. My point is that Taylor is a low end starter which is still better than many others and certainly better than McCown. Taylor isn't the future beyond another year or two but he is the best option going into 2017 unless the lucky draft pick happens.
  11. You.... you re remember when McCown got the Browns 7 or 8 wins last year, and in Tampa in 2014? That was awesome!
  12. If Buffalo gets Brown back, than the team managed to retain both Brown and Alexander at a good price. Whaley isn't perfect by any means, but that individual accomplishment is a success.
  13. Whatever happens this year, at least we wont be last in the division.
  14. We only had three receivers two weeks ago, now there are seven. At least there isn't a shortage anymore. I still think a #2 needs to be added somewhere. I would imagine that Tate is competing with Butler, Powell and Washington for roster spots in preseason.
  15. Although he may be a decent backup to have and an upgrade over our last one. It is not worth the press distraction. I do not see Kaep as having good character or leadership ability. The stance he took is debatable, but the fact that he suddenly changed his tune and decides to stop the stance shortly before free agency came,is suspicious timing. That is the primary reason for my opinion on him. Name aside, I believe that Buffalo is better off with a draft pick and Cardale behind Tyrod.
  16. Yeah, I mentioned Maybin earlier. The difference so me is others busts like Spiller, Whitner, Williams and even Losman and Manuel to an extent at least played for awhile. Had any of them hypothetically been picked from mid to late round,the would have been just another guy. Maybin was so bad that he could have been picked in the 6th and 7th round and still been considered a bust.
  17. So many choices. Losman was bad and a reach but at least sought after at the time, Manuel was bad but at least we traded down and got Alonso who turned into McCoy before picking him. Ive heard things about Tuttle, Patuski and Moore but that was before my time. Flowers was a bust and Mike Williams was a waste of a top 5 pick. McCargo, Troup and Hardy are honorable mentions but..... My choice, Aaron Maybin. Worst and most frustrating in my memory. As bad as the others that I listed were, Maybin may have done even less than any of them. Had he been picked in the 6th or 7th round, you could have argued that he was still a bust. Even more frustrating was the fact that there was a clear chance to pick much better players projected higher when it came time for the Bills to pick.
  18. I don't know if it is the playoff experience, or the catchy name, but I could see Philly Brown doing some good things this year.
  19. There is no established number 2 option after Watkins but from top to bottom the WR group is deeper and better than last year. I still wouldn't mind seeing a receiver drafted early if the right opportunity comes.
  20. I noticed that the BBMB was referenced a couple times in this thread. Towards the end, that board was pretty much two overbearing mods, and a handful of troll posters including this guy who were despite that, were still allowed to create or reply to the same spam subject threads with horrible opinions every day without any consequence. I hope the TBD veterans will realize that most of the influx that came from the BBMB boards including myself are regular Bills fans like you guys that just want to talk reasonably online about their favorite team. We just made the mistake of picking the wrong place to do so for a few years. I know the post that I replied to doesn't help the cause though.
  21. The Raiders will be deeper in talent so there would be that to consider. Even with that, I could see EJ making enough mistakes to make this a game. Taylor on the other hand, though not always moving the ball doesn't make many mistakes. Turnover battle would make the difference and Buffalo would win.
  22. 7 or 8 wins The roster is incomplete and it is a new system with many new players. More often than not that leads to a non playoff team. My only hope is that Rex was even worse than we thought and that the talent on the team responds to the new coaching staff and system.
  23. I would lean towards no for drafting him, but if he falls to UDFA like some are projecting, it would be a no brainer.
  24. Not just that, but these signings mean that the Patriots get three extra comp picks for the next two seasons.
  25. I'm not surprised, every first round QB not named JaMarcus Russell who doesnt work out with the team that drafted them, always gets a second chance. Hope he does well in life, but I also hope he is starting ifOakland plays Buffalo next year. We need all the help that we can get.
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