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Posts posted by dgrochester55

  1. McCoy is right. Kaep has done more than kneel at the anthem. He wore a Castro shirt. During independence day, he was in Ghana stating that he could not celebrate independence day because he didn't have freedom. Many see the latter two as anti American.


    This will put off a lot of people. He has the right to express it but free speech comes with consequences. If he did have top tier talent, a team may deal with it. he doesn't. Why sign someone who will anger your fanbase when players like Jay Cutler, RG3, Brock Osweiler and Fitz give you the same caliber QB without the controversy.


    McCoy should not be getting heat.for this.

  2. Buffalo did show a lack of discipline on thursday, but there is no doubt that Hochuli is terrible. Not just against the Bills, but whenever I see him.I notice three things.


    1) He always favors the large market team

    2) He calls an excessive amount of penalties.compared to most other officials

    3) He gives long winded explanations that are mostly unnecessary, as if he gets commission for how long he talks.


    I do not even want to watch a game when he is the official. You know that you will get a longer slower paced game where a high percentage of big plays for both teams will get called back.


    He is the poster boy for what is wrong with NFL officials.

  3. It's far more simple to build a tea. All you need is a table and chairs, and a pot and cups and saucers. Some nice finger sandwiches would go well too.



    10-15 years ago, a few friends and I went to Niagara on the lake twice a year as a tradition. There was a bed and breakfast which doubled as a restaurant, they had good indian food but they also had a great afternoon tea, which the girls in the group enjoyed. Unfortunately they redid their format and did away with that.


    If Buffalo could build a tea like that, than it may make the rebuilding year better for some.

  4. Long term may not be bad if handled properly.


    I think that Buffalo signed Groy with Wood being closer to the end of his career in mind, If Glenn stays healthy, he is a good left tackle. Incognito has a couple of years left. Miller looked bad today but has had a good career so far. Glenn, Incognito, Miller and Groy are a base to start from.


    Dawkins looked awful today but he is a rookie, and that can happen in preseason. He has time to develop behind Incognito and could be a good interior lineman by the time Incognito is gone..


    Tackle depth is the issue at hand. I wish that Kujo didnt screw up his career, he was actually a solid backup left tackle last year. We certainly could have used him tonight. You could survive if your weakest link is Mills at RT, but that paired with Henderson at LT was a disaster. Short term, I would say sign Albert or the best available veteran tackle. Long term, there are a lot of draft picks, if you add at least two lineman including a high pick on a tackle it is a good start.


    Of course you never know if a lineman will get hurt or a draft pick will be a bust but long term, Buffalo could have a base of.


    Glenn-Incognito/Dawkins-Groy-Miller-Draft pick with another draft pick and maybe a solid veteran as backups.

  5. This post makes no sense. Today was ugly, but there is too much talent on this team to tank. If the team was in tank mode, than why did they sign Boldin,than ask for Matthews and Gaines instead of more picks during those trades? You would not get much for Tyrod anyway. Not nearly enough to be worth going through a season with an unknown Peterman and a lower end backup in Yates as your quarterbacks.


    If there was an argument to trade anyone, it would be McCoy. You could get more for him and there are enough other running backs to carry the load. I am not advocating this, but it would make much more sense.


    Taylor looked awful today, but no QB could have done much behind that line. I am very concerned about that line.

  6. Yes to the Darby trade,No to Watkins. This was disappointing, but nowhere near as bad as trading Lynch and McGahee for small change as Buffalo did in the past I feel much better than I did on Friday.


    I never thought much of Darby, so to get a 3rd round pick and a receiver capable of starting and being a #1(although not at Watkins level) is an accomplishment.


    I understand getting something for Watkins if he is not returning. It did not look like he was. As others have said, if they were going to trade him, than why not exercise the 5th year and get more out of the trade. The second round pick will help, and Gaines replaces Darby. People i know that have watched Gaines, say that this was a good add and that we will be pleasantly surprised. Still not market value for Watkins.


    I am very curious to see Watkins career path. He may live up to the franchise WR potential, but he may keep getting hurt and be out of the league in a few years. This will clearly be the biggest factor in what makes or breaks the trade long term.

  7. Based on just yesterday, Peterman as the #2 over Yates seems like a possibility. I want to see what Peterman does against 1st and 2nd defenses first before jumping to conclusions.


    Keep in mind that is is preseason and people can look good against 3rd stringers and cuts. EJ often looked like he was going to turn things around in 2015 and 2016. Tuel looked like a steal in 2013 and Edwards looked like the second coming of Joe Montana in 2007. Its a very different thing once the regular season comes around. My conclusion yesterday was that I hope Tyrod stays healthy.

  8. So this means that we are not going to retain Watkins.....right? All kidding aside, A pretty good/oft injured but not elite WR is NOT going to get the same pay as Curry in any circiumstance. I want Watkins to be a success, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but a statement like this makes me automatically assume that he is a lost cause to the Bills. I now say to trade him for whatever you can get and let him be someone elses problem. Above average for half a year does not entitle you to an elite contract.


    Somehow I see a 2025 espn article of a homeless Watkins complaining about how financial advisers were dishonest focusing on his bad breaks from people screwing him over and signing autographs for 25 dollars a day.


    Watkins has potential and I hope this is not the case but it sounds like he is being guided by the wrong people.

  9. I am proud to be a Doug Marrone supporter.

    What did he do that was so wrong? That hasn't been completely vindicated?


    Doug: Said he would turn the Bills around.

    Result: Immediate turn around, winning record, best season during the drought, and drop off when he left.

    Doug: Hated EJ, wanted a real QB, and said management wouldn't get him one/support him with one.

    Result: Used a post-training camp QB acquisition to post a winning record.


    Doug: Argued with Whaley, couldn't get along with the entire organizational structure of the Bills, thought the organization was dysfunctional.

    Result: Whaley's been canned, the scouting department's been canned, and everyone here wants the holdovers (Brandon, Overdorf) gone as well.


    Doug: Thought the players lacked discipline, and wanted to run a tight ship/accountable team.

    Result: I'm still reading articles on the front page of this very site about how that fat piece of sh*t Dareus is going to get his act together this year because he's mature. Our team is full of idiots that are constantly coddled. Sammy's best season was with Saint Doug.

    Doug: Hated the Buffalo media.

    Result: Everyone on this board passionately hates the Buffalo media.


    Doug: Wanted to leave because he was unsure if there would be a massive house cleaning because of new ownership.

    Result: Massive housecleaning 2 years later, because of new ownership.

    The only difference between you and Doug is that he got paid a few million bucks to bag on this sorry organization for the same faults that you idiots come on here and write about in your spare time. He's literally a multi-millionaire message board poster that has insight into the inner workings of why this organization has failed for a decade and a half, but because he walked away from it, bet on himself, got a new job, and now runs a team that will probably make the playoffs before the Bills (lol) he's the bad guy.

    Go Doug!

    If this post was meant to be ironic, than you nailed it! If not than well......

  10. Fitz and Vince are polar opposites. Fitz was a 7th round pick with average athleticism. Most people with his natural talent level would not make it past a training camp, but he worked hard enough to have an over 10 year career as a stop gap starter/backup.


    On the other side, Vince Young had the talent to be a franchise quarterback for years but could not keep his head on straight. As a result, he was pretty much out of football within 5 years. His attitude and work ethic have help him back.


    Vince was wrong to make that statement.

  11. There were times while watching Jerman that I was genuinely concerned about him and/or others being killed on the field. Defenders used to knock him down, step on him, and sack the quarterback. :(

    I looked up his profile on wikipedia. Apparently he is now a lawyer practicing in Texas. Good for him, but I cant help but feeling a worry that some poor Texan is being sentenced 25 years hard time for driving 55 in a 40.

  12. The quarterback depth is better than last year and past seasons by a long shot, but not good enough to trade Taylor. If you trade him you have someone in Yates who will never be more than a backup and two recent mid round picks with little to no experience. If this year does not work out, than maybe, but this team seems determined to be a contender this year.

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