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Posts posted by dgrochester55

  1. 25 minutes ago, TPS said:

    O’Leary was at his ceiling. Thomas and Croom offer more size and speed, and therefore create more mismatches. As a converted qb, the third year will be the charm for Thomas. I think Croom’s physique gives him the potential to develop into a complete package at the position. He very well could make clay expendable next year as some noted. 

    As ive said elsewhere, this TE group will be the strength of the passing game, especially with a qb who sees the middle of the field. 


    Agreed on Croom.  He was off the radar, at least to me before the season, but could be quite a find.     Thomas was clearly a project in the beginning, but he has made vast improvements and seems like a likeable person that is easy to get behind. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, eball said:

    Are folks really complaining about O’Leary’s release? He’s not a good blocker and caught all of 1.2 passes per game last year. It’s too bad we won’t see Fat Jack in a Bills hat any more but #thelegendofnickoleary isn’t a real thing. 


    Not really complaining, but the O'Leary cut was the biggest surprise to me.    O'Leary showed flashes in a couple of games last year and I think that he has a career ahead of him somewhere as a second tight end option.  However,  cuts like that happen on every team every year.  If the Bills feel like Croom or Thomas are better fits for the team, I trust them. 

  3. McCarron was dreadful for most of yesterday, but I would still trust him over Manuel in a real NFL start.   McCarron's experience is limited but he has shown more than EJ has during the few times he has played.


    EJ often looked good in preseason here.   Even in games, he would move the ball a bit and look good for some plays, but then have those awful plays that destroyed any momentum and put the other team in a position to win.





  4. I think we will go 0-16 and never ever win a game again.


    Seriously though, It was a bad preseason game but it was nothing more than preseason.  I didn't get over excited when Buffalo looked good in game one and I am not hitting the panic button now.     I thought that this was a seven or eight win team before the season and still think the same now.

  5. There is clearly some type of mental disorder that was being controlled for awhile but for some reason has come back in a very strong way.    Whether it is going off meds or coping with losing a parent and his career at once, or a combination of both, he has gone off the rails since earlier in the year. 


    We don't have to like him and he has done some dumb things, his bad choices are his own fault.   However as someone who has struggled with mild depression and anxiety for my whole life, I can begin to emphasize a little with the mental aspect of it.


    For his own sake, and the safety of those around him, I hope that he can get the help he needs before we have another case similar to Justin Strzelczyk or James Hardy.  

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, WMDman said:

    i even thought the second unit looked serviceable 

    I was worried on the very first play when McCarron had four people on him within a second of the snap.  


    Fortunately they tightened up from there and overall, both units played pretty well.     Gives me hope that those who left in the offseason can be replaced. 

  7. I feel bad, because the poor guy was thrown to the wolves before he was ready against the Chargers.  I think that Peterman can be better than that game but still has a ceiling as a backup.  Also, the other two options are the top 10 pick and a sought after established backup who wants to prove that he can be a starter.   

    Take away the bias of that Chargers game, and i still don't see it happening unless someone is injured or he dominates preseason while the others are horrible.

  8. I do not remember the 60's 70's and early 80's.   I may be missing quite a few.



    I must go with Maybin too.    He was Not a player lacking in talent forced to start, he was not a guy who was derailed by injury, he was just flat out bad.   Could not even contribute as a backup or special teamer, terrible attitude.   I'm convinced that if he was anything other than a high first round pick that he gets cut in the first season. 


    Honorable mentions go to


    Justin Rogers-Remember the Jets game where they got like 350 passing yards and 280 of them were on him?


    The Ferragamo/mathison two headed QB monster of 1985. The first year that I remember watching the Bills.   Makes Losman and Edwards look like Montana and Young


    Troup-This gets much worse when you consider that we could have easily gotten local player turned possibly best TE of all time Rob Gronkowski.  TE was a position of need and many were projecting him on the Bills.  At least Troup has the excuse of injury unlike Maybin.

  9. Kiper is not the most likeable guy but I do not ever remember him giving Buffalo an A.    At least this is another step towards Buffalo slowly gaining national respect again.


    This more than other years, is way too early to grade.   The success on the draft will live or die on the success of Allen.  I personally see Allen as boom or bust, either being a perennial pro bowler or a total disappointment, no in between(Bradford, Bortles etc).


    I like what they did on the rest of the draft.   Edmunds and Phillips could add an immediate spark to the defensive front 7.   The later picks added competition to positions that needed it and if one of the last five picks can be this years Milano, I consider that a success.

  10. "1. Draft a project QB in the 1st round"

    2013, we got rid of our previous starter without a replacement and on draft day had no option at quarterback, this forced us to reach for someone.  2018, we had a veteran backup and draft capital to take a chance on a large prospect.  Huge difference


    Allen has things he needs to work on, but there is a huge difference between Allen and Manuel.  Allen was a almost unanimous projection as a top 10 pick, Manuel was a reach that should have been a mid round pick in perhaps the worst year to draft a quarterback in decades.    We also have a reliable  backup in McCarron.  Assuming no assault from a floor mat, the situation of being rushed in before ready is not likely.


    "2. Doesn't bring in a coach to teach project QB. Our HC has no idea how to develop a QB, our OC doesn't exactly have much experience either, and our QB coach has been a WR coach for the past 10 years. Very concerning."


    How do you know this?  Is this your speculation or are there numbers that back up your opinion that our coach and offensive coordinator wont be able to develop a quarterback?  


    "3. Draft heavy on defense (despite how much better defense was than offense). Whaley did move up for Watkins but he drafted mostly defensive players when Rex came, changed the system and drafted 3-4 players who are all gone now."


    I wish there was more at wide receiver, but I like the picks for the most part.  The defense overachieved last year and needed better players upfront.  Edmunds and Phillips can hopefully fill that void.    In addition to that, as of now most of the player changes to fit the system have already happened and the people that Beane and McDermott want on defense are in place, there is nowhere to go but up from here.


    "Pretty worrying so far. Our defense def had holes to fill, but I think some people tend to forget how many games they won us this season. I can maybe think of 1 or 2 games where the defense let us down. This offense right now is not an ideal place where a rookie QB can come and learn. We have the worst line in the league by a longshot. We have 1 extremely injury prone WR and an aging RB."


    There are some valid worries there, the line in my opinion is not as bad as some think, but there could be trouble if McCoy gets hurt or does not produce.  On the bright side, with McCarron there,   Allen does not have to be ready right away.


    Going back to the point of your post, there are many differences between now and 2013.  I feel like you have already taken the worst case scenario and made that fact in your mind.  Lets see what happens in the next few months.





  11. Who cares.


    The recent progressive authoritarian overly PC trend to the liberals is the equivalent of what the moral majority was for the conservatives in the 80's and early 90's.   Do we really need to care about what someone said when they were 14 or 15 years old?  I was a dumbass at that age too as I am sure that most or all of us were.    I dare anyone who leaked that out on the media to make their life at that age an open book.


    To anyone who is at a point in their life where they care about things like that, regardless of ideology, get a life and focus on yourself. 

    • Like (+1) 4
  12. Glenn only played three games last year and Dawkins was fine at LT, Groy is capable of filling in at center or guard we added Bodine and Newhouse and Miller could rebound.    The loss of wood and Incognito hurt and there are question marks, but shambles it a bit of an exaggeration. 


    An interior lineman can easily be found in mid rounds.  There is also time to add a free agent between now and when the season starts.


    Edit-I am more concerned about wide receiver, Kerley is a nice veteran but should not be the second best option on a team.

  13. 10 hours ago, Rebel101 said:

    We gave away an opportunity to build a deep solid roster and to give away so much for a QB who I believe was the 7th or 8th rated QB in this draft was a huge mistake. The trade up for Edmunds would have been a great move if we didnt already give away both 2nds for Allen. I would have preferred us to stay put and still would have probably been able to get Allen but I'd rather have had Rosen. Hands down the best passer in this draft. But i would have wanted us to use all the picks to build a savage squad and gave away the farm next year for a QB and gave mccarron a chance to prove himself n just to build a team that was a QB away from greatness. I hope Allen develops into a Super Bowl QB but if he doesnt this draft will go down as a huge franchise failure and will set us back for years compared to what we could have done with the arsenal of picks we had


    Your vast experience on this board makes you an immediate authority.  Since you know for a fact that Allen and Rosen would have been there at 12, you clearly have an in depth perspective that most NFL GM's do not have.    Please grace us with your extensive knowledge and tell us what you would have done different. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. Clearly the answer is no.   Teams do not give up draft picks for fun.   There was a market for Allen and Rosen, plus the chance of Miami picking them.   We needed to trade up to get someone.  I think the front offices in the NFL know a little more about the draft than the sudden outbreak of amateur keyboard analysts that come out of the woodwork after draft day?


    Was Allen the right guy?  I'm worried about that, it remains to be seen.  We all knew coming in that Buffalo needed to trade up and give up picks to get one of the top quarterbacks in this class.  I do not know why this is such a huge surprise to everyone.



  15. I have my worries on Allen, but I do not get why people are saying "we shouldn't have traded up to seven because only Miami needed a QB"  Clearly other teams were going to trade up.   Even after Buffalo, Arizona traded up for Rosen.    That is two teams right there that wanted to trade and MIami as a threat to draft a QB ahead of Buffalo, plus whoever else wanted to trade up that you didn't hear about. 


    Regardless of competency level, no front office of a team is going to give up extra picks without a valid reason.   The reality is, if Buffalo waited at 12, none of the top 4 quarterbacks were going to be left. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  16. I'll admit, I wasn't impressed in the games that i watched him in college, but I am on board now that he is on the team.    I would have preferred Mayfield or Darnold, but like him better than Rosen.   One positive is that is he is not ready right away, we have McCarron. 


    I feel like we will get one extreme or another with Allen.  I don't see him being serviceable or average.   I see him either being a long time pro bowler of complete bust, no in between.


    Hoping for the best

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