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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. I disagree here. Barkley had a great game, but is very unproven. Yeah he has been in the league for a few years, but would you really consider him a veteran in the same way that one might with Anderson, Tyrod, Fitz, Moore etc? If you look at Barkley's career TD/INT ratio before Sunday, it is not much better than what Peterman had. Barkley had the advantage of catching a team that is falling apart on the seams off guard after not being announced that he would start until two days before. He is still unproven and could have a meltdown game the next time he goes out there. I actually think that keeping Anderson is taking a smart precaution that they did not do when cutting McCarron.
  2. I wouldn't exactly say that McDermott is doing a bad job this year(besides the QB management), but no way he is even close to coach of the year. This is a rebuilding year, the team lost too many players from a playoff team that vastly overachieved, so very few people expected more than four to six wins which is about what Buffalo is on pace for. McDermott is doing an adequate job and about what was expected. His weak points are the QB situation and offseason decisions. His strong points are the defense, the team remaining motivated and knowing when to play younger players such as Teller and Foster over Ducasse and Pryor. I would give him something like a C+, but again, not coach of the year.
  3. These drafts have been good, but fair or not, the perceived level of success will solely depend on how good Allen ends up being. So far White, Edmunds and Milano appear to be for real. Zay Jones is emerging, but I would like to see a few more games like sunday from him before calling him a success. As far as the others that the OP listed(dawkins, teller, phillips), it remains to be seen if they are actually reliable long term starters or if it is a Keith Ellison type scenario where they are only starting early in their career because there are no other options.
  4. Would have rather seen Benjamin go and give Pryor a couple more weeks, but I can see where they are coming from.
  5. This needed to happen sooner and would have if not for poor QB planning and Derek Anderson being injured in the Patriots game. I cannot see a scenario where an NFL team gives him a chance to start in the near future. Some QB's like Losman or Manuel have accuracy issues or are more mistake prone. Petermans issues were deeper than that, it was almost as if he physically had a blind spot on certain parts of the field when throwing. Some of those interceptions and pick sixes were much too easy for the other team to get. I wonder if he gets a shot somewhere in the preseason next year. Either way, he seems like a nice enough guy and I wish him well.
  6. This tells you how much offense matters in this league if anything. Buffalo has a poor offense to go with a top defense and is 3-7. On the other side of the coin, you have the Chiefs who have one of the worst defenses but find themselves in the top 5 due to an offense that has adjusted greatly to the new NFL. Is still is a nice thing to have and a bright spot in what has been a dismal season at times. Without this defense, the Bills are either winless or 1-9 getting their first win today. Hopefully, they can keep this going for the rest of the season and carry it into next year.
  7. Cant trade him now obviously, but now might be time to cut bait. Zay Jones is emerging as at least a decent option, and we have Pryor who didnt do much today, but is still adjusting to the team. It is also worth seeing what McKenzie and a suddenly relevant Foster can do. Benjamin was not only terrible, but I saw him make no effort on at least a couple of catchable passes. Time to move on from him and see if the other receivers are a possible art of Buffalo's future.
  8. Buffalo will definitely win a few more but it is lofty to assume automatic wins in the non New England games. I could see Buffalo being a favorite against the Jets, but the Dolphins, Lions and Jaguars despite the record are still higher in the food chain than Buffalo. Chances are those games would be seen either as tossups or have Buffalo is the underdog. Even with those five wins, the Pats are still there and that would be a major upset. Best to start Allen and allow the young players to gain experience and confidence. I see six or seven wins as a real possibility, but even that would require a 3-3 or 4-2 finish.
  9. Win 6, easy choice for me. High picks do not guarantee success in the NFL. The only exception where tanking for a pick is arguably jusitifed is when a crop of franchise QB's are out. 2019 is a not QB heavy year for the draft and Allen was drafted last year. I would rather see them go into next season with some momentum and hope that they can continue to find players with the Caliber of Tradaveous White in the later first round while getting some steals like Milano in late rounds.
  10. I would keep Allen, Barkley and Anderson on the roster. Barkley has earned at least a chance to prove himself as the Bills backup after today. It would be easy to say cut Anderson based on the two games that he played this year, but I think that it would be smart to keep him too. My reasoning is that he does have good previous experience as a veteran backup and would be good for a mentoring/coaching role to Allen. He would also provide Buffalo with an option who is already on the team if Allen or Barkley are injured later in the season. No more Peterman and no more of this street free agent stuff anymore please.
  11. Ladies and Gentleman, I believe that we now have our backup QB for the rest of the year. Best of luck in your future endeavors Peterman.
  12. Matt Barkley is by no means a good quarterback, but I would still rather see him out there than Peterman. Hell, I would rather see Charles Barkley at QB than ever see Peterman throw a pass again.
  13. Any NFL team will always beat any college team. The speed and caliber of training is worlds apart. Even on the best all time college team, more than half of the roster will not end up getting as much as an NFL tryout. A 28 point spread? Now that is more interesting, but I still think that Buffalo would score enough to cover that spread. Peterman may be the worst NFL qb of all time, but when I watched him in college, he was able to put a lot of points on the board in many games. Even Peterman would get a lot of points on Alabama.
  14. With Allen starting- Buffalo 19 Jets 14 With Anderson starting-Jets 20 Buffalo 11 With Peterman starting-Jets 31 Buffalo 5
  15. The sad thing is that he has an absolutely valid point. Not saying that I want him back on the Bills, but there are at least a few qb's without jobs that I would rather see out there then Peterman.
  16. This game was a train wreck, but Yes there is, the defense is pretty good. You really couldn't have asked for more on them in the New England and Chicago games, especially in today's offense oriented NFL. If they can maintain that, maybe we can add actual talent on offense next year and be competitive again sooner rather than later.
  17. Really? Who said that, and what did they drink this afternoon? Cause I could use some.
  18. This staff is not going to get fired because they made the playoffs last year and their franchise quarterback is out. There does need to be some accountability on the offensive side and the offseason game planning though. Daboll needs to go. This new offense in today's NFL is like driving a model T in an eight lane highway in a major city. Even if it is in peak condition with all of the right parts in place, it is not going to keep up and end up being a liability if you want to go anywhere.
  19. Turns out that all four of the coaches on the teams mentioned have college degrees. Dang book learnins are fillin their head with crazy ideas and getting in the way of good old fashioned coaching.
  20. If I had to, I would take Anderson over Peterman but I would rather see a wildcat with a combination of Pryor and Thomas throwing. Any other year, that would sound like a terrible idea that would only have a place in someone's madden game. This year, you are talking about an offense that has scored 0 touchdowns in the past two games against two defenses that aren't anywhere near the best in the league. There is virtually nothing to lose by doing this until Allen comes back and it would at least be a little more entertaining.
  21. Maybe they had limited options with no mobile QB and New England would have caught on. Adding Pryor to a wildcat would add a more mobile person who does have qb experience. Not a long term solution, but maybe gets the team by for a game or two until Allen returns. It is sad that it would come down to actually thinking that this is a good idea, but in my opinion it would have to at least be a little better than Anderson or Peterman. Those two have thrown more touchdowns to the defense than they have to the offense over the course of a year.
  22. I like the signing. He's not a franchise WR by any means, but is easily the best receiver on this team. If Peterman is that bad this week, maybe Buffalo should just run some wildcat type offense with Pryor and McCoy. Anything is better than the offense that Buffalo has had this year minus the Vikings game.
  23. I am already fading on the NFL, "it has gone from Sunday is football day and i something interrupts it, it had better be an emergency" to "Lets see what is happening in the Bills game, oh no 14-0, its a nice fall day, lets go outside". If the Bills ever left, I am certain that i would stick to college football, and as far as NFL only watch the playoffs and super bowl as part of a get together where the primary goal was catching up with everyone, but the game was in the background,
  24. So does this mean that we are NOT going to add Eric Reid as a free agent next year?
  25. March 2013 version of me would be excited about Matt Barkley in Buffalo. October 2018 version.....not so much.
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