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Posts posted by dgrochester55

  1. There are two levels of Busts for top 10 picks in the first round..


    The first level is picks who are NFL caliber players, but were disappointing in production compared to where they were picked. Examples of this would be David Carr, Baker Mayfield, Sam Darnold or for a non QB, Marcell Dareus. Had they been 3rd or 4th round picks, they would be seen differently, but more was expected based on being a top pick.


    The second level those that are so bad that they do not belong in the NFL as a starter or a backup. This would be more for the likes of JaMarcus Russell, Josh Rosen, Zach Wilson or for a non QB Aaron Maybin (not quite a top ten, but still a great example).


    From what I have seen so far in Bryce Young, he appears to be in the latter category.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    It's ok for a man with global influence and the ear of the other candidate, call for assassination?  you MAGAs are shameless.


    I am not a MAGA but an independent; sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative. I despise the Project 2025/Christian nationalist/Trump Messiah crowd just as much as I despise the far-left extremists.  I've had a few of my more conservative friends accuse me of "going woke" for calling Trump and the far right out in the past, but at this point, the far left side is the more significant immediate threat, so most of my comments have been against them recently.

    Democrats have no room for judgment on this subject anymore after the past two months. In case you didn't notice, there were two attempts on Trump's life in the past two months. Don't even try to spin that.

    I can think of dozens of comments from politicians on both sides that could incite the masses.. If someone backs the stance of "stopping speech that is dangerous to society taking precedence over free speech", then that should be enforced across the board.

    If a platform decides to let everyone speak freely or ban potentially harmful speech from everyone, both choices are valid. However, When a platform has two sets of standards for each side, as every major one outside of X does, it becomes problematic and reeks of corruption. If you do not understand this, you are part of the problem.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Sadly, he's not banned here.


    How dare a social media platform allow both sides to speak freely! The nerve of them! Just for the record, Musk is not a conservative. He is a liberal who is a free speech absolutist.


    Remember when the liberal party used to champion freedom of speech?

    • Thank you (+1) 3
  4. 7 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    When you watched Star Wars for the first time I'm guessing you were rooting for The Empire.


    6 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    I played by the rules and succeeded.  you want to change the rules...


    says it all

    May the force be with you.  Look harder


    If we are talking Star Wars and politics, I am the equivalent of late life Luke Skywalker deciding that he is done with both sides and isolating themselves on a mountain.

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  5. I wish that Trump had focused on the fact that Vets and Homeless US citizens are being displaced and losing shelter related and social services in most cities who are prioritizing illegals or that Fentanyl is cheaper than Bottled Water in some cities instead of a silly sounding scenario of eating a dog which at the most was an isolated incident.


    Trump dropped the ball on that one, but there are real problems out there because of lax borders.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    You mean George Soros and his International Jewish Conspiracy?

    Leave Putin and Xi out of this.

    The guy who attacked Paul Pelosi, to a chorus of guffaws from Trump and his supporters?

    David had a slingshot. Elon has rockets and satellites.


    Grow up.

    Your party tried to kill the other candidate twice in two months. Nothing is worse than that.


    Game, set, match, End of story.

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  7. 9 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    I am sure I will be missing out on insightful, profound, and reality-based thoughts from you. 





    Your initial reply told me everything that I need to know about you. You are not capable of critical thinking or anything beyond basic cliches and insults. You would dismiss anything that i had to say and have nothing of value to add to the conversation that I haven't already heard on CNN for the past eight years.  You only further proved this to me in your last statement with a childish dismissive insult. I stand by my initial statement.


    What part of "you are not worth talking" to do you not understand? The only way that you can prove my negative perception of you wrong is by taking a hint and seeing this as the end of the conversation.

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, TH3 said:

    If you would have told me a traitor who tried to overthrow an election, who also is a proven adulterer, sexual assaulted numerous women, avowed racist, consistent liar, successful at business only in the measurement of grift, hates democratic countries and loves strong man regimes…and is a psychotic narcissist would have a shot at being re-elected…..


    That is not your opinion. You may truly think that it is, but in reality, you are only parroting what you heard on the news. You are nothing more than the end result of a media that has been the extension of one party for the past eight years.

    23 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    Please tell me you don’t *actually* believe the Democratic Party directs the media, coordinated the court trials, and tried to assassinate Trump. 

    That’s some tinfoil hat stuff. If you believe it, consider reaching out to anyone you know who has been involved in Dem politics and ask them how competent the party is. 

    Oooh tinfoil hat. That's original. That right away tells me that you are not worth talking to.

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  9. I am not a fan of Trump at all, but If you told me when I was younger that there would be a country with one political party who had the media campaigning for them 24/7, and used multiple court trials along with two assassination attempts to try and stop the opposing candidate, I would have never guessed that they would be referring to the United States. 





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  10. The Jets and Dolphins have the talent to keep up with Buffalo, but their issue is both having questionable leadership and team chemistry. We had Chemistry issues last year that hurt us, but seemed to get past it in the second half of the year enough to win the division and get the #2 seed in the playoffs.


    The path looks much easier than it did two weeks ago, but i wouldn't call it a lock yet. There are always a couple of teams in the NFL who look like a train wreck early that get hot by the end of the year.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Blackbeard said:

    Side note:  THANK YOU McD for getting the most out of what we have.


    We have a TERRIFIC head coach.  Shameful the flack this guy sometimes gets from some of this uninformed, not-understanding football, fan base.  


    We are LUCKY to have him.  


    No one doubts McDermott's ability to build a team culture or coach up players, the in game calling/strategy has been his downfall in the past.


    This year? Not yet, 1-0 in one score games and a masterful job yesterday. So far so good.

  12. This was one of the most complete performances from the team that I have seen. The defense and rushing played well enough where we could have won with Trubisky or White playing at QB. That is very rare in the last few years.


    Don't get me wrong, Josh Allen is the franchise and the team's success goes hand in hand with his, but it is nice to see that we can win in more than one way.

  13. McDermott did great tonight and this was a complete team effort. What stood out to me more was just how outclassed McDaniel was. He may be a brilliant mind or an ideal fit at a lower position, but he looked lost as a head coach today.

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  14. 6 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Look it up is code for some whacko said crazy shite online.  You know this right?  After being duped 1k times you'd think you'd learn.

    True.  There's nothing that will get through to people suffering from internet brain.  Proof certainly doesn't work.   I can't compete with people who believe insane internet stories that agree with their bias.


    Fair enough. I see what you described on both sides. Most of us would probably have more in common that what we think if we went over what is frustrating us in the country. Instead, most online debates turn into people trying to out Google and out insult each other.


    If anything, 2024 should be a hard lesson for both parties to do a better job of finding the best candidate for their party.

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  15. 23 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Ohhh they're audio earrings.  You work at the mall at an earring stand or something?  Why does any adult seek out this type of absurd conspiracy. 

    Yes everything is so unfair!  You aren't whining like a baby.  Definitely not.  The election WAS stolen.  Trump's inauguration crowd was the biggest ever.  He's the smartest president we've ever had.  


    Oof I could do this for a half hour but you Boomers are stale as f.  


    The tone of your reply only provides us a stereotypical snapshot of how divided this country is. Nothing more, nothing less. We have all seen it thousands of times. You added nothing to the conversation.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, Avisan said:

    To answer your question:


    Neither candidate was fact-checked with respect to their attacks on one another as candidates.  Trump was fact-checked with respect to objective realities involving late-term pregnancy terminations or palliative care for non-viable infants, incendiary claims about (legal) migrants eating family pets, whether or not he won the 2020 election, and whether or not he recently made comments about Harris' racial background.


    Asserting something incorrect about your opponent is different from asserting incorrect things about reality outside of your opponent.  Moderators were fact-checking the latter, but not the former.  One of the candidates has a more complicated relationship with truth than the other, and was thus fact-checked more.


    Harris also said things that were not accurate. I am not saying that they should not have corrected Trump, but that they should have also fact checked her and asked her tough questions.


    If you do not like Trump like many don't, fine. I do not care for him either. What I do not get is why people would not want to see equal treatment and an even playing field on the debate. Regardless of how it is spun or justified, that did not happen.

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  17. I am independent and was going to likely vote Kennedy before he dropped out. Trump had a bad night and the mods showed bias. Both happened, One did not cause the other and it is not an either/or.  The mods on ABC news were problematic. Why was Harris not asked the same type of tough questions or corrected when she said something inaccurate? This is not just a few MAGAs whining, the bias of ABC news seemed to be noticed across the board.


    Harris shows a history that is far to the left but suddenly seems to be running on a more moderate platform. People have a right to naturally question why there was a sudden change in her views and the mods did a disservice by not pressing this. We already know what Trump is like for better or worse. A lot of Americans do not know much about Harris and had questions about her that were not answered.


    A good debate moderator gives equal and consistent treatment to each participant and that did not happen last night.



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  18. I don't have a problem with the moderators pressing and fact checking Trump, but Harris was not asked one challenging question. We still do not know a lot about her. It was a disservice to the people to not make her explain her sudden movement to the center or why they were not doing what she was promising now.


    Trump was off tonight, but his only saving grace might be people seeing the bias of ABC and asking for another debate.

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  19. 1 minute ago, Doc said:


    The problem is that a debate won't change the terrible policies of this Admin, of which she was a member and there's no reason to believe she'll be any better.  Much less her lack of action to fix anything right now.


    Don't get me wrong, I lean conservative but am also independent. I will not vote for Harris no matter what. I just think that Trump has done nothing to sway the middle and independent voters.



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  20. This was the Republican's race to win two years ago and I am convinced that any other candidate would have won easily.  Now things are looking doubtful. This administration is a disaster, but when the opposing party handles their entire campaign like McDermott handles two minute drills, that likely means a Harris win.

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